Games and Entertainment

Scorched3D - A 3D version of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth

License: GPL+
Scorched 3D is a game based loosely (or actually quite heavily now) on
the classic DOS game Scorched Earth "The Mother Of All
Games". Scorched 3D adds amongst other new features a 3D island
environment and LAN and internet play. Scorched 3D is totally free and
is available for both Microsoft Windows and Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Mac
OS X, Solaris etc.) operating systems.

If you use alsa driver, please write below to $HOME/.openalrc

; Which backend?  Tried in order of appearance.
(define devices '(native alsa sdl esd arts null))
; Four speaker surround with ALSA.
;(define speaker-num 4)
;(define alsa-out-device "surround40:0,0")
(define alsa-out-device "hw:0,0")
; For alsa-in support. Mainly for using voice chat.
(define alsa-in-device "hw:0,0")
; Some drivers do not support select.
;(define native-use-select ;t)

(define sample-rate "22050")
( ( sample-rate 22050) )


Scorched3D-42.1-7m.mo7.x86_64 [44.9 MiB] Changelog by Yohsuke Ooi (2010-08-31):
- (42.1-7m)
- full rebuild for mo7 release

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1m.mo7