Engineering and Scientific
This group includes packages for performing mathematical and scientific computations and plotting, as well as unit conversion.
- GMT - Generic Mapping Tools
- GMT-coastlines-all - All coastline data for GMT
- GMT-coastlines-full - Full resolution coastline data for GMT
- GMT-coastlines-high - High resolution coastline data for GMT
- GMT-doc - Documentation for GMT
- R - A language for data analysis and graphics
- TeXmacs - A wysiwyg mathematical text editor
- atlas - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
- blas - The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library
- coq - The Coq Proof Assistant
- gdl - Components and library for GNOME development tools
- genius - An arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision floatingpoint calculator
- geomview - An interactive 3D viewing program
- ginac - C++ library for symbolic calculations
- gnome-chemistry-utils - Gnome chemistry Utils
- gnuplot - A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
- gsl - GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
- gsl-devel - Static libraries and header files for GSL development.
- gts - GNU Triangulated Surface Library
- hdf - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- hdf5 - A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
- kst - A data viewing program for KDE
- lam - The LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) MPI
- lapack - Numerical linear algebra package libraries
- malaga - A programming language for automatic language analysis
- maxima - Symbolic Computation Program
- maxima - Symbolic Computation Program
- maxima-gui - Tcl/Tk GUI interface for maxima
- netcdf - Libraries to use the Unidata network Common Data Form (netCDF)
- ngspice - A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
- numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- octave - A high-level language for numerical computations
- octave - A high-level language for numerical computations
- openbabel - Chemistry software file format converter
- opencv - Collection of algorithms for computer vision
- paraview - Parallel visualization application for scientific data
- perl-bioperl - Perl tools for computational molecular biology
- plotutils - GNU vector and raster graphics utilities and libraries
- python-matplotlib - Python plotting library
- qalculate-gtk - A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qalculate-kde - A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
- qcad - Simple 2D CAD program
- qtoctave - A Qt frontend to Octave
- rrdtool - Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
- scipy - Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
- speedcrunch - A fast power user calculator for KDE
- speedcrunch - A fast power user calculator for KDE
- stix-integrals-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, additional integral glyphs
- stix-pua-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, PUA glyphs
- stix-sizes-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, additional glyph sizes
- stix-variants-fonts - STIX scientific and engineering fonts, additional glyph variants
- tgif - 2-D drawling tool
- transfig - A utility for converting FIG files (made by xfig) to other formats.
- wxmaxima - wxWidgets interface for Maxima
- xfig - An X Window System tool for drawing basic vector graphics