Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
- SDL-devel - Libraries, includes and more to develop SDL applications.
- SDL-static - Files needed to develop static Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
- SDL_gfx - Graphic primitives, rotozoomer, framerate control and image filters
- SDL_gfx-devel - Header files and static libraries for SDL_gfx
- SDL_image - Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Image Loading Library
- SDL_image-devel - Libraries, includes and more to develop SDL applications.
- SDL_mixer - Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library
- SDL_mixer-devel - Libraries, includes and more to develop SDL applications.
- SDL_net - SDL portable network library
- SDL_net-devel - Libraries and includes to develop SDL networked applications.
- SDL_ttf - SDL portable TrueType font library
- SDL_ttf-devel - Libraries and includes to develop SDL applications are using TrueType fonts
- SOAPpy - Full-featured SOAP library for Python
- Scorched3D - A 3D version of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
- SnortSnarf - Snort Alert Analyzer
- s3switch - Manage the output device on S3 Savage chips
- saab-fonts - Free Punjabi Unicode OpenType Font
- sablotron - XSLT processor
- sablotron-devel - The development libraries and header files for Sablotron
- sac - Java standard interface for CSS parser
- sac-javadoc - Javadoc for sac
- sakura - Terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE
- sam2p - Convert raster images to PostScript or PDF
- samba - The Samba Suite of programs
- samba-client - Samba client programs
- samba-common - Files used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-doc - Documentation for the Samba suite
- samba-domainjoin-gui - Domainjoin GUI
- samba-swat - The Samba SMB server Web configuration program
- samba-winbind - Samba winbind
- samba-winbind-clients - Samba winbind clients
- samba-winbind-devel - Developer tools for the winbind library
- samba4 - The Samba4 CIFS and AD client and server suite
- samba4-devel - Developer tools for Samba libraries
- samba4-libs - Samba libraries
- samba4-pidl - Perl IDL compiler
- samyak-devanagari-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Devanagari script
- samyak-fonts-common - Common files for smc-fonts
- samyak-gujarati-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Gujarati script
- samyak-malayalam-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- samyak-oriya-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Oriya script
- samyak-tamil-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Tamil script
- sane-backends - Scanner access software
- sane-backends-devel - The SANE (a universal scanner interface) development toolkit
- sane-backends-libs - SANE libraries
- sane-frontends - Graphical frontend to SANE
- sanlock - A shared disk lock manager
- sanlock-devel - Development files for sanlock
- sanlock-lib - A shared disk lock manager library
- sanlock-python - Python bindings for the sanlock library
- saphire - Yet another shell
- saphire-devel - Development files for saphire
- sarai-fonts - Free Sarai Hindi Truetype Font
- sary - sary is a suffix array library.
- sary-devel - Libraries and include files of sary
- sash - A statically linked shell, including some built-in basic commands
- sat4j - A library of SAT solvers written in Java
- saxon - Java XPath, XSLT 2.0 and XQuery implementation
- saxon-demo - Demos for saxon
- saxon-javadoc - Javadoc for saxon
- saxon-manual - Manual for saxon
- saxon-scripts - Utility scripts for saxon
- saxpath - Simple API for XPath
- saxpath-javadoc - Javadoc for saxpath
- sazanami-fonts-common - Common files for Sazanami Japanese TrueType fonts
- sazanami-gothic-fonts - Sazanami Gothic Japanese TrueType font
- sazanami-mincho-fonts - Sazanami Mincho Japanese TrueType font
- sblim-cmpi-base - SBLIM CMPI Base Providers
- sblim-cmpi-base-devel - SBLIM CMPI Base Providers Development Header Files
- sblim-cmpi-base-test - SBLIM CMPI Base Providers Test Cases
- sblim-testsuite - SBLIM testsuite
- sblim-wbemcli - SBLIM WBEM Command Line Interface
- schroedinger - Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec
- schroedinger-devel - Development files for schroedinger
- scim - Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-anthy - Scim-anthy is an SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
- scim-bridge - Scim-bridge is yet another gtk-immodule for SCIM
- scim-canna - scim-canna is an SCIM IMEngine module for canna
- scim-chewing - Chewing Chinese input method for SCIM
- scim-devel - Development tools for SCIM applications.
