Package: abs-guide Description-md5: c70e528b8b624e5738bdbd1b89e8b349 Description-gl: A Guía Avanzada aos Scripts en Bash Unha exploración en profundidade da arte dos scripts para consola. . This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction ... all the while sneaking in little snippets of UNIX(R) wisdom and lore. It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and a reference and source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques. The exercises and heavily-commented examples invite active reader participation, under the premise that the only way to really learn scripting is to write scripts. . Este libro é axeitado para as aulas como introdución xeral aos conceptos de programación. Package: afio Description-md5: ca88467cccd23b8f150ff01185566a6c Description-gl: Programa de manipulación de ficheiros de arquivo Afio manipula grupos de ficheiros, copiándoos dentro de ou entre sistemas de ficheiros e un arquivo de afio. . Os arquivos de Afio son portátiles, pois só conteñen información de cabeceira formatada en ASCII. Afio crea arquivos no formato cpio. O Afio trata con xeito coa corrupción dos datos de entrada. O Afio admite arquivos que ocupen varios volumes durante o seu funcionamento interactivo. O Afio pode crear arquivos comprimidos que son moito máis seguros que os arquivos comprimidos con tar ou con cpio. . O mellor uso do Afio é como «motor de arquivo» dun script de copias de seguranza. Package: album Description-md5: 3eaaefa453087570fb45ac51eeccbe7c Description-gl: Xerador de albums de fotos que acepta temas Album é un script de perl que pode crear albums de potos en HTML para o seu cartafol de imaxes. Acepta temas que determinan a aparencia visual dos álbums Albums crea miniaturas se é necesario e versións de imaxes te tamaño mediano . Este programa non require dun servidor web para funconar. Unha vez xerado o HTML, este pode ser colocado no directorio «www». Package: album-data Description-md5: 34adea76df6b2c02712e3838461edbb2 Description-gl: Temas, engadidos e traducións de album Album é un script en perl que pode crear álbums en HTML a partir de directorios de imaxes. Este paquete fornece temas, engadidos e traducións de Album. . Os idiomas dispoñíbeis son catalán, chinés, checo, alemán, español, francés, hebreo, húngaro, italiano, coreano, holandés, polaco, ruso, sueco Chef e Leet Hacker. O paquete orixinal de Album está en inglés. . Sitio de demostración do tema: Estado da tradución: Capturas de pantalla dos temas: Package: alien-arena Description-md5: de2b3d0db5845c79b22ffc0c38842f1b Description-gl: Un xogo independente en 3D de primeira persoa de francotirador en rede ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Este paquete instala o cliente de SDL do Alien Arena. Package: alien-arena-data Description-md5: f930829d2a1207940bee317dc2015735 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo do Alien Arena ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Este paquete instala os datos, botinfo e ficheiros de arena precisos para executar o Alien Arena. Package: alien-arena-server Description-md5: 5096fa975d49e1d2781f93bd7781f913 Description-gl: Servidor dedicado para o Alien Arena ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games. . Este paquete instala o servidor dedicado para o Alien Arena Package: alsa-firmware-loaders Description-md5: 631dd818c28b45f8af844a1ba49ddcd6 Description-gl: Cargadores de software de ALSA para hardware específico Unha colección de cargadores de software de ALSA para hardware específico . cspctl - programa de control da Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP hdsploader - cargador de firmware para as placas RME Hammerfall DSP mixartloader - cargados de firmware para os controladores de son das placas miXart da Digigram pcxhrloader - cargador de firmware loader para as placas de son compatíbeis con Digigram pcxhr sscape_ctl - utilidade de control de SoundScape e cargador do firmware usx2yloader - cargador do firmware para as placas USB de son Tascam USX2Y vxloader - cargador do firmware para as placas de son Digigram VX Package: amiwm Description-md5: a2a0859394562edd6b9857a5292439dd Description-gl: Amiga look alike window manager Este é amiwm, un xestor de xanelas de X que pretende facer que o computador se asemelle aos Amiga. «E logo, por que?» has preguntar. Pois porque ao autor lle petou. E así! Package: amoeba Description-md5: d79071f380a0fcf700f7b1ed1856dab1 Description-gl: fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess, showing realtime graphics effects in perfect sync with music. It features a full customizable demo engine, several visual effects, lots of graphics and a pumping soundtrack. . Amoeba gañou o primeiro premio na competición de demostracións do Underscore 02, unha festa de demos que tivo lugar en Gotenburgo, Suecia. . Teña en conta que este é só o motor de demostración -- para ver a demostración en si tamén hai que instalar o paquete amoeba-data. Package: amoeba-data Description-md5: 034c9cfac5217a9a6eb4db71c1f05423 Description-gl: Fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess (data) Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess, showing effects using your 3D card in perfect sync with Ogg Vorbis music. It features a full XML-scripted GPLed demo engine, several object manipulations, lots of graphics and a pumping soundtrack. . Amoeba gañou o primeiro premio na competición de demostracións do Underscore 02, unha festa de demos que tivo lugar en Joenkoeping, Suecia ( . Este paquete contén os datos requiridos para a demostración -- para ver a demostración hai que instalar tamén o paquete amoeba, que contén o motor da demostración. Package: assaultcube Description-md5: 7576f391baa8701ed9ad64162252916a Description-gl: Xogo de disparos en primeira persoa moi realista AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. . Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun. . The game data required to play this game will be downloaded automatically when this package is installed. Package: astromenace Description-md5: 7c917fc438581d4d2c23163e30ce5289 Description-gl: Intenso disparador espacial 3D con posibilidade de anovar a astronave AstroMenace is an astonishing hardcore scroll-shooter where brave space warriors may find a great opportunity to hone their combat skills. Gather money during the battle to spend them on turning your spaceship into an ultimate weapon of mass destruction and give hell to swarms of adversaries. Enjoy the wonderfully crafted 3d graphics and high-quality special effects along with a detailed difficulty adjustment and a handy interface of AstroMenace. Package: astromenace-data-src Description-md5: ac44bb0bf3081113c06c0d9b3b58722c Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para o xogo AstroMenace AstroMenace is an astonishing hardcore scroll-shooter where brave space warriors may find a great opportunity to hone their combat skills. Gather money during the battle to spend them on turning your spaceship into an ultimate weapon of mass destruction and give hell to swarms of adversaries. Enjoy the wonderfully crafted 3d graphics and high-quality special effects along with a detailed difficulty adjustment and a handy interface of AstroMenace. . Este paquete fornece ficheiros de datos para o xogo. Package: atari800 Description-md5: 9526e2deeb23f4395bbefbf22fb9ee74 Description-gl: Emulador do Atari de 8 bits para SDL Atari800 é un emulador dos sistemas Atari de 8 bits, incluídos 400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 65XE, 130XE, 800XE e o XE Game System, así como do Atari 5200 SuperSystem console. . The Atari Operating System ROMs are not available with this package, due to copyright. You'll have to either make copies of them from an old Atari computer, or see README.Debian for other ways to obtain them. Package: atmel-firmware Description-md5: 4b8efccce6d386e23ad5546058c45a46 Description-gl: Firmware para os chips de rede sen fíos at76c50x da Atmel. The drivers for these chips in the Linux kernel do not include the firmware; this firmware needs to be loaded by the host on most cards using these chips. This package provides the firmware images which should be automatically loaded as needed by the hotplug system. It also provides a small loader utility which can be used to accomplish the same thing when hotplug is not in use. Package: autodir Description-md5: 0b6913d4b30fa8f1270054260e535bdb Description-gl: Crea automaticamente directorios persoais e de grupo para as contas de LDAP/NIS/SQL/locais A modular and thread-enabled tool to create and/or mounting and managing automagically and transparently user/group home directories, on demand. . Pode funcionar con calquera infraestrutura de autenticación (por exemplo, ficheiros de sistema, NIS, LDAP ou SQL) e non require PAM, que é algo requirido polos servizos sen sesión como os dos servidores de smtp. . Automounter version 4 (autofs4) has to be enabled when compiling the kernel. Debian packaged kernels have it enabled as module. Package: basilisk2 Description-md5: e83e142cb49b01600e0e123d5566127b Description-gl: Emulador do Macintosh de 68k Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator. That is, it enables you to run 68k MacOS software on you computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use Basilisk II. . Some features of Basilisk II: - Emulates either a Mac Classic (which runs MacOS 0.x thru 7.5) or a Mac II series machine (which runs MacOS 7.x, 8.0 and 8.1), depending on the ROM being used - Color video display - CD quality sound output - Floppy disk driver (only 1.44MB disks supported) - Driver for HFS partitions and hardfiles - CD-ROM driver with basic audio functions - Easy file exchange with the host OS via a "Host Directory Tree" icon on the Mac desktop - Ethernet driver - Serial drivers - SCSI Manager (old-style) emulation - Emulates extended ADB keyboard and 3-button mouse - Uses UAE 68k emulation or (under AmigaOS and NetBSD/m68k) real 68k processor Package: beast-mcmc-examples Description-md5: c63bad5feea098eb39bb86db8b6f8d33 Description-gl: Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic inference - example data BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences. It is entirely orientated towards rooted, time-measured phylogenies inferred using strict or relaxed molecular clock models. It can be used as a method of reconstructing phylogenies but is also a framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses without conditioning on a single tree topology. BEAST uses MCMC to average over tree space, so that each tree is weighted proportional to its posterior probability. Included is a simple to use user-interface program for setting up standard analyses and a suit of programs for analysing the results. . Este paquete contén os datos de exemplo. Package: bgoffice-dict-downloader Description-md5: 4999911e18e26881818d162507bf0e44 Description-gl: Descargue dicionarios para gbgoffice bgoffice é un proxecto que ten como obxectivo crear un contorno de escritorio completo traducido e localizado para os usuarios búlgaros. . Este paquete contén scripts de axuda para automatizar a descarga e a instalación dos dicionarios de gbgoffice. Non se poden distribuír desde Debian debido a problemas coas licenzas. Package: blimps-examples Description-md5: 18ddc9ff8aab78bc1efd53cccc24389d Description-gl: blocks database improved searcher (example data) BLIMPS (BLocks IMProved Searcher) is a searching tool that scores a protein sequence against blocks or a block against sequences. . Este paquete contén datos de exemplo. Package: blimps-utils Description-md5: 1afe4567b883b39e7050a4f604a91e17 Description-gl: blocks database improved searcher BLIMPS (BLocks IMProved Searcher) is a searching tool that scores a protein sequence against blocks or a block against sequences. . Este paquete contén os binarios. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-ac Description-md5: d1e1dbb9ef75ee04236b9b02c8cb3ad4 Description-gl: Controladores de envoltura de CUPS para as impresoras ac de Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores da envoltura de CUPS dos modelos HL-4040CN HL-4040CDN HL-4050CDN HL-4070CDW MFC-9440CN MFC-9450CDN MFC-9840CDW DCP-9040CN DCP-9042CDN DCP-9045CDN Package: brother-cups-wrapper-bh7 Description-md5: 9ac663666ffc15075ec9dcb4c537ef64 Description-gl: Controladores de envoltura de CUPS para as impresoras bh7 de Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores da envoltura de CUPS dos modelos DCP-130C DCP-330C DCP-540CN DCP-750CW FAX-1860C FAX-1960C FAX-2480C FAX-2580C MFC-240C MFC-3360C MFC-440CN MFC-5460CN MFC-5860CN MFC-660CN MFC-665CW MFC-845CW Package: brother-cups-wrapper-common Description-md5: 5df79c7ccc5b738172be4cee123f9e14 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para os paquetes de envoltura de CUPS de Brother Este paquete fornece os ficheiros comúns dalgúns dos paquetes de envoltura de CUPS da Brother. Package: brother-cups-wrapper-extra Description-md5: e0bb8f124726fa547849e8d440abea6b Description-gl: Controladores de envoltura de CUPS para impresoras da Brother extra Este paquete fornece todos os controladores de envoltura de CUPS dos modelos FAX-1815C FAX-1820C FAX-1835C FAX-1840C FAX-1920CN FAX-1940CN FAX-2440C MFC-210C MFC-3220C MFC-3240C MFC-3320CN MFC-3340CN MFC-3420C MFC-3820CN MFC-410CN MFC-420CN MFC-5440CN MFC-5840CN MFC-620CN DCP-110C DCP-310CN DCP-560CN DCP-770CW DCP-350C DCP-353C MFC-465CN MFC-680CN MFC-685CW MFC-885CW MFC-230C MFC-235C MFC-260C DCP-135C DCP-150C DCP-153C Package: brother-cups-wrapper-laser Description-md5: b1d14f0fccd6bc964f51da864b253721 Description-gl: Controladores de envoltura de CUPS para as impresoras laser de Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores da envoltura de CUPS dos modelos DCP-7010 DCP-7020 DCP-7025 DCP-8060 DCP-8065DN FAX-2820 FAX-2920 HL-2030 HL-2040 HL-2070N HL-5240 HL-5250DN HL-5270DN HL-5280DW MFC-7220 MFC-7225N MFC-7420 MFC-7820N MFC-8460N MFC-8660DN MFC-8860DN MFC-8870DW Package: