Letter M

meanwhile - Lotus Sametime Community Client library

Website: http://meanwhile.sourceforge.net/
License: LGPLv2+
The heart of the Meanwhile Project is the Meanwhile library, providing the
basic Lotus Sametime session functionality along with the core services;
Presence Awareness, Instant Messaging, Multi-user Conferencing, Preferences
Storage, Identity Resolution, and File Transfer. This extensible client
interface allows additional services to be added to a session at runtime,
allowing for simple integration of future service handlers such as the user
directory and whiteboard and screen-sharing.


meanwhile-1.1.0-0.0.20070409.5m.mo8.i686 [86 KiB] Changelog by Hiromasa YOSHIMOTO (2011-04-11):
- (1.1.0-0.0.20070409.5m)
- rebuild for new GCC 4.6

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8