- scim-fcitx - FCITX Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-hangul - Hangul Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-input-pad - An On Screen Input Pad for SCIM
- scim-m17n - M17N Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-mozc - Mozc support for SCIM
- scim-pinyin - Smart Pinyin IMEngine for Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-prime - SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
- scim-python - Python language binding for Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-python-chinese - Python chinese IM engines
- scim-python-english - Python english IM engine
- scim-python-pinyin - Two python chinese pinyin IM engines
- scim-python-xingma - Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-cangjie - CangJie table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-erbi - ErBi table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-wubi - WuBi table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-zhengma - ZhengMa table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-qtimm - SCIM context plugin for qt-immodule
- scim-qtimm-qt4 - SCIM context plugin for qt4-immodule
- scim-sinhala - Sri Lankan input method for SCIM
- scim-skk - SCIM IMEngine module for SKK
- scim-tables - SCIM Generic Table IMEngine and its data files
- scim-tables-additional - Other miscellaneous SCIM tables
- scim-tables-amharic - SCIM tables for Amharic
- scim-tables-arabic - SCIM tables for Arabic
- scim-tables-chinese - SCIM tables for Chinese
- scim-tables-chinese-extra - Additional SCIM tables for Chinese
- scim-tables-nepali - SCIM tables for Nepali
- scim-tables-russian - SCIM tables for Russian
- scim-tables-thai - SCIM tables for Thai
- scim-tables-ukrainian - SCIM tables for Ukrainian
- scim-tables-vietnamese - SCIM tables for Vietnamese
- scim-tomoe - Scim-tomoe is an SCIM IMEngine module for tomoe.
- scim-wnn - Scim-wnn is an SCIM IMEngine module for wnn
- scipy - Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
- scons - a software construction tool
- scponly - Limited shell for secure file transfers
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
- scribus - DeskTop Publishing application written in Qt
- scribus-devel - Header files for scribus
- scribus-doc - Documentation files for Scribus
- scrub - Disk scrubbing program
- scsi-target-utils - The SCSI target daemon and utility programs
- scsidev - give fixed name to dynamic devices
- scythia - Just a small ftp client
- sdlscav - A classical treasure hunting game for SDL
- sdparm - List or change SCSI/SATA disk parameters
- sdr - Simple Display Reconfigure
- sdump - Reconstructs and dumps a TCP stream
- seabios - Open-source legacy BIOS implementation
- seabios-bin - Seabios for x86
- seahorse - Gnome encryption interface
- seahorse-sharing - Sharing of PGP public keys via DNS-SD and HKP
- seamonkey - Web browser and mail reader
- sed - A GNU stream text editor
- seed - WebKit JavaScriptCore engine
- seed-devel - seed-devel
- seekwatcher - Utility for visualizing block layer IO patterns and performance
- selinux-doc - SELinux documentation
- selinux-policy - SELinux policy configuration
- selinux-policy-doc - SELinux policy documentation
- selinux-policy-minimum - SELinux minimum base policy
- selinux-policy-mls - SELinux mls base policy
- selinux-policy-targeted - SELinux targeted base policy
- sendmail - A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
- sendmail-cf - The files needed to reconfigure Sendmail
- sendmail-devel - Extra development include files and development files
- sendmail-doc - Documentation about the Sendmail Mail Transport Agent program
- sendmail-milter - The sendmail milter library
- sendmail-sysvinit - SysV initscript for sendmail
- senna - Senna is an embeddable fulltext search engine
- senna-devel - Libraries and header files for Senna
- serafettin-cartoon-fonts - Sans-serif Cartoon Fonts
- setools - Policy analysis tools for SELinux
- setools-console - Policy analysis command-line tools for SELinux
- setools-devel - Policy analysis development files for SELinux
- setools-gui - Policy analysis graphical tools for SELinux
- setools-libs - Policy analysis support libraries for SELinux
- setools-libs-java - Java bindings for SELinux policy analysis
- setools-libs-python - Python bindings for SELinux policy analysis
- setools-libs-tcl - Tcl bindings for SELinux policy analysis
- setroubleshoot - Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
- setroubleshoot-doc - Setroubleshoot documentation
- setroubleshoot-plugins - Analysis plugins for use with setroubleshoot
- setroubleshoot-server - SELinux troubleshoot server
- setserial - A utility for configuring serial ports.