brother-cups-wrapper-laser1 Description-md5: bcc145550d95f365305cfeb1201bfa32 Description-gl: Controladores de envoltura de CUPS para as impresoras laser1 de Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores da envoltura de CUPS de DCP-1000 DCP-1400 DCP-8020 DCP-8025D DCP-8040 DCP-8045D FAX-2850 FAX-2900 FAX-3800 FAX-4100 FAX-4750e FAX-5750e HL-1030 HL-1230 HL-1240 HL-1250 HL-1270N HL-1430 HL-1440 HL-1450 HL-1470N HL-1650 HL-1670N HL-1850 HL-1870N HL-5030 HL-5040 HL-5050 HL-5070N HL-5130 HL-5140 HL-5150D HL-5170DN HL-6050 HL-6050D MFC-4800 MFC-6800 MFC-8420 MFC-8440 MFC-8500 MFC-8820D MFC-8840D MFC-9030 MFC-9070 MFC-9160 MFC-9180 MFC-9660 MFC-9700 MFC-9760 MFC-9800 MFC-9860 MFC-9880 Package: brother-cups-wrapper-mfc9420cn Description-md5: 7b8deb2a5b423f0a37142fe414537372 Description-gl: Controladores de envoltura de CUPS para as impresoras mfc9420cn de Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores da envoltura de CUPS dos modelos Package: brother-lpr-drivers-ac Description-md5: 6003e10e8d730cd4bf00c2cbb31bf858 Description-gl: Controladores de LPR das impresoras ac da Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores de LPR dos modelos HL-4040CN HL-4040CDN HL-4050CDN HL-4070CDW MFC-9440CN MFC-9450CDN MFC-9840CDW DCP-9040CN DCP-9042CN DCP-9045CDN Package: brother-lpr-drivers-bh7 Description-md5: ee596a8df57d84fbdaee5161e27f44a8 Description-gl: Controladores de LPR das impresoras bh7 da Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores de LPR dos modelos DCP-130C DCP-330C DCP-540CN DCP-750CW FAX-1860C FAX-1960C FAX-2480C FAX-2580C MFC-240C MFC-3360C MFC-440CN MFC-5460CN MFC-5860CN MFC-660CN MFC-665CW MFC-845CW Package: brother-lpr-drivers-common Description-md5: 1de5691537d6c0bd87454fb64831e82f Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para os paquetes brother-lpr-drivers Este paquete fornece os ficheiros comúns para os paquetes de controladores de Brother LPR. Package: brother-lpr-drivers-extra Description-md5: f595fa60a7e2031b268c9e3ee6b6318f Description-gl: Controladores de LPR de impresoras extra da Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores de LPR dos modelos FAX-1815C FAX-1820C FAX-1835C FAX-1840C FAX-1920CN FAX-1940CN FAX-2440C MFC-210C MFC-3220C MFC-3240C MFC-3320CN MFC-3340CN MFC-3420C MFC-3820CN MFC-410CN MFC-420CN MFC-5440CN MFC-5840CN MFC-620CN DCP-110C DCP-310CN DCP-560CN DCP-770CW DCP-350C DCP-353C MFC-465CN MFC-680CN MFC-685CW MFC-885CW MFC-230C MFC-235C MFC-260C DCP-135C DCP-150C DCP-153C Package: brother-lpr-drivers-laser Description-md5: a0fc374172c63f660ac7fca929833494 Description-gl: Controladores de LPR das impresoras laser da Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores de LPR dos modelos DCP-7010 DCP-7020 DCP-7025 DCP-8060 DCP-8065DN FAX-2820 FAX-2920 HL-2030 HL-2040 HL-2070N HL-5240 HL-5250DN HL-5270DN HL-5280DW MFC-7220 MFC-7225N MFC-7420 MFC-7820N MFC-8460N MFC-8660DN MFC-8860DN MFC-8870DW Package: brother-lpr-drivers-laser1 Description-md5: 6ed095936b6a1517465a8778ace2ee3f Description-gl: Controladores de LPR das impresoras laser1 da Brother Este paquete fornece todos os controladores de LPR dos modelos DCP-1000 DCP-1400 DCP-8020 DCP-8025D DCP-8040 DCP-8045D FAX-2850 FAX-2900 FAX-3800 FAX-4100 FAX-4750e FAX-5750e HL-1030 HL-1230 HL-1240 HL-1250 HL-1270N HL-1430 HL-1440 HL-1450 HL-1470N HL-1650 HL-1670N HL-1850 HL-1870N HL-5030 HL-5040 HL-5050 HL-5070N HL-5130 HL-5140 HL-5150D HL-5170DN HL-6050 HL-6050D MFC-4800 MFC-6800 MFC-8420 MFC-8440 MFC-8500 MFC-8820D MFC-8840D MFC-9030 MFC-9070 MFC-9160 MFC-9180 MFC-9660 MFC-9700 MFC-9760 MFC-9800 MFC-9860 MFC-9880 Package: brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn Description-md5: 6ba30886958fe27faa54a9e980e3829f Description-gl: Controlador de LPR da impresora mfc9420cn da Brother Este paquete fornece o controlador de LPR do modelo MFC-9420CN Package: bsdgames-nonfree Description-md5: a0df62b17337e5cbd12de06fb52cd546 Description-gl: Rogue, o clásico xogo de exploración de calabozos Este é un xogo baseado en texto frecuente nos sistemas BSD (tradicionais). Non se pode distribuír libremente, polo que tivo que ser esgallado do paquete principal bsdgames e colocado en non-free (non libre). . Este paquete agora só contén rogue, o clásico xogo de exploración de calabozos. Package: caja-dropbox Description-md5: b2d151362484130a2799ce7beca35fc9 Description-gl: Integración do Dropbox no Caja Caja Dropbox is an extension that integrates the Dropbox web service with your MATE Desktop. . To use this package you need to install the proprietary dropbox package from Package: cclib-data Description-md5: b3fc6a06f6988440348dbafee80b3cee Description-gl: Analizadores e algoritmos para química computacional (ficheiros de datos) Unha biblioteca en Python que fornece analizadores para ficheiros de rexistro de química computacional. Tamén fornece unha plataforma para implementar algoritmos de maneira independente dos paquetes. . This package contains unittests and example log files that could not be included in the main cclib package. Package: chaplin Description-md5: 4b291946f818007dc5a07f07b10f6fbb Description-gl: Extractor de capítulos de DVD The tool parses a DVD disc or image and extracts the exact duration for each chapter of a given title. Then the total list of chapters is split into a user-selectable number of subsets. Each subset should have approximately the same duration. . Package: cl-sql-oracle Description-md5: e2fa54c009744a1533f5486a15f863e6 Description-gl: Infraestrutura da base de datos CLSQL, Oracle Este paquete permite empregar o paquete de acceso a datos de CLSQL coas bases de datos de Oracle. CLSQL é unha interface para bases de datos SQL en Common Lisp. Package: cltl Description-md5: 981097f297a723afe41afec3b96d5a27 Description-gl: Common Lisp the Language, second edition, book (Pre-ANSI) This package installs the HTML version of Guy L. Steele book Common Lisp the Language, second edition. This book describes a snapshot of the Common Lisp language during the period that the ANSI Common Lisp standard was created. Thus, this book describe a NON-STANDARD version of Common Lisp which is similar to, but is *NOT*, ANSI Common Lisp. . For reference on ANSI Common Lisp, use the Debian package "hyperspec". This book is included in Debian because, while it does differ from the ANSI standard, it has more details than the "hyperspec" about the design and usage of Lisp. . Este paquete non contén os ficheiros en HTML en si, senón que descarga o arquivo en HTML desde a Internet e despois instálao. Package: cluster3 Description-md5: fdd3e34e11f67c13bdf614925d3877ff Description-gl: Reimplementation of the Eisen-clustering software The open source clustering software available here contains clustering routines that can be used to analyze gene expression data. Routines for hierarchical (pairwise simple, complete, average, and centroid linkage) clustering, k-means and k-medians clustering, and 2D self-organizing maps are included. The routines are available in the form of a C clustering library, an extension module to Python, a module to Perl, as well as an enhanced version of Cluster, which was originally developed by Michael Eisen of Berkeley Lab. The C clustering library and the associated extension module for Python was released under the Python license. The Perl module was released under the Artistic License. Cluster 3.0 is covered by the original Cluster/TreeView license. . Este paquete só contén as versións de Cluster 3.0 para a liña de ordes e para a interface gráfica motif. Package: context-nonfree Description-md5: b57b7bb7ce4c1305d8e45e7a156b0c04 Description-gl: Elementos non libres da distribución ConTeXt The ConTeXt distribution contains some fonts that are not considered free from Debian perspective, which are included here. . Currently it only contains the Hoekwater "koeieletters" font. Package: coq-doc Description-md5: 8162cc95ca212365bc0155b6cfef283a Description-gl: Documentación do Coq Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, which allows the development of computer programs consistent with their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and Camlp5. . This is a dummy package which will install the documentation in html and pdf formats. Package: coq-doc-html Description-md5: 2a1cea3031ba67430a5917f291c6087a Description-gl: Documentación do Coq no formato HTML Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, which allows the development of computer programs consistent with their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and Camlp5. . Este paquete contén a súa documentación e titoriais no formato html. Package: coq-doc-pdf Description-md5: 6406c20f936aa913c3dfc9f90c15fc8a Description-gl: Documentación do Coq no formato PDF Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, which allows the development of computer programs consistent with their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and Camlp5. . Este paquete contén a súa documentación e titoriais no formato pdf. Package: corsix-th-data Description-md5: 6cf11fd08074f2517b96d74d73373ec7 Description-gl: Open source clone of Theme Hospital (data package) Theme Hospital was a simulation computer game developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1997, in which the player designs and operates a hospital. . The game currently requires the original graphics and tries to mimic the original as closely as possible. Therefore you will need a copy of the original game for this package to be useful. . (Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos) Package: cpio-doc Description-md5: d854911321be1cd3e41154c4a657ab91 Description-gl: Documentación do paquete cpio Documentation for GNU cpio in info format, which is not distributed in Debian main because it is licensed under the GFDL with front and back cover texts that violate the DFSG. Package: crafty Description-md5: 29f27ca92dfe8a13f7508d03cc6d8f94 Description-gl: Motor de xadrez de última xeración, compatíbel co xboard Crafty is the strong chess program played on ICC. It uses all of the search algorithms you have probably read about and performs better than gnu-chess in most positions. It has a reasonable set of features to use, and offers a great starting point to try your own new search extensions. Package: crafty-books-medtosmall Description-md5: 125f4ba5d111686d0dfc99ebdcf6acee Description-gl: Libros de aperturas de tamaño medio a pequeno para o motor de xadrez crafty Opening books that crafty use to evaluate the position during the game. This is the medium-to-small version, occupying 4MB and containing +7500 games computed until the 60th ply. Package: crafty-books-small Description-md5: b9b430941f6902c05294f3ad6b6b0a67 Description-gl: Libros de aperturas de tamaño pequeno para o motor de xadrez crafty Opening books that crafty use to evaluate the position during the game. This is the small version, occupying 1MB and containing +4500 games computed until the 60th ply. Package: cuneiform Description-md5: 9f477b4fb4e65a4b7e58c9e4d6cc05f6 Description-gl: Sistema de OCR multilingüe Cuneiforme é un sistema de OCR (recoñecemento óptico de caracteres). Ademais de recoñecer texto, tamén analiza a disposición e recoñece o formato do texto. . The following languages are supported: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. Package: cuneiform-common Description-md5: 26ff2ce2ac800318b04976471b4bf01d Description-gl: Sistema de OCR multilingüe (común) Cuneiforme é un sistema de OCR (recoñecemento óptico de caracteres). Ademais de recoñecer texto, tamén analiza a disposición e recoñece o formato do texto. . The following languages are supported: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: cytadela Description-md5: 17a053ba85af9173021f6b78e5efd1ae Description-gl: Xogo de disparos en primeira persoa á antiga Cytadela is a single player game in which the player fights against computer-controlled (AI) enemies. The goal of the game is to find six bomb parts with which the Citadel has to be blown up. . To achieve it, the player not only has to defend himself against the enemies, but (s)he also has to solve many riddles, such as switching appropriate buttons in order to open some door, move some walls, etc. . It's a conversion of a first person shooter Amiga game originally released in mid 1990's, first in Poland and then in other countries. . Cytadela require unha placa gráfica 3D. Emprega as bibliotecas OpenGL e GLU para 3D e SDL e SDL_mixer para 2D, música, sons e controladores. Package: cytadela-data Description-md5: 84a23110edcb1420ece53cbbb06c852e Description-gl: Datos de xogo para o cytadela Este paquete contén ficheiros de datos empregados polo xogo Cytadela. Package: cytadela-dbg Description-md5: 15ca801c5f6d1885788711e7e1cb3c44 Description-gl: Símbolos de depuración do cytadela Este paquete contén os símbolos de depuración de cytadela. Package: dahdi-firmware-nonfree Description-md5: c81e1bf42d9a186c2e71bf732811bf34 Description-gl: DAHDI non-free firmware DAHDI (anteriormente Zaptel) é unha interface para dispositivos de telefonía empregados por, por exemplo, o software Asterisk PBX. os paquetes dahdi-* fornecen os módulos do kernel de DAHDI e o seu entorno de configuración requirido. . This package includes the non-free firmwares from the DAHDI tarball as well as downloading script for the Digium firmwares that are normally downloaded on 'make install'. Package: devede Description-md5: a80b48eb4e84ed4081919926d540e84b Description-gl: Aplicación simple para crear DVD de vídeo DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs, suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer. . It allows the user to create subtitles and even menus. Package: dhewm3 Description-md5: f625d3c7626ec44fdef979913e4fb88e Description-gl: Motor de xogo GPL para Doom 3 The goal of dhewm 3 is bring the DOOM3 engine with the help of SDL to all suitable platforms. . This game engine is compatible with the original Doom3 data files and the Resurrection of Evil extension. To play it, you need to own