- setup - A set of system configuration and setup files
- setuptool - A text mode system configuration tool
- sg3_utils - Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
- sg3_utils-devel - Development library and header files for the sg3_utils library
- sg3_utils-libs - Shared library for sg3_utils
- sgml-common - Common SGML catalog and DTD files
- sgpio - SGPIO captive backplane tool
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files.
- shared-color-profiles - Shared color profiles to be used in color management aware applications
- shared-color-profiles-extra - More profiles for color management that are less commonly used.
- shared-desktop-ontologies - the semantic web to the desktop in terms of vocabulary
- shared-desktop-ontologies-devel - header files and libraries for shared-desktop-ontologies
- shared-mime-info - Shared MIME information database
- sharutils - The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives
- sheepdog - The Sheepdog Distributed Storage System for KVM/QEMU
- shotwell - A photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
- sigar - System Information Gatherer And Reporter
- sigar-devel - SIGAR Development package - System Information Gatherer And Reporter
- sil-abyssinica-fonts - SIL Abyssinica fonts
- sil-andika-fonts - A font for literacy and beginning readers
- sil-charis-compact-fonts - A version of Charis SIL with tighter line spacing
- sil-charis-fonts - A serif smart font similar to Bitstream Charter
- sil-doulos-fonts - Doulos SIL fonts
- sil-gentium-alt-fonts - SIL GentiumAlt fonts
- sil-gentium-basic-book-fonts - SIL Gentium Basic Family fonts
- sil-gentium-basic-fonts - Gentium Basic Font Family from SIL
- sil-gentium-basic-fonts-common - SIL Genitum Basic fonts, common files (documentation)
- sil-gentium-fonts - SIL Gentium fonts
- sil-gentium-fonts-common - Common files of SIL Gentium fonts
- sil-padauk-fonts - A font for Burmese and the Myanmar script
- sil-scheherazade-fonts - An Arabic script unicode font
- silkscreen-expanded-fonts - Expanded Silkscreen font family
- silkscreen-fonts - Silkscreen four member type family
- silkscreen-fonts-common - Common files for Silkscreen fonts (documentation...)
- simple-scan - Simple Scanning Utility
- sinjdoc - Documentation generator for Java source code
- sip - SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
- sip-devel - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- sitecopy - Tool for easily maintaining remote web sites
- sj-delphine-fonts - Handwriting font
- sj-fonts-common - Common files for sj-fonts
- sj-stevehand-fonts - Handwriting font
- skanlite - Lightweight scanning program
- skipfish - A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool.
- skk-jisyo - Dictionaries for SKK
- skkinput - SKK like Japanese-input application
- skktools - SKK dictionary editing tool
- skrooge - A personal finances manager for KDE
- skrooge-libs - Shared runtime libraries of skrooge
- slang - The shared library for the S-Lang extension language.