the game data. . Bugs present in the original DOOM 3 will be fixed (when identified) without altering the original gameplay. Package: distributed-net Description-md5: 477da522b2f82ac0fc58fa899167257f Description-gl: client to donate unused CPU cycles to Doe os ciclos extra da súa CPU a unha causa que paga a pena! . started in 1997 as a project whose purpose was to win a series of contests sponsored by RSA Data Security Inc., to crack their RC5 encryption by brute-force methods. These contests were meant to show governments of nations such as the United States, who limit exports or use of cryptography, that the standards allowed are too weak for general use. . Since this time,'s focus has changed from solely cracking RSA's RC5 and DES projects to working on more diverse distributed computing problems. . The ongoing projects are RC5-72 and Optimal Golomb Rulers (28-mark), the latter of which has practical applications in science. There are also a number of other projects which are either periodic or upcoming. You may choose which project you wish to participate in. . Installing this package will allow unused CPU cycles on your computer to contribute to cracking the code. There should be no noticeable slowdown of your system, since the client runs niced, and only uses CPU time when your computer would otherwise be idle. Package: doc-rfc Description-md5: bd3390a3853c7176201db994016c790a Description-gl: Metapaquete de documentos RFC RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This is a metapackage that pulls in the new doc-rfc-xxx packages (those that most closely correspond to the old doc-rfc package). . Pódese retirar se os usuarios só desexan un subconxunto das RFC. Package: doc-rfc-experimental Description-md5: 9d01cf6dc8570101acf85dd410a0c590 Description-gl: RFC experimentais RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Experimental Package: doc-rfc-fyi-bcp Description-md5: 512d9cd84452ac3b50c84839ce5ecf26 Description-gl: RFC FYI e BCP RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Subserie Para a súa información (FYI) * Subserie Mellor práctica actual (BCP) Package: doc-rfc-informational Description-md5: 6ea21717f856f9f32ac88b98b561c337 Description-gl: RFC informativos RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * RFC informativas Package: doc-rfc-misc Description-md5: 997c45357013e72959c4654059d99326 Description-gl: RFC históricas e borradores RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Históricos * borradores que están actualmente na fila de publicación do Editor de RFC Package: doc-rfc-old-std Description-md5: e0e245fe19e303502c88b4ab0c59141d Description-gl: RFC padrón antigas RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Padróns obsoletos * Borradores de padróns obsoletos * Padróns propostos obsoletos Package: doc-rfc-others Description-md5: 7e933a75af8a2daa21f426b4dd37a6e1 Description-gl: RFC antigas experimentais e sen clasificar RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Obsoleted Experimental RFCs * Unclassified RFCs Package: doc-rfc-std Description-md5: 8619ad2fdb380b7a14022bbea43a960b Description-gl: RFC padrón RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Internet Standard * Draft Standard Package: doc-rfc-std-proposed Description-md5: 5565c0002a196f665c8b29521d8e5f5e Description-gl: RFC Padrón Propostas RFC (Request for Comments) documents are a series of technical and organizational notes about the Internet. They are edited by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). . This package includes the following categories: . * Norma proposta Package: dwarf-fortress-data Description-md5: dae441c8b569f106a802913a4dc67316 Description-gl: Dwarf Fortress data files Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world. . Este paquete contén os datos do xogo Package: dynamips Description-md5: f1dd8e0f097ba22bb9d015f5d1453195 Description-gl: Emulador dos routers 7200/3600/3725/3745/2600/1700 de Cisco Dynamips emulates Cisco 7200/3600/3725/3745/2600/1700 Routers on a traditional PC. You can use dynamips to create labs. It uses IOS Images (which are not part of this package). Of course, this emulator cannot replace a real router. . It is simply a complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their CCNA/CCNP/CCIE exams. For a Command Line Interface for dynamips see dynagen or gns3 package. Package: dynare-matlab Description-md5: 90e8fcabb135fcf60e09f0be51774946 Description-gl: Compatibilidade con MATLAB para Dynare Dynare is a software platform for handling a wide class of economic models, in particular dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and overlapping generations (OLG) models. The models solved by Dynare include those relying on the rational expectations hypothesis, wherein agents form their expectations about the future in a way consistent with the model. But Dynare is also able to handle models where expectations are formed differently: on one extreme, models where agents perfectly anticipate the future; on the other extreme, models where agents have limited rationality or imperfect knowledge of the state of the economy and, hence, form their expectations through a learning process. In terms of types of agents, models solved by Dynare can incorporate consumers, productive firms, governments, monetary authorities, investors and financial intermediaries. Some degree of heterogeneity can be achieved by including several distinct classes of agents in each of the aforementioned agent categories. . Dynare offers a user-friendly and intuitive way of describing these models. It is able to perform simulations of the model given a calibration of the model parameters and is also able to estimate these parameters given a dataset. In practice, the user will write a text file containing the list of model variables, the dynamic equations linking these variables together, the computing tasks to be performed and the desired graphical or numerical outputs. . This package is only useful to users having MATLAB installed on their machine. It contains the source of the MEX files and will recompile them using the existing MATLAB installation. Package: emacs-common-non-dfsg Description-md5: 4ec84c62d4d6533d9f6a093fa1157b61 Description-gl: GNU Emacs common non-DFSG items, including the core documentation This package includes the core Emacs documentation: the Emacs Info pages, the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, and the Emacs Lisp Intro. . O Emacs de GNU é o editor de texto extensíbel e auto-documentado. Este paquete contén a infraestrutura independente da arquitectura que non obedece as Directrices de Software Libre de Debian. En particular, inclúe algunhas das páxinas info do Emacs de GNU, que están cubertas baixo a GFDL e especifican seccións invariábeis. Consulte máis información. Package: exult Description-md5: 9c39d06a3da0bc0cfd896163aa1493f5 Description-gl: Motor do Ultima VII (BG, FOV, SI, SS) Exult is an open source engine for playing Ultima VII on a variety of modern operating systems and environments. The Black Gate (including Forge of Virtue) and Serpent Isle (plus Silver Seed) are both playable to the end. Some differences to the original games exist; see sections 5.3/5.4 of the FAQ. . While it is possible to use the engine for other games, no such game has been written yet. Therefore, Exult is useless unless you own a copy of one of the Ultima VIIs. Package: exult-studio Description-md5: 7adf4ae2afb678d80d33b4e8483b0a1f Description-gl: tools for editing and viewing exult games Inclúe: . exult_studio - An editor for games using the Exult engine. ucc - Usecode compiler. cmanip - Simple commandline conf-file manipulator expack - Command line tool for creating and extracting Flex (.flx) files. Flex files are used by Ultima 7 to store most of its data. ipack - Create/extract image Flex files using the .png format. mklink - Create "linkdep1" and "linkdep2" files from usecode file. rip - Rip specific functions out of usecode. splitshp - Command line tool to take a multi-frame shp file and split it into its individual frames. shp2pcx - Command line tool to convert shp files to pcx format; the shp files can be extracted using expack. textpack - Convert text file to a Flex file. ucxt - Tool to translate usecode back into `human readable', roughly assembly like code. The output can be presented in a variety of different format, including one which will, later, have a suitable compiler back into usecode. wuc - Wody's Usecode Compiler. . These are all works in progress. . Inclúese un engadido para o GIMP, de xeito que, se o GIMP está instalado pódense editar e crear gráficos de xogo con el. Package: f2j Description-md5: 166f686ad8732369697da87e1906ecd3 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran a Java The package contains a Fortran to Java converter, also used to create the libf2j-java package. It converts Fortran file to Java source and class files. Package: faac Description-md5: 8b18a84082bc792889453fdbbbdc8391 Description-gl: Codificador de son AAC (interface) The FAAC project includes the AAC encoder FAAC and decoder FAAD2. It supports several MPEG-4 object types (LC, Main, LTP, HE AAC, PS) and file formats (ADTS AAC, raw AAC, MP4), multichannel and gapless en/decoding as well as MP4 metadata tags. The codecs are compatible with standard- compliant audio applications using one or more of these profiles. . Este paquete contén a interface. Package: fasttracker2 Description-md5: 3e6d7c8107fa3ff0b02bf9771284fa56 Description-gl: Paquete parvo de transición This is a transitional dummy package for migration from fasttracker2 to ft2-clone. . This package can be safely removed. Package: festvox-don Description-md5: ec2f52602c5371ea1881eb5978a812ca Description-gl: Falante varón de inglés británico mínimo para o festival This is a very small diphone database, which gives poor quality sound output but runs very fast. . A voz contida nesta base de datos é un falante masculino de inglés británico. Package: festvox-ellpc11k Description-md5: ca4569cbd3e340771ccb8c3e576de398 Description-gl: Falante varón de castelán para o festival This is a Castilian Spanish male speaker for the Festival speech synthesis system. Package: festvox-en1 Description-md5: 73113a75020377d4b66a5e0015a9b80f Description-gl: mbrola-en1 voice support for festival Este paquete permítelle a Festival empregar a voz non libre baseada en mostras mbrola-en1 en troques das súas propias voces sintetizadas. Package: festvox-rablpc16k Description-md5: 99e8d97789e3898957461eff03184d83 Description-gl: Falante varón de inglés británico para o festival, taxa de 8khz This is a diphone database for festival that uses 16k samples for high quality sound output. This is a large database (9 MB), and festival will convert text to speech more slowly using it, so you might want to install festvox-rablpc8k instead if you have low disk space or a slow computer. . A voz contida nesta base de datos é un falante masculino de inglés británico. Package: festvox-rablpc8k Description-md5: 9b1f2a5e2a99a3c150568f2f60feb229 Description-gl: Falante varón de inglés británico para o festival, taxa de 8khz This is a diphone database for festival that uses 8k samples so it takes up a minimum of disk space. Using this diphone database, festival also converts text to speech faster than with the 16k version. However, the sound quality is not as good. . A voz contida nesta base de datos é un falante masculino de inglés británico. Package: festvox-us1 Description-md5: 4a88a1475767423d39383d867ca65c2e Description-gl: mbrola-us1 voice support for festival Este paquete permítelle a Festival empregar a voz non libre baseada en mostras mbrola-us1 en troques das súas propias voces sintetizadas. Package: festvox-us2 Description-md5: 0d83ae1061b439701a1d7bd8443b18ca Description-gl: mbrola-us2 voice support for festival Este paquete permítelle a Festival empregar a voz non libre baseada en mostras mbrola-us2 en troques das súas propias voces sintetizadas. Package: festvox-us3 Description-md5: 9f9fed2c3cca5ca1d4d49b1a99c0e678 Description-gl: mbrola-us3 voice support for festival Este paquete permítelle a Festival empregar a voz non libre baseada en mostras mbrola-us3 en troques das súas propias voces sintetizadas. Package: firmware-b43-installer Description-md5: 571d238de28bee9095c3b72db3bada7e Description-gl: firmware installer for the b43 driver Este paquete descarga e instala o firmware que precisa o controlador do kernel b43 para algunhas placas de rede sen fíos Broadcom 43xx. . Supported chipsets: * BCM4306/3 (chip revision 3 only); * BCM4311 (NOT PCI Id 14e4:4313); * BCM4312; * BCM43131; * BCM4318; * BCM4321 (only partial support, not all versions tested); * BCM43217; * BCM4322 (only partial support for some versions, not all versions tested); * BCM43222 (not all versions tested); * BCM43224 (not all versions tested); * BCM43225; * BCM43227; * BCM43228; * BCM4331; * BCM47xx (detection not reliable, may not support all versions). Package: firmware-b43legacy-installer Description-md5: abb8ff7bda8ade8bcb3e2ea7c10b69ef Description-gl: firmware installer for the b43legacy driver Este paquete descarga e instala o firmware que precisa o controlador do kernel b43legacy para algunhas placas de rede sen fíos Broadcom 43xx. . Supported chipsets: * BCM4301; * BCM4306/2; * BCM4306. Package: foiltex Description-md5: aa10e012c22239f8d944e3b72ac84cde Description-gl: collection of LaTeX files for making foils and slides foiltex is a set of LaTeX style files that makes it easy to prepare material for video or overhead projection, such as transparencies, slides, and computer-projected presentations. . Permite que o usuario manipule o tipo de texto e o seu tamaño para mostrar e crear material de cabeceira e rodapé e inclúe ambientes especiais para presentacións científicas e matemáticas. Package: fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208 Description-md5: ba5156a4eedcaa21954313a673af76b4 Description-gl: Tipo de letra TrueType para o xaponés, IPAfont (JISX0208) IPAfont é un conxunto de tipos de letra TrueType xaponés fornecido pola Axencia para Promoción da Información e a Tecnoloxía do Xapón (IPA NON significa o Alfabeto Fonético Internacional). . Consiste en * IPA Gothic * IPA P Gothic * IPA UI Gothic * IPA Mincho * IPA P Mincho . It based on JISX0208 specifications. fonts-ipafont package is based on new JISX0214, has different glyphs on some same characters. So this package contains glyphs that have compatibility with old specifications, such as MS Gothic or Mincho fonts or so. That is important thing for business documents. Package: fonts-ipafont-nonfree-uigothic Description-md5: 03a7dc6459239544a4f1e417fcd2d645 Description-gl: Tipo de letra TrueType para o xaponés, IPAfont UI Gothic IPAfont é un conxunto de tipos de letra TrueType xaponés fornecido pola Axencia para Promoción da Información e a Tecnoloxía do Xapón (IPA NON significa o Alfabeto Fonético Internacional). . This package contain UI Gothic, suitable for display GUI menu. Package: fonts-larabie-deco Description-md5: 5419ca91fb7a465cbf0de90cc24ca6bf Description-gl: Tipos de letra decorativos de Decorative freeware TrueType fonts from Ray Larabie. This package contains the "decorative" ones of his fonts, which are great for headlines and other decorations. Package: fonts-mikachan Description-md5: 50f017e9612e8c3ee7e4ec4ec3d078a1 Description-gl: Tipo de letra xaponesa manuscrita Truetype This package provides handwritten Japanese truetype font. It contains 7 truetype fonts: * Mikachan : fixed width * Mikachan-P : proportional * Mikachan-PB : proportional and bold * Mikachan-PS : proportional, some fonts are smaller than Kanji - Hiragana, Katakana, Arabic numerals and Symbols * Mikachan-puchi: petit and petit bold Package: freespace2 Description-md5: 6a95846034add8354b592b24e9d84ecc Description-gl: open implementation of the Freespace 2 game engine FreeSpace é unha serie de xogos de simulación de combate espacial desenvolvidos por Volition, Inc. e publicados por Interplay Entertainment. Os xogos teñen lugar no século XXIV. A Humanidade, coñecida como Terráns, ten desenvolvido os medios para as viaxes espaciais, incentivados pola descuberta do subsespazo, que fai que as viaxes interestelares sexan non só posíbeis mais tamén rápidas e fáciles. Como resultado, os Terráns teñen expandido o seu territorio e no camiño teñen atopado outras especies bípedes e intelixente, os Vasudans. Porén, debido ás diferenzas culturais e ás dificultades de comunicación mutua, a Alianza Galáctica Terrana (GTA) e o Imperio Parlamentario Vasudan (PVE) acaban loitando nunha guerra desde hai catorce anos. . Original game files from CD are needed to play this game. Package: freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher Description-md5: 6cf1c4ae0b7d9073fe94f47fcb642734 Description-gl: launcher for the Freespace 2 Source Code Project GUI launcher for the Freespace 2 Source Code Project. . FreeSpace é unha serie de xogos de simulación de combate espacial desenvolvidos por Volition, Inc. e publicados por Interplay Entertainment. Os xogos teñen lugar no século XXIV. A Humanidade, coñecida como Terráns, ten desenvolvido os medios para as viaxes espaciais, incentivados pola descuberta do subsespazo, que fai que as viaxes interestelares sexan non só posíbeis mais tamén rápidas e fáciles. Como resultado, os Terráns teñen expandido o seu territorio e no camiño teñen atopado outras especies bípedes e intelixente, os Vasudans. Porén, debido ás diferenzas culturais e ás dificultades de comunicación mutua, a Alianza Galáctica Terrana (GTA) e o Imperio Parlamentario Vasudan (PVE) acaban loitando nunha guerra desde hai catorce anos. . Original game files from CD are needed to play this game. Package: frogatto Description-md5: 53484fcad72c00cc156b54442e976787 Description-gl: 2D platformer game starring a quixotic frog Frogatto is a platformer in the style of old arcade, Sega and Nintendo games. The world is viewed as a cross-section seen from the side, and your character walks and jumps between solid platforms whilst fighting monsters. . Este paquete contén o motor de xogo. Package: frogatto-data Description-md5: 203cc47d9de23f7f9fc97105832a0c0f Description-gl: 2D platformer game starring a quixotic frog (data files) Frogatto is a platformer in the style of old arcade, Sega and Nintendo games. The world is viewed as a cross-section seen from the side, and your character walks and jumps between solid platforms whilst fighting monsters. . Este paquete contén datos de xogo e ficheiros de música. Package: game-data-packager Description-md5: 2f3c02d0b95a53c507e239b4c4a16acd Description-gl: Instalador dos ficheiros de datos de xogo. Various games are divided into two logical parts: engine and data. Often the engine and data are licensed in different ways, such that the engine can be distributed in Debian but the data cannot. . game-data-packager is a tool which builds .deb files for game data which cannot be distributed in Debian (such as commercial game data). . At the moment, game-data-packager has support for building .deb files for: . * 3 Skulls of the Toltecs * A Mind Forever Voyaging * Amazon: Guardians of Eden * Arthur: the Quest for Excalibur * Arx Fatalis * Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 * Ballyhoo * Bargon Attack * Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity * The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble * The Black Cauldron * Blade Runner * Blake Stone and Planet Strike * Blue Force * Border Zone * Castle of Dr. Brain and The Island of Dr. Brain * Broken Sword * Bureaucracy * Chex Quest and Chex Quest 2 * Chivalry is Not Dead * Codename: ICEMAN * Commander Keen 4 to 6 * Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail * Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood * Cruise for a Corpse * Cutthroats * Deadline * Descent 1 and 2 * The Dig * Discworld 1 and 2 * Doom, The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, The Master Levels for Doom 2, Final Doom * Doom 3 and BFG Edition * Dračí Historie * Dreamweb * Duke Nukem 1 and 3D * Dune 2: Battle for Arrakis * EcoQuest 1 and 2 * The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind * Elvira 1 and 2 * Enchanter * Enclosure * Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2 * The Feeble Files * Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist * Freespace 2 * Full Throttle * Future War (Les Voyageurs du Temps) * Gabriel Knight 1 and 2 * Gobliiins 1, 2 and 3 * Gold Rush! * The Griffon Legend * Grim Fandango * HacX * Hank's Quest * Heretic, Hexen and Hexen 2 * Heroes of Might & Magic 2 and 3 * The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy * Hollywood Hijinx * Hopkins FBI * Hoyle's Official Book of Games * Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo 2, Hugo 3 * Icewind Dale 1 and 2 * Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis * Infidel * Inherit the Earth * James Clavell's Shōgun * Jones in the Fast Lane * Journey: Part One of the Golden Age Trilogy * King's Quest 1 to 7 * The Labyrinth of Time * Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos * Laura Bow 1 and 2 * Leather Goddesses of Phobos 1 and 2 * Legend of Kyrandiar 1, 2 and 3 * Leisure Suit Larry 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 * LGeneral (Panzer General) * Lost in Time * The Lurking Horror * The Manhole * Manhunter 1 and 2 * Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle * Mixed-Up Mother Goose & Mixed-Up Fairy Tales * Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3 * Moonmist * Mortville Manor * Myst: Masterpiece Edition, Riven, Myst III * Mystery House * The Neverhood * Nippon Safes Inc. * Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It * Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood * Pajama Sam series * Personal Nightmare * Phantasmagoria 1 and 2 * Planescape: Torment * Planetfall * Plundered Hearts * Police Quest 1 to 4 * Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 Arena, Quake 4, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars * Quest For Glory 1, 2 and 3 * Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender * Ringworld 1 and 2 * Rise of the Triad * Rodney's Funscreen * Sam & Max Hit the Road * Seastalker * Sfinx * The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel * The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo * Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels * Simon the Sorcerer 1, 2 and Puzzle Pack * Slater & Charlie Go Camping * Soltys * Sorcerer * Space Quest 1 to 6 * Spellbreaker * Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy * Starcross * Stationfall * Strife * Suspect * Suspended * Syndicate * System Shock * Super 3D Noah's Ark * Theme Hospital * Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths * Toonstruck * Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer * Transport Tycoon Deluxe * Trinity * Troll's Tale * Tyrian * Ultima IV & VII * Unreal, Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament (1999) * Urban Runner * Ween: The Prophecy * Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood * Wishbringer * Witness * Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and Return to Castle Wolfenstein * Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory * X-COM: UFO Defense * Zork 1, 2 and 3, Beyond Zork, Zork Zero, Return to Zork, Zork: The Undiscovered Underground * Zork Grand Inquisitor and Zork Nemesis Package: game-data-packager-runtime Description-md5: 15dd8590fe384dab6ade3dead31a37a9 Description-gl: Iniciador de xogos privativos Various games are divided into two logical parts: engine and data. Often the engine and data are licensed in different ways, such that the engine can be distributed in Debian but the data cannot. . Some of the games supported by game-data-packager need to be started by a special launcher script that will create symbolic links or do other setup. This package contains those launcher scripts. . The following games currently require this package: . * Doom 2: The Master Levels (doom2-masterlevels-wad) * Quake series and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (quake, quake2, quake3, quake4, etqw) * Return to Castle Wolfenstein (rtcw) * Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy (openjk-outcast, openjk-academy) * Unreal, Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament (unreal-classic, unreal-gold, ut99) Package: gemrb-data Description-md5: 57f3e1de551e53fa269dc1fcdca86ae7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos comúns de GemRB GemRB (Game Engine Made with preRendered Background) is a new implementation of the original Infinity Engine (the one of Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, ...) to Linux/Unix, MacOS X and Windows with some enhancements. . This package contains data files used across all supported games. Package: gemrb-doc Description-md5: b5b7cf649a4ea1c54ecc444478d90e9f Description-gl: Documentación de GemRB GemRB (Game Engine Made with preRendered Background) is a new implementation of the original Infinity Engine (the one of Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, ...) to Linux/Unix, MacOS X and Windows with some enhancements. . This package contains documentation about GemRB and how to write custom games. Package: gentle Description-md5: 60adf1620c650c216b9ae673b5d248ca Description-gl: Suite para planificar clonación xenética GENtle is a software for DNA and amino acid editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, PCR, and much more. Package: gfaim Description-md5: de68bfc4138daa548b56a361621cb948 Description-gl: A small utility that allows you to find quickly a lot of recipes Gfaim is a small utility written using GTK+ which allows you to find a lot of recipes easily by typing the name of the ingredient you want. Its database contains more then 10 000 recipes. Please note that those recipes are written in French. . Este paquete contén os binarios de gfaim Package: gfaim-data Description-md5: 6fa7b84091b0a35267bf9a607c4f5606 Description-gl: Unha utilidade que permite atopar moitas receitas escritas en francés Gfaim is a small utility written using GTK+ which allows you to find a lot of recipes easily by typing the name of the ingredient you want. Its database contains more then 10 000 recipes. Please note that those recipes are written in French. . This package contains the recipe database for gfaim Package: gliese Description-md5: 5bcb1833d0c8b16542b0e6dafc0a2f9b Description-gl: Conxunto de datos estelares do Terceiro Catálogo de Estrelas Próximas Este paquete fornece un catálogo estelar que contén aproximadamente 3.800 rexistros de estrelas, incluídas as estrelas coñecidas a menos de 80 anos luz da Terra, tomados do Terceiro Catálogo de Estrelas Próximas (edición preliminar), Gliese e Jahreiss, 1991. . Este conxunto de datos estelares pode ser visto co programa StarPlot, dispoñíbel en Debian, mais tamén pode ser usado con outro software astronómico. Package: gnuboy-sdl Description-md5: d0afd5157478841c7d01808a8cbd6f99 Description-gl: SDL binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator Gnuboy is a portable Game Boy emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color on your PC or workstation. . Este paquete contén os binarios de SDL. Package: gnuboy-x Description-md5: 7dc3af652e412edd9627cb088cd2b13d Description-gl: X binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator Gnuboy is a portable Game Boy emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color on your PC or workstation. . Este paquete contén os binarios de X. Package: google-android-platform-10-installer Description-md5: 52b86e59c5593a7c9780f2bb3356fa3c Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 10 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 10 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (85 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-11-installer Description-md5: 8e28f63f36008fb0f918c83e307469f8 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 11 