- slang-devel - Summary: Development files for the S-Lang extension language
- slang-slsh - Interpreter for S-Lang scripts
- slang-static - The static library for the S-Lang extension language
- slapi-nis - NIS Server and Schema Compatibility plugins for Directory Server
- slf4j - Simple Logging Facade for Java
- slf4j-javadoc - Javadoc for slf4j
- slf4j-manual - Documents for slf4j
- slim - Simple Login Manager
- slrn - A threaded Internet news reader
- slrn-pull - Offline news reading support for the SLRN news reader
- slv2 - A library for simple use of LV2 plugins
- slv2-devel - Header files and static libraries from SLV2
- smart - Next generation package handling tool
- smart-gui - Graphical user interface for the smart package manager
- smart-update - Allows execution of 'smart update' by normal users (suid)
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- smb4k - The SMB/CIFS Share Browser for KDE
- smb4k-devel - Development files for smb4k
- smbios-utils - Meta-package that pulls in all smbios binaries and python scripts
- smbios-utils-bin - Binary utilities that use libsmbios
- smbios-utils-python - Python executables that use libsmbios
- smc-anjalioldlipi-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smc-dyuthi-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smc-fonts-common - Common files for smc-fonts
- smc-kalyani-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smc-meera-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smc-rachana-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smc-raghumalayalam-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smc-suruma-fonts - Open Type Fonts for Malayalam script
- smokegen - Smoke Generator
- smokegen-devel - Header files for Smoke Generator
- smokekde - Bindings for KDE libraries
- smokekde-devel - Development files for smokekde
- smokeqt - Bindings for Qt libraries
- smokeqt-devel - Development files for smokeqt
- smp_utils - Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP)
- sndfile-tools - A small collection of programs that use libsndfile and other libraries to do useful things
- snort - Intrusion detection system
- snort-bloat - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-mysql - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-mysql+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-plain+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-postgresql - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-postgresql+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-snmp - Snort with Flexible Response
- snort-snmp+flexresp - Snort with Flexible Response
- sodipodi - A Gnome Vector Graphics Application
- sofia-sip - Sofia SIP User-Agent library
- sofia-sip-devel - Sofia-SIP Development Package
- sofia-sip-glib - Glib bindings for Sofia-SIP
- sofia-sip-glib-devel - Glib bindings for Sofia SIP development files
- sofia-sip-utils - Sofia-SIP Command Line Utilities
- softhsm - Software HSM
- solar-backgrounds - Solar desktop backgrounds
- solar-backgrounds-common - Solar desktop backgrounds shared between GNOME and KDE
- solar-backgrounds-extras - Solar HD desktop backgrounds
- solarsystem - A screensaver for Linux and UNIX that displays the planets of the Solar System
- solarsystem-kde - A file for KDE of solarsystem
- soprano - Qt wrapper API to different RDF storage solutions
- soprano-apidocs - Soprano API documentation
- soprano-devel - Developer files for soprano
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- sound-theme-freedesktop - freedesktop.org sound theme
- soundconverter - sound converter
- soundkonverter - A frontend to various audio converters
- source-highlight - Produces a document with syntax highlighting
- source-highlight-devel - Files needed for building with source-highlight lib
- sox - A general purpose sound file conversion tool
- sox-devel - The SoX sound file format converter libraries.
- spamassassin - Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
- spambayes - Bayesian anti-spam filter
- spamoracle - A spam classification tool
- sparse - A semantic parser of source files
- sparse-devel - Build environment for sparse-enabled apps
- spawn-fcgi - Simple program for spawning FastCGI processes
- specspo - Fedora package descriptions, summaries, and groups.
- speech-dispatcher - To provide a high-level device independent layer for speech synthesis
- speech-dispatcher-devel - Development files for speech-dispatcher
- speech-dispatcher-doc - Documentation for speech-dispatcher
- speech-dispatcher-python - Python Client API for speech-dispatcher
- speedcrunch - A fast power user calculator for KDE
- speex - An open-source, patent-free speech codec
- speex-devel - Speex development files
- spice-client - Implements the client side of the SPICE protocol
- spice-glib - A GObject for communicating with Spice servers
- spice-glib-devel - Development files to build Glib2 applications with spice-glib-2.0
- spice-gtk - A GTK2 widget for SPICE clients
- spice-gtk-devel - Development files to build GTK2 applications with spice-gtk-2.0
- spice-gtk-python - Python bindings for the spice-gtk-2.0 library
- spice-gtk-tools - Spice-gtk tools
- spice-gtk3 - A GTK2 widget for SPICE clients
- spice-gtk3-devel - Development files to build GTK2 applications with spice-gtk-3.0
- spice-protocol - Spice protocol header files
- spice-server - Implements the server side of the SPICE protocol
- spice-server-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for spice-server
- spice3 - Berkeley SPICE 3 Circuit Simulator
- spl - SPL Utils
- spl-dkms - dksm support for SPL
- sportrop-fonts - A multiline decorative font
- sqlite - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite-devel - Development tools for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite-doc - Documentation for sqlite
- sqlite-tcl - Tcl module for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite2 - SQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite2-devel - Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use sqlite
- sqljet - Pure Java SQLite
- sqljet-browser - SQLJet database browser
- sqljet-javadoc - Javadoc for sqljet
- squashfs-tools - Utility for the creation of squashfs filesystems
- squeak-image - The image files for Squeak
- squeak-vm - The Squeak virtual machine
- squeak-vm-nonXOplugins - Non-XO Plugins for the Squeak virtual machine
- squid - The Squid proxy caching server
- squid-sysvinit - SysV initscript for squid caching proxy
- squirrel - High level imperative/OO programming language
- squirrel-devel - Development files needed to use Squirrel libraries
- squirrel-libs - Libraries needed to run Squirrel scripts
- squirrelmail - SquirrelMail webmail client
- sreadahead - Super Read Ahead: A readahead implementation optimized for solid state devices
- ssmtp - Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a Mailhub
- sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- sssd-client - SSSD Client libraries for NSS and PAM
- sssd-tools - Userspace tools for use with the SSSD
- star - An archiving tool with ACL support
- stardict - A powerful dictionary platform written in GTK+2
- stardict-dic-cs_CZ - Czech dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-en - English(en) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-hi - Hindi dictionary for stardict
- stardict-dic-ja - Japanese(ja) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-ru - Russian(ru) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-zh_CN - Simplified Chinese(zh_CN) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-zh_TW - Traditional Chinese(zh_TW) dictionaries for StarDict
- startup-notification - startup-notification
- startup-notification-devel - startup-notification-devel
- statserial - A tool which displays the status of serial port modem lines.
- step - Interactive Physics Simulator
- stgit - StGIT provides similar functionality to Quilt on top of GIT
- stix-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts
- stix-integrals-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, additional integral glyphs
- stix-pua-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, PUA glyphs
- stix-sizes-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, additional glyph sizes
- stix-variants-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, additional glyph variants
- stone - TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer
- strace - Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running process.
- streamripper - Streamripper records shoutcast-compatible streams
- streamtuner - A stream directory browser
- streamtuner-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the streamtuner library.
- strigi - A desktop search program for KDE
- strigi-devel - Development files for the strigi desktop search engine
- strigi-libs - Strigi libraries
- stringtemplate - A Java template engine
- stringtemplate-javadoc - API documentation for stringtemplate
- struts - Web application framework
- struts-javadoc - Javadoc for struts
- struts-manual - Manual for struts
- struts-webapps-tomcat5 - Sample struts webapps for tomcat5
- stunnel - An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper
- subtitleripper - DVD subtitle ripper
- subversion - Modern Version Control System designed to replace CVS
- subversion-api-docs - Subversion API documentation
- subversion-devel - Development package for the Subversion libraries
- subversion-javahl - JNI bindings to the Subversion libraries
- subversion-perl - Perl bindings to the Subversion libraries
- subversion-ruby - Ruby bindings to the Subversion libraries
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- sudo-devel - Development files for sudo
- suikyo - Romaji Hiragana conversion library
- suikyo-ruby18 - ruby18 binding of suikyo
- suitesparse - A collection of sparse matrix libraries
- suitesparse-devel - Development headers for SuiteSparse
- suitesparse-doc - Documentation files for SuiteSparse
- suitesparse-static - Static version of SuiteSparse libraries
- superkaramba - Create widgets for your KDE desktop
- superkaramba-libs - Runtime libraries for superkaramba
- supertux - SuperTux is a action game like Super Mario Bros game
- supertux-editor - the SuperTux Milestone 2 editor
- supertuxkart - Kids 3D go-kart racing game featuring Tux
- sushi - a quick previewer for Nautilus
- svgalib - Low-level fullscreen SVGA graphics library
- svgalib-devel - Development tools for the SVGAlib graphics library
- svgpart - SVG KPart
- svrcore - Secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- svrcore-devel - Development files for secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- swatch - the Simple WATCHdog
- sweeper - Clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system
- swfdec - Flash animation rendering library
- swfdec-devel - Development files for swfdec
- swfdec-gnome - integrate Flash functionality into the GNOME
- swfdec-gtk - A library for easy embedding of Flash files in an application
- swfdec-gtk-devel - Development files for swfdec-gtk
- swfdec-mozilla - Mozilla/Gecko player Flash plugin using swfdec
- swig - Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
- swing-layout - Natural layout for Swing panels
- swing-layout-javadoc - Javadoc documentation for Swing Layout
- swingx - A collection of Swing components
- swingx-javadoc - Javadoc for swingx
- swsusp - software suspend 2 hibernate script
- sylph-searcher - a full-text search program
- sylpheed - a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client
- sylpheed-devel - Development files for sylpheed
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- synergy - Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
- synfig - vector animation renderer
- synfig-devel - Header files and libraries for a development with synfig
- synfigstudio - vector animation renderer
- synfigstudio-devel - Header files and libraries for a development with synfigstudio
- sysfsutils - sysfsutils, library interface to sysfs.
- syslinux - Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
- sysprof - A system-wide Linux profiler
- sysstat - The sar and iostat system monitoring commands
- system-config-audit - Utility for editing audit configuration
- system-config-bind - BIND DNS Configuration Tool
- system-config-boot - A graphical interface for configuring the boot loader
- system-config-date - A graphical interface for modifying system date and time
- system-config-date-docs - Documentation for setting the system date and time
- system-config-display - A graphical interface for configuring the X Window System display
- system-config-firewall - A graphical interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-firewall-base - system-config-firewall base components and command line tool
- system-config-firewall-tui - A text interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-httpd - Apache configuration tool
- system-config-kdump - A graphical interface for configuring kernel crash dumping
- system-config-keyboard - A graphical interface for modifying the keyboard
- system-config-kickstart - A graphical interface for making kickstart files
- system-config-language - A graphical interface for modifying the system language
- system-config-lvm - A utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes
- system-config-netboot - Network booting/install configuration utility (GUI)
- system-config-netboot-cmd - Network booting/install configuration utility
- system-config-network - The GUI of the Network Adminstration Tool
- system-config-network-tui - The Network Adminstration Tool
- system-config-nfs - NFS server configuration tool
- system-config-nfs-docs - Documentation for configuring an NFS server
- system-config-printer - A printer administration tool
- system-config-printer-kde - A printer administration tool for KDE
- system-config-printer-libs - Libraries and shared code for printer administration tool
- system-config-printer-udev - Rules for udev for automatic configuration of USB printers
- system-config-rootpassword - A graphical interface for modifying the rootpassword
- system-config-samba - Samba server configuration tool
- system-config-samba-docs - Documentation for configuring a Samba server
- system-config-services - Utility to start and stop system services
- system-config-services-docs - Documentation for configuring system services
- system-config-users - A graphical interface for administering users and groups
- system-config-users-docs - Documentation for administering users and groups
- system-config-vsftpd - A graphical interface for administering vsftpd server
- system-setup-keyboard - xorg.conf keyboard layout callout
- system-switch-displaymanager - A display manager switcher for GDM, KDM, XDM and WDM
- system-switch-displaymanager-gnome - A graphical interface for the Display Manager Switcher
- system-switch-java - A tool for changing the default Java toolset
- system-switch-mail - The Mail Transport Agent Switcher
- system-switch-mail-gnome - A GUI interface for Mail Transport Agent Switcher
- systemd - A System and Service Manager
- systemd-devel - Development headers for systemd
- systemd-gtk - Graphical frontend for systemd
- systemd-sysv - SysV tools for systemd
- systemd-units - Configuration files, directories and installation tool for systemd
- systemtap - Instrumentation System
- systemtap-grapher - Instrumentation System Grapher
- systemtap-initscript - Systemtap Initscripts
- systemtap-runtime - Instrumentation System Runtime
- systemtap-sdt-devel - Static probe support tools
- systemtap-server - Instrumentation System Server
- systemtap-testsuite - Instrumentation System Testsuite
- sysvinit-tools - Tools used for process and utmp management.