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 11 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (104 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-12-installer Description-md5: c517125247e17bd2d4255a74995aa1b8 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 12 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 12 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (106 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-13-installer Description-md5: 537f78d141474370723dbf8db2f269a2 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 13 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 13 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (108 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-14-installer Description-md5: 07a75e0b6a3ab98d17388aadd8bcc19d Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 14 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 14 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (46 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-15-installer Description-md5: 7fe12be88a4d1bd6d9b918f035918a04 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 15 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 15 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (44 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-16-installer Description-md5: 0800db851260c24bc9ce259acad9a124 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 16 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 16 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (48 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-17-installer Description-md5: 08c71578cb04ab160bf80b9aef46c8b0 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 17 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 17 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (57 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-18-installer Description-md5: 18ee971a6f228e874aa4fa64dd13ce24 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 18 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 18 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (57 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-19-installer Description-md5: f27d070f5c9e9351d87340f1e81ddc86 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 19 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 19 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (63 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-20-installer Description-md5: 7ea461b371d7a3e957844194a9b904be Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 20 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 20 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (63 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-21-installer Description-md5: cee697ee492f4b8b204d7fbdd161c431 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 21 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 21 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (65 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-22-installer Description-md5: 282c3c1d8cc0d997b74b84f19fd5ce25 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 22 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 22 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (66 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-23-installer Description-md5: 48cef4ffddeedb50eef3c45c54dd4289 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 23 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 23 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (70 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-24-installer Description-md5: 522c5e449b412321d299d27777c8c043 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 24 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 24 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (82 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-7-installer Description-md5: 19886df0240bc52728bfdf9008c9d3c1 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 7 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 7 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (70 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-8-installer Description-md5: 5baf5740f86b24a39b5824ed2c30d1d9 Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 8 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 8 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (74 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-platform-9-installer Description-md5: bbff2687ad7c261f1096d3348ca9961b Description-gl: Instalador da Plataforma SDK para Android 9 da Google This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 9 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths. . Google's Android SDK Platform includes android.jar file with fully compliant Android library. In order to build an Android app, this SDK platform must be specified as build target. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (78 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available at Package: google-android-sdk-docs-installer Description-md5: 52cf10adac7b61debbbe3f1a5f16c714 Description-gl: Documentación do SDK de Android de Google This package will download the Android SDK Documentation from Google and create a Debian package. This package also aims to strip out all calls to the networking, including tracking services like Google Analytics and Doubleclick. These documentation files still require the Google "jsapi", which is only available by fetching it each time from This package forces it to use https://, but otherwise, these docs have to phone home in order for any of the javascript to work. . WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes (419 MB) to be downloaded from and/or from other suggested mirrors. Since the zipball is checked against the embedded SHA1 checksum, the install will fail if the mirror contains a corrupted version. . The End User License Agreement of this binary package is available here: . The code in the documentation is licensed under the Apache 2.0, and the content is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 2.5. The CC-BY 2.5 license is non-free but can be legally distributed by Debian. This package avoids the issue all together since each user directly downloads the files from Google, and must agree to Google's license. Package: gsl-doc-info Description-md5: 3d51809619c4981a2493ba062223593f Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in info Este paquete fornece ficheiros tipo info co manual de referencia da Biblioteca Científica de GNU (GSL), unha colección de rutinas para a análise numérica. . The reference manual is also available in postscript and html formats in the packages gsl-ref-psdoc and gsl-ref-html, respectively. Package: gsl-doc-pdf Description-md5: 982714ff4fe72ea7c3174796adac0baf Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in pdf Este paquete fornece un ficheiro en pdf co manual de referencia da Biblioteca Científica de GNU (GSL), unha colección de rutinas para a análise numérica. . The reference manual is also available in postscript and html formats in the packages gsl-ref-psdoc and gsl-ref-html, respectively. Package: gstreamer1.0-fdkaac Description-md5: 8a6ba7d84515005d9fd880d33f218f45 Description-gl: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vídeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen o nivel que teñen o resto. Poderían aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación, ou unha batería de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso real amplo. . This package contains the FDK AAC plugins. Package: hannah-foo2zjs Description-md5: 17bd5e201d7e7be1fb42ba47260c88bd Description-gl: Descargador gráfico de firmware para o paquete foo2zjs Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them. . With this software you can potentially install non-free software, so beware of that. Package: hevea-doc Description-md5: b83859940e782488515bf98b94c58c01 Description-gl: Documentación de HeVeA HeVeA is a powerful and efficient translator from LaTeX to HTML (and other formats). . This package contains the tutorial and the reference manual in HTML format. Package: hts-voice-nitech-jp-atr503-m001 Description-md5: 48d0be37845caa6955d6a5f8ce672ba7 Description-gl: Datos da voz masculina en xaponés para Open JTalk Estes son os datos da voz masculina en xaponés para Open JTalk, un sistema de síntese da fala baseado no Modelo oculto de Markov (HTS) para o xaponés. . This voice data was trained by using the HTS voice data "NIT ATR503 M001" and released by HTS Working Group as a part of Open JTalk. Package: icc-profiles Description-md5: a813c4019da545f80d6c517a0ad94817 Description-gl: Perfís de cores ICC para seren empregados co software que comprenda os perfís de cores A xestión da cor permite a conversión controlada entre a representación das cores dos dispositivos de entrada e de saída e os espazos de cores. Os perfís ICC son unha parte importante da xestión da cor. Son ficheiros de datos que representan correspondencias entre o espazo de cores de entrada ou saída dun dispositivo determinado e o espazo de conexión de perfís (PCS), agnóstico sobre os dispositivos, de acordo co padrón deseñado polo Consorcio Internacional da Cor (ICC). Este paquete contén moitos perfís de cor ICC de alta calidade para seren usados con software que comprenda os perfís de cores, tales como Scribus, Gimp, CinePaint, Krita ou Digikam. En xeral, este paquete é útil se o o software que o emprega foi construído contra unha biblioteca de soporte de xestión da cor como liblcms1 ou liblcms2-2. Nalgún software, como Scribus, hai que activar explicitamente a xestión da cor nas preferencias para poder empregar estes perfís. Package: ipadic Description-md5: eff1ec5477c7b450aa8e1a4494f38faf Description-gl: Dicionarios para ChaSen (datos binarios) Dictionaries for ChaSen, a morphological analysis system to segment and tokenize Japanese text string. It provides many additional information (pronunciation, semantic information, and others). . Está baseado no dicionario ICOT. . This package contains architecture dependent binary data. Package: isight-firmware-tools Description-md5: 17c00d9904d218c9804739e81a19fe3e Description-gl: Ferramentas para traballar co firmware iSight da Apple Apple Built-in iSight requires firmware that can be extracted from the Mac OS X USBVideo driver. This package provides tools for extracting the firmware from the driver and installing udev rules and tools to automatically load the firmware when needed. . A convenient tool for converting firmware binaries to Intel HEX format is also provided. This may be required later for use with a generic firmware loader such as fxload. Package: julius Description-md5: 48e528a7ca400f12b7a08b90e5f87dae Description-gl: speech recognition engine Julius is a high-performance, two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) engine. . It supports N-gram based dictation, DFA grammar based parsing, and one- pass isolated word recognition. Phone context dependencies are supported up to triphone. It can perform a multi-model decoding, a recognition using several LMs and AMs simultaneously with a single processor, and also supports "hot plugging" of arbitrary modules at run time. . Este paquete contén as aplicacións executábeis, un conxunto de ferramentas útiles para construír gramática de recoñecemento e algúns exemplos (como un script para empregar Julius para que execute algunhas ordes predeterminadas). Package: kcemu Description-md5: bc08d35934d1ee9cbd3513221f2d6788 Description-gl: Emulador do KC 85/4 KCemu is an emulator for the KC85 homecomputer series and other Z80 based microcomputers like Z1013, LC80, Polycomputer 880 and BIC A5105. The emulation supports a number of additional hardware, e.g. floppy disk drives and extended graphic modules. . The Debian package does not contain the ROM images required to run the emulated machines. Please refer to the README.Debian file for more information. . Some alternate keywords for the above: KC85, KC87, LC80, Z1013, A5105, Polycomputer 880 . Para programas orixinais e información xeral sobre os sistemas de computadores emulados, consulte e Package: kcemu-common Description-md5: 7c3ce18196053e10d189f7b0cb465752 Description-gl: Emulador do KC 85/4 - ficheiros comúns KCemu is an emulator for the KC85 homecomputer series and other Z80 based microcomputers like Z1013, LC80, Polycomputer 880 and BIC A5105. The emulation supports a number of additional hardware, e.g. floppy disk drives and extended graphic modules. . Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as arquitecturas. . The Debian package does not contain the ROM images required to run the emulated machines. Please refer to the README.Debian file for more. . Some alternate keywords for the above: KC85, KC87, LC80, Z1013, A5105, Polycomputer 880 . Para programas orixinais e información xeral sobre os sistemas de computadores emulados, consulte e Package: kubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: d1762d094551b6ebca85a1049fc60dc1 Description-gl: Paquetes restrinxidos de uso frecuente de Kubuntu Este paquete depende dalgúns paquetes de uso frecuente que hai nos repositorios universe e multiverse de Kubuntu. . Non debería instalar este paquete directamente, senón o kubuntu- restricted-extras. Package: kubuntu-restricted-extras Description-md5: 10c9a51af877ebd2c28d1c8e2d2231ca Description-gl: Códecs de multimedia e tipos de letra de uso frecuente para Kubuntu This collection of packages includes: - MP3 and other audio codec software to play various audio formats (GStreamer plugins) - software to install the Microsoft Web fonts - the Adobe Flash plugin - LAME, software to create compressed audio files. . This software does not include libdvdcss2, and will not let you play encrypted DVDs. For more information, see . These software packages are from the Multiverse channel, restricted by copyright or legal issues in some countries. For more information, see Package: libaccinj64-12.1 Description-md5: 404daeb74b9a29243e00b395f84c5ada Description-gl: NVIDIA ACCINJ Library (64-bit) A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . ACCINJ is the OpenACC internal library for profiling. . This package contains the 64-bit ACCINJ runtime library. Package: libblimps3 Description-md5: a1ad50ab461eca726e0a4e957f1a2ffa Description-gl: blocks database improved searcher library BLIMPS (BLocks IMProved Searcher) is a searching tool that scores a protein sequence against blocks or a block against sequences. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libclamunrar Description-md5: cf0a518e1367a7cff81c7549b758d9d4 Description-gl: Utilidade anti-virus para Unix - funcionalidade unrar Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav11, which can be used by other software. . This metapackage depends on the current libclamunrarX binary library to ensure a new libclamunrarY will be installed after a soname update. Package: libclamunrar12 Description-md5: 917a2a3c171f190c6df62b894d3d9153 Description-gl: Utilidade anti-virus para Unix - funcionalidade unrar Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav11, which can be used by other software. . This package provides support for RAR packaged files or mail attachments. Support will be available once this package is installed and clamd or a local clamscan is restarted. Package: libcublas12 Description-md5: 5d0c77d8f2c8429e53892a3a70d407c4 Description-gl: NVIDIA cuBLAS Library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The cuBLAS library is an implementation of BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) on top of the NVIDIA CUDA runtime. It allows the user to access the computational resources of NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), but does not auto-parallelize across multiple GPUs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución de cuBLAS. Package: libcublaslt12 Description-md5: 785c52463c947123d690fd61ff5b3adb Description-gl: NVIDIA cuBLASLt Library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The cuBLASLt library is a lightweight GEMM library with a flexible API and tensor core support for INT8 inputs and FP16 CGEMM split-complex matrix multiplication. . This package contains the cuBLASLt runtime library. Package: libcudart12 Description-md5: d81acb8bf87762012a0607e71f8eff2e Description-gl: Biblioteca de Tempo de Execución para NVIDA CUDA A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . This package contains the CUDA Runtime API library for high-level CUDA programming, on top of the CUDA Driver API. Package: libcufft11 Description-md5: 323d8bcdb5ce372c028cb925743b7ad1 Description-gl: NVIDIA cuFFT Library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The FFT is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for efficiently computing discrete Fourier transforms of complex or real-valued data sets. It is one of the most important and widely used numerical algorithms in computational physics and general signal processing. The cuFFT library provides a simple interface for computing FFTs on an NVIDIA GPU, which allows users to quickly leverage the floating-point power and parallelism of the GPU in a highly optimized and tested FFT library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución de cuFFT. Package: libcufftw11 Description-md5: 12b7b2ed306369c1f0fb326c4e9feefa Description-gl: NVIDIA cuFFTW Library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The FFT is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for efficiently computing discrete Fourier transforms of complex or real-valued data sets. It is one of the most important and widely used numerical algorithms in computational physics and general signal processing. The cuFFT library provides a simple interface for computing FFTs on an NVIDIA GPU, which allows users to quickly leverage the floating-point power and parallelism of the GPU in a highly optimized and tested FFT library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución de cuFFTW. Package: libcufile-dev Description-md5: c1cd67475ecf5c9f7b33393d15d2499f Description-gl: GPUDirect Storage - development files GPUDirect Storage (GDS) enables a direct data path for direct memory access (DMA) transfers between GPU memory and storage, which avoids a bounce buffer through the CPU. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento: cabeceiras e bibliotecas. Package: libcuinj64-12.1 Description-md5: 9eca092b41526faa574873e622a445e3 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUINJ Library (64-bit) A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . CUINJ is the CUDA internal library for profiling. . This package contains the 64-bit CUINJ runtime library. Package: libcuneiform-dev Description-md5: 7046bf817ffe877db810a190403141b4 Description-gl: Sistema de OCR multilingüe (desenvolvemento) Cuneiforme é un sistema de OCR (recoñecemento óptico de caracteres). Ademais de recoñecer texto, tamén analiza a disposición e recoñece o formato do texto. . The following languages are supported: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. . This package contains the development support files. Package: libcuneiform0 Description-md5: ad62c1ac6c378f4a10018e9ddaa3a97c Description-gl: Sistema de OCR multilingüe (biblioteca compartida) Cuneiforme é un sistema de OCR (recoñecemento óptico de caracteres). Ademais de recoñecer texto, tamén analiza a disposición e recoñece o formato do texto. . The following languages are supported: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcupti-dev Description-md5: 49cdc8386d120bdf14c58bebe2b3388d Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA Profiler Tools Interface development files The CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) enables the creation of profiling and tracing tools that target CUDA applications. CUPTI provides a set of APIs targeted at ISVs creating profilers and other performance optimization tools. The CUPTI APIs are not intended to be used by developers in their CUDA applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento: cabeceiras e bibliotecas. Package: libcupti-doc Description-md5: 0c6d9f272f89c82663423610515dd3eb Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA Profiler Tools Interface documentation The CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) enables the creation of profiling and tracing tools that target CUDA applications. CUPTI provides a set of APIs targeted at ISVs creating profilers and other performance optimization tools. The CUPTI APIs are not intended to be used by developers in their CUDA applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: libcupti12 Description-md5: 65f2f1bea81316b239224ffd680c5064 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA Profiler Tools Interface runtime library The CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI) enables the creation of profiling and tracing tools that target CUDA applications. CUPTI provides a set of APIs targeted at ISVs creating profilers and other performance optimization tools. The CUPTI APIs are not intended to be used by developers in their CUDA applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución. Package: libcurand10 Description-md5: 05f7818fdfa9c23c51a9db2407910cae Description-gl: NVIDIA cuRAND Library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The cuRAND library provides facilities that focus on the simple and efficient generation of high-quality pseudorandom and quasirandom numbers. A pseudorandom sequence of numbers satisfies most of the statistical properties of a truly random sequence but is generated by a deterministic algorithm. A quasirandom sequence of n-dimensional points is generated by a deterministic algorithm designed to fill an n-dimensional space evenly. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución de cuRAND. Package: libcusparse12 Description-md5: 12835bf1c971845122d660784efe714a Description-gl: NVIDIA cuSPARSE Library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The cuSPARSE library contains a set of basic linear algebra subroutines used for handling sparse matrices. It is implemented on top of the NVIDIA CUDA runtime and is designed to be called from C and C++. The library routines can be classified into four categories: * Level 1: operations between a vector in sparse format and a vector in dense format * Level 2: operations between a matrix in sparse format and a vector in dense format * Level 3: operations between a matrix in sparse format and a set of vectors in dense format * Conversion: operations that allow conversion between different matrix formats . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución de cuSPARSE. Package: libdvd-pkg Description-md5: 69ffcc3dc82cec634c830f1c06c90f5e Description-gl: Biblioteca de reprodución de DVD-Video - instalador This package provides libraries that are needed for playing video DVDs with a media player (such as VLC, SMplayer, Totem, etc.). It automates the process of downloading source files, compiling them, and installing the binary packages. Package: libfaac-dev Description-md5: 34e55010e3673cbd01ecd96cd574d525 Description-gl: Codificador de son AAC (desenvolvemento) The FAAC project includes the AAC encoder FAAC and decoder FAAD2. It supports several MPEG-4 object types (LC, Main, LTP, HE AAC, PS) and file formats (ADTS AAC, raw AAC, MP4), multichannel and gapless en/decoding as well as MP4 metadata tags. The codecs are compatible with standard- compliant audio applications using one or more of these profiles. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfaac0 Description-md5: 8b55ae661ddd6656bba4bebe4dcfb7fa Description-gl: Codificador de son AAC (biblioteca) The FAAC project includes the AAC encoder FAAC and decoder FAAD2. It supports several MPEG-4 object types (LC, Main, LTP, HE AAC, PS) and file formats (ADTS AAC, raw AAC, MP4), multichannel and gapless en/decoding as well as MP4 metadata tags. The codecs are compatible with standard- compliant audio applications using one or more of these profiles. . This package contains the shared library and an extra library with support for Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). Package: libfishcamp-dev Description-md5: 69bba66afa600749c1d0954495cfc563 Description-gl: library for cameras made by Fishcamp Engineering - development files This package contains a library for CCD cameras made by Fishcamp Engineering. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfishcamp1t64 Description-md5: 452b42a47b896b8da145bcedd5b82d1a Description-gl: library for cameras made by Fishcamp Engineering This package contains a library for CCD cameras made by Fishcamp Engineering. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libforms-doc Description-md5: 2d31b9908f0fcc2b4d5add43805bddf9 Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca da interface gráfica XForms Este paquete contén documentación en PDF e HTML da biblioteca XForms. Package: libinovasdk-dev Description-md5: 6d50fd32d9b0ac52e8449bc25ada72c8 Description-gl: library for cameras made by i.Nova Technologies - development files This package contains the SDK for i.Nova Technologies Cameras. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libinovasdk1 Description-md5: 1265d3bd9ff0492344473f757d24bb8b Description-gl: library for cameras made by i.Nova Technologies This package contains the SDK for i.Nova Technologies Cameras. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libjulius-dev Description-md5: 8340bbfbc66a4126b71d3fc9b418b072 Description-gl: Motor de recoñecemento da fala - cabezallos de desenvolvemento Julius is a high-performance, two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) engine. . It supports N-gram based dictation, DFA grammar based parsing, and one- pass isolated word recognition. Phone context dependencies are supported up to triphone. It can perform a multi-model decoding, a recognition using several LMs and AMs simultaneously with a single processor, and also supports "hot plugging" of arbitrary modules at run time. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de cabezallo e bibliotecas estáticas para desenvolver aplicacións que empreguen Julius. Package: libmetis-edf-dev Description-md5: 0f7e6f5bfda5e93a23dd58d2c6499c2d Description-gl: Family of Multilevel Partitioning Algorithms METIS: A Family of Multilevel Partitioning Algorithms . This is a collection of serial and parallel programs & libraries that can be used to partitioning unstructured graphs, finite element meshes, and hypergraphs, both on serial as well as on parallel computers. . Adaptation of METIS for Code_Aster purpose . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento Package: libmetis-edf4.1 Description-md5: 1d8e4a9474906e6dabf4c40a8de91740 Description-gl: Family of Multilevel Partitioning Algorithms METIS: A Family of Multilevel Partitioning Algorithms . This is a collection of serial and parallel programs & libraries that can be used to partitioning unstructured graphs, finite element meshes, and hypergraphs, both on serial as well as on parallel computers. . Adaptation of METIS for Code_Aster purpose . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libmtj-java Description-md5: 83d51bf9bf17c051b3fb647b16f73a89 Description-gl: Biblioteca en java para desenvolver aplicacións numéricas MTJ is designed to be used as a library for developing numerical applications, both for small and large scale computations. The library is based on BLAS and LAPACK for its dense and structured sparse computations, and on the Templates project for unstructured sparse operations. . MTJ uses the netlib-java project as a backend, which can be set up to use machine-optimised BLAS libraries for improved performance of dense matrix operations, falling back to a pure Java implementation. This ensures perfect portability, while allowing for improved performance in a production environment. Package: libmtj-java-doc Description-md5: 380f48555fc36f4067152bb8caad7db7 Description-gl: Biblioteca en java para desenvolver aplicacións numéricas (documentación) MTJ is designed to be used as a library for developing numerical applications, both for small and large scale computations. The library is based on BLAS and LAPACK for its dense and structured sparse computations, and on the Templates project for unstructured sparse operations. . MTJ uses the netlib-java project as a backend, which can be set up to use machine-optimised BLAS libraries for improved performance of dense matrix operations, falling back to a pure Java implementation. This ensures perfect portability, while allowing for improved performance in a production environment. . This package contains the javadoc documentation files. Package: libmyth Description-md5: 6233f3ed93adc17b7f228bed7bd3b300 Description-gl: Código das bibliotecas comúns de MythTV e módulos engadidos (tempo de execución) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete contén unha biblioteca compartida, libmyth, que empregan varios compoñentes do sistema. Package: libmyth-dev Description-md5: cdf4db9954271d33355a9e9377695b78 Description-gl: Código das bibliotecas comúns de MythTV e módulos engadidos (desenvolvemento) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para desenvolver aplicacións que empreguen libmyth (como as diversas adicións para MythTV) Package: libmyth-python Description-md5: e74f71cc545d1603c31c2c2484b1f629 Description-gl: Python library to access some MythTV features MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . This package contains files needed for some python MythTV add-ons. Package: libmythtv-perl Description-md5: abed8d145058a1b7809da40480d7d587 Description-gl: Perl library to access some MythTV features MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . This package contains files needed for some PERL MythTV add-ons like nuvexport or Package: libnccl-dev Description-md5: eb51ac028af4e93d497fb00fb21ea648 Description-gl: NVIDIA Optimized primitives for inter-GPU communication (development) NCCL (pronounced "Nickel") is a stand-alone library of standard communication routines for GPUs, implementing all-reduce, all-gather, reduce, broadcast, reduce-scatter, as well as any send/receive based communication pattern. It has been optimized to achieve high bandwidth on platforms using PCIe, NVLink, NVswitch, as well as networking using InfiniBand Verbs or TCP/IP sockets. NCCL supports an arbitrary number of GPUs installed in a single node or across multiple nodes, and can be used in either single- or multi-process (e.g., MPI) applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libnvblas12 Description-md5: e77f7a1f1173b44f2910c8a51eff1d1c Description-gl: NVBLAS runtime library A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . The NVBLAS Library is a GPU-accelerated Library that implements BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms). It can accelerate most BLAS Level-3 routines by dynamically routing BLAS calls to one or more NVIDIA GPUs present in the system, when the characteristics of the call make it to speedup on a GPU. Package: libnvidia-cfg1-550-server Description-md5: 7dce7edcd194e980223937b38f49e8b9 Description-gl: NVIDIA binary OpenGL/GLX configuration library The NVIDIA binary driver provides optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES applications via a direct-rendering X Server for graphics cards using NVIDIA chip sets. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución Package: libnvidia-common-550-server Description-md5: 259c61ba4e777f5a2f1e7ee2fd1957bc Description-gl: Ficheiros compartidos empregados polas bibliotecas de NVIDIA Este paquete fornece un conxunto de ficheiros requiridos polas bibliotecas de NVIDIA Package: libnvidia-encode-550-server Description-md5: 21b4191ea88e49a7e948a2b89cfed901 Description-gl: NVENC Video Encoding runtime library The NVENC Video Encoding library provides an interface to video encoder hardware on supported NVIDIA GPUs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución nvidia-encode Package: libnvidia-fbc1-550-server Description-md5: 19123a53d351a2e540ca869d1e74f9d2 Description-gl: NVIDIA OpenGL-based Framebuffer Capture runtime library The NVIDIA OpenGL-based Framebuffer Capture (NvFBCOpenGL) library provides a high performance, low latency interface to capture and optionally encode an OpenGL framebuffer. NvFBCOpenGL is a private API that is only available to approved partners for use in remote graphics scenarios. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución NvFBCOpenGL. Package: libnvvm4 Description-md5: 1efd5ade308f30b7de84c0430187211c Description-gl: NVIDIA NVVM Library NVIDIA's CUDA Compiler (NVCC) is based on the widely used LLVM open source compiler infrastructure. . The NVVM library is used by NVCC to compile CUDA binary code to run on NVIDIA GPUs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución de NVIDIA NVVM. Package: libopenzwave1.6t64 Description-md5: 6fd563f922d2ce455d13cf7e75020bb2 Description-gl: API para empregar un controlador Z-Wave OpenZWave is an open-source, cross-platform library designed to enable anyone to add support for Z-Wave home-automation devices to their applications, without requiring any in depth knowledge of the Z-Wave protocol. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libparmetis-dev Description-md5: 839c770f477cb92f6af09275d807c484 Description-gl: Parallel Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering Libs: Devel ParMetis computes minimal-cut partitions of graphs and meshes in parallel, and orders variables for minimal fill when using direct solvers for sparse matrices. It does all this in parallel, and also can efficiently re- partition a graph or mesh whose connectivity has changed. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para desenvolver programas que empreguen ParMetis. Package: libparmetis4.0 Description-md5: 17a6686f47a3b63f4328881bffab697b Description-gl: Parallel Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering Shared Libs ParMetis computes minimal-cut partitions of graphs and meshes in parallel, and orders variables for minimal fill when using direct solvers for sparse matrices. It does all this in parallel, and also can efficiently re- partition a graph or mesh whose connectivity has changed. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de ParMetis. Package: libpgplot5 Description-md5: 2aedf01c03b566e9c3f3d2c5347ddd2d Description-gl: large subroutine library for plotting scientific data (runtime library) Many routines are included in pgplot for viewing scientific data. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución. Package: librhvoice-dev Description-md5: 592183b413424a1e0cd8d363a305293b Description-gl: RHVoice speech synthesizer - development files RHVoice uses statistical parametric synthesis. It relies on existing open source speech technologies (mainly HTS and related software). . Voices are built from recordings of natural speech. They have small footprints, because only statistical models are stored on users' computers. And though the voices lack the naturalness of the synthesizers which generate speech by combining segments of the recordings themselves, they are still very intelligible and resemble the speakers who recorded the source material. . Initially, RHVoice could speak only Russian. Now it also supports English, Esperanto and Georgian. In theory, it is possible to implement support for other languages, if all the necessary resources can be found or created. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librhvoice5 Description-md5: c220ab00272e875bc182388926258d09 Description-gl: RHVoice speech synthesizer - shared library RHVoice uses statistical parametric synthesis. It relies on existing open source speech technologies (mainly HTS and related software). . Voices are built from recordings of natural speech. They have small footprints, because only statistical models are stored on users' computers. And though the voices lack the naturalness of the synthesizers which generate speech by combining segments of the recordings themselves, they are still very intelligible and resemble the speakers who recorded the source material. . Initially, RHVoice could speak only Russian. Now it also supports English, Esperanto and Georgian. In theory, it is possible to implement support for other languages, if all the necessary resources can be found or created. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libricohcamerasdk Description-md5: d495557e05f9003007d774a153081012 Description-gl: library for Ricoh cameras This package contains libraries to use Ricoh cameras. Particularly Pentax cameras in PTP mode can be controlled with the corresponding INDI driver. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libtestu01-0-dev Description-md5: 58af38dfafd961ab7575a9ec7ae25839 Description-gl: testing suite for uniform random number generators -- libdevel TestU01 is a software library, implemented in the ANSI C language, and offering a collection of utilities for the empirical statistical testing of uniform random number generators. . TestU01 implements several types of random number generators in generic form, as well as many specific generators proposed in the literature or found in widely-used software. It provides general implementations of the classical statistical tests for random number generators, as well as several others proposed in the literature, and some original ones. These tests can be applied to the generators predefined in the library and to user-defined generators. Specific tests suites for either sequences of uniform random numbers in [0,1] or bit sequences are also provided, as well as basic tools for plotting vectors of points produced by generators and more advanced tools for more involved tests and usage. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas estáticas e as ligazóns simbólicas que precisan os desenvolvedores que empreguen as bibliotecas TestU01. Package: libtriangle-1.6 Description-md5: 02f51b517c8922c4b424f7d85dc151f6 Description-gl: High-quality 2-D mesh generator -- shared libraries Triangle is a library/program for meshing 2-D surfaces and manifolds. . Este paquete contén a súa biblioteca compartida. Package: libtriangle-dev Description-md5: d16186b7d50390fd7e2a6d585d4044b5 Description-gl: High-quality 2-D mesh generator -- development files Triangle is a library/program for meshing 2-D surfaces and manifolds. . Este paquete contén a súa biblioteca estática, cabezallos e ligazón simbólica á biblioteca compartida, precisos para compilar programas que empreguen a biblioteca triangle. Package: libttspico-data Description-md5: bfcf6e28cfddab51239c192d23e97393 Description-gl: Small Footprint TTS (lingware) The SVOX Pico engine is a software speech synthesizer for German, English (GB and US), Spanish, French and Italian. . SVOX produces a clear and distinct speech output made possible by the use of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) algorithms. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de idioma (lingware). Package: libttspico-dev Description-md5: 15cad2e78f025cf33a9d80ef1f97a36c Description-gl: Small Footprint TTS (development files) The SVOX Pico engine is a software speech synthesizer for German, English (GB and US), Spanish, French and Italian. . SVOX produces a clear and distinct speech output made possible by the use of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) algorithms. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libttspico0t64 Description-md5: 1553bd5b049c4d4386292cefabdf0ea3 Description-gl: Small Footprint TTS (library) The SVOX Pico engine is a software speech synthesizer for German, English (GB and US), Spanish, French and Italian. . SVOX produces a clear and distinct speech output made possible by the use of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) algorithms. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libydpdict2-dev Description-md5: 7528115c0533b0012a891c25dc9041d6 Description-gl: library for reading Collins dictionaries - development files This library makes it easy for a program to read the dictionaries distributed by Young Digital Planet (English-Polish/Polish-English and/or German-Polish/Polish-German). . Este paquete só contén os ficheiros necesarios para compilar programas que empreguen a biblioteca libydpdict. Package: lubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: 3ca2daeb7a1420404b38ae87c79c29cb Description-gl: Paquetes restrinxidos de uso frecuente de Lubuntu Este paquete depende dalgúns paquetes de uso frecuente que hai nos repositorios universe e multiverse de Lubuntu. . Non debería instalar este paquete directamente, senón o lubuntu- restricted-extras. Package: lubuntu-restricted-extras Description-md5: a692f891a53f8d1e1a6da0cb3da93c48 Description-gl: Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Lubuntu (Transitional) This collection of packages includes: - MP3 and other audio codec software to play various audio formats (mplayer plugins) - software to install the Microsoft Web fonts - the Adobe Flash plugin . This software does not include libdvdcss2, and will not let you play encrypted DVDs. For more information, see . These software packages are from the Multiverse channel, restricted by copyright or legal issues in some countries. For more information, see . Este é un paquete transitorio. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: manpages-posix Description-md5: bebba789d7556a5d3bb41a68c74536d8 Description-gl: Páxinas de manual sobre o uso de sistemas POSIX Este paquete contén páxinas de manual das utilidades de POSIX e mantenas na sección 1 (coa extensión 1posix) do manual na rede. Package: manpages-posix-dev Description-md5: 0df35d08fd332d72043312433a0bd2b2 Description-gl: Páxinas do manual sobre como empregar un sistema POSIX para desenvolvemento These man pages describe the POSIX programming interface, including these two sections: 7 = POSIX header files (with 7posix extension) 3 = POSIX library calls (with 3posix extension) Package: maple-latex Description-md5: f7a8bd427d64b65c3fce7bd3a4b14c96 Description-gl: Paquetes, ambientes e macros de LaTeX distribuídos por Maple Maple is a commercial Computer Algebra System (CAS) manufactured by the Canadian software company MapleSoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc.. . This package provides as is the LaTeX packages, environments and macros used in the "Maple to LaTeX" documents produced by Maple as documented into the Maple online help system. Package: matlab-support Description-md5: 043f431da8db6fad67528f4d0d2174d2 Description-gl: distro integration for local MATLAB installations Este paquete non fornece o MATLAB. En troques diso, configura unha instalación do MATLAB xa existente para que se integre con máis comodidade nunha instalación de Debian. . Currently it provides /usr/bin/matlab through the alternatives system, offers to work around incompatibilities between the libraries bundled with MATLAB and system libraries, and provides a helper utility meant to be used by other packages to compile MEX extensions. . Install this if you would like your MATLAB installation to behave more like an ordinary Debian package. Other packages may depend on this one if they install MATLAB code, for example in order to compile MEX extensions. Package: mbrola Description-md5: ec127a8485012c20e1be3f87d968badb Description-gl: Sintetizador de voz multilingüe por software Mbrola is Thierry Dutoit's phonemizer for multilingual speech synthesis. The various diphone databases are distributed on separate packages, but they must be used with and only with Mbrola because of license matters. Read the copyright for details. . Mbrola itself doesn't provide full TTS. It is a speech synthesizer based on the concatenation of diphones. It takes a list of phonemes as input, together with prosodic information (duration of phonemes and a piecewise linear description of pitch), and produces speech samples on 16 bits (linear), at the sampling frequency of the diphone database. . Use Mbrola along with Freephone, cicero or espeak to have a complete text- to-speech in English. Package: mbrola-af1 Description-md5: 45c04f2896fe6010eee87e59c402611f Description-gl: Voz masculina en afrikaans para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o afrikaans fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en afrikaans para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-br1 Description-md5: b26a18b65acf95c11ed143d760a8a5de Description-gl: Voz masculina en portugués do Brasil para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o portugués do Brasil fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en portugués do Brasil para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-br2 Description-md5: 07a559b098e64138cc76a762c8c3db5d Description-gl: Brazilian Portuguese female voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o portugués do Brasil fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . It provides a Brazilian Portuguese female voice to be used with the MBROLA program. Package: mbrola-br3 Description-md5: b26a18b65acf95c11ed143d760a8a5de Description-gl: Voz masculina en portugués do Brasil para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o portugués do Brasil fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en portugués do Brasil para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-br4 Description-md5: 07a559b098e64138cc76a762c8c3db5d Description-gl: Brazilian Portuguese female voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o portugués do Brasil fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . It provides a Brazilian Portuguese female voice to be used with the MBROLA program. Package: mbrola-cr1 Description-md5: b755a2e96548919c7f3c3e13aa4142b5 Description-gl: Voz masculina en croata para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o croata fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en croata para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-cz1 Description-md5: e7779fb190cbea27684574069e8e1a96 Description-gl: Czech female voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o checo fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . It provides a Czech female voice to be used with the MBROLA program. Package: mbrola-cz2 Description-md5: e6994379f70599765b4ff74b098db346 Description-gl: Voz masculina en checo para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o checo fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en checo para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-de1 Description-md5: 801390ff97d6389517ac334fe6fc5a53 Description-gl: Voz feminina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en alemán para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-de2 Description-md5: 07164727bc69bc13aae1272a5ba0313e Description-gl: Voz masculina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en alemán para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-de3 Description-md5: 801390ff97d6389517ac334fe6fc5a53 Description-gl: Voz feminina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en alemán para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-de4 Description-md5: 07164727bc69bc13aae1272a5ba0313e Description-gl: Voz masculina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en alemán para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-de5 Description-md5: 801390ff97d6389517ac334fe6fc5a53 Description-gl: Voz feminina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en alemán para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-de6 Description-md5: 1e78699771261beaa8ccaff7c69c5999 Description-gl: Voz masculina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . DE6 is a male German diphone voice created in the context of the EU project NECA (IST-2000-28580), with the aim of being particularly suitable for the flexible synthesis of expressive speech. . The main feature of DE6 is therefore that it contains a complete diphone set for three different voice qualities defined by their vocal effort, low effort ("soft voice"), medium effort ("normal or modal voice"), and high effort ("loud voice"). . This diphone database was recorded jointly by the Institute of Phonetics at Saarland University and by the Language Technology Department at DFKI, Saarbrücken. Package: mbrola-de7 Description-md5: 801390ff97d6389517ac334fe6fc5a53 Description-gl: Voz feminina en alemán para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o alemán fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en alemán para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-ee1 Description-md5: b3d6e53c1837dd636fdf963a2f546735 Description-gl: Voz masculina en estoniano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o estoniano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en estoniano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-en1 Description-md5: 58c38183cd5c4dc361473ff1f2cd9fa2 Description-gl: Voz masculina en inglés británico para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o inglés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en inglés británico (coñecida como «voz de Roger») para empregar co programa Mbrola. Foi construída a partir dos difonos postos a disposición pola CSTR da Universidade de Edimburgo como parte do seu sistema de texto lido xenérico Festival. . . Input files use the SAMPA phonetic notation, as adopted in other Mbrola databases. This package also provides the correspondence with the MRPA phonetic notation used in the original distribution of Roger's voice in the Festival TTS system. Package: mbrola-es1 Description-md5: 07cf405b5fb975b987d7cbce7c4e4736 Description-gl: Voz masculina en español para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en español para empregar co programa MBROLA. . Input files use the SAMPA (SAM Phonetic Alphabet) notation as recommended by the EEC-SAM Project, but with some minor changes. Package: mbrola-es2 Description-md5: 7a18739caaba1a06994ac7cc36e1538d Description-gl: Voz masculina en español para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en español para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-es3 Description-md5: c83f0ee836fa94fb12e97110470d46ad Description-gl: Spanish female voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . It provides a Spanish female voice to be used with the MBROLA program. Package: mbrola-es4 Description-md5: 7a18739caaba1a06994ac7cc36e1538d Description-gl: Voz masculina en español para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en español para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-fr1 Description-md5: b37eb4aba52be6b911e48d956ec3f4eb Description-gl: Voz masculina en francés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o francés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en francés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-fr2 Description-md5: cc9e699394e2d985dbc0cc85fab2915b Description-gl: Voz feminina en francés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o francés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en francés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-fr3 Description-md5: b37eb4aba52be6b911e48d956ec3f4eb Description-gl: Voz masculina en francés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o francés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en francés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-fr4 Description-md5: 31cce834a748193d3400d7a43b5ae082 Description-gl: Voz feminina en francés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o francés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en francés para empregar co programa MBROLA. . Input files use the SAMPA (SAM Phonetic Alphabet) notation as recommended by the EEC-SAM Project. Package: mbrola-fr6 Description-md5: b37eb4aba52be6b911e48d956ec3f4eb Description-gl: Voz masculina en francés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o francés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en francés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-gr1 Description-md5: e70bf630f8b28711efeaa42209ba1574 Description-gl: Voz masculina en grego para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o grego fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en grego para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-gr2 Description-md5: e70bf630f8b28711efeaa42209ba1574 Description-gl: Voz masculina en grego para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o grego fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en grego para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-hu1 Description-md5: 35110cb8e60a53be301d5873215deee5 Description-gl: Voz masculina en húngaro para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o húngaro fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en húngaro para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-ic1 Description-md5: 8d38bc7dd26e2f683a9d32dbf4dccd6e Description-gl: Icelandic male voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o islandés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en islandés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-id1 Description-md5: e3e6089af0d2686e42d50345f6c1a0af Description-gl: Voz masculina en indonesio para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o indonesio fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en indonesio para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-ir1 Description-md5: 4f14a8dd0d370c323ca6c20099d8badb Description-gl: Farsi male voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o farsi fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en farsi para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-it1 Description-md5: 8bcdff42357114709c8947080764aa67 Description-gl: Voz masculina en italiano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o italiano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en italiano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-it2 Description-md5: b6d4bc9b08c185cf14098f63aff7de0b Description-gl: Voz feminina en italiano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o italiano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en italiano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-it3 Description-md5: 8bcdff42357114709c8947080764aa67 Description-gl: Voz masculina en italiano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o italiano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en italiano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-it4 Description-md5: b6d4bc9b08c185cf14098f63aff7de0b Description-gl: Voz feminina en italiano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o italiano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en italiano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-la1 Description-md5: 5f084b8558f61ee6c618db76625952ac Description-gl: Voz masculina en latín para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o latín fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en latín para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-lt1 Description-md5: 7a5d7ec6993fe3029cff442a4bacfda5 Description-gl: Voz masculina en lituano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o lituano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en lituano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-lt2 Description-md5: 7a5d7ec6993fe3029cff442a4bacfda5 Description-gl: Voz masculina en lituano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o lituano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en lituano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-mx1 Description-md5: e7000c883ce6c383a9c4309bc59420f3 Description-gl: Voz masculina en español de México para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español de México fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en español de México para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-mx2 Description-md5: 5ce86a8ac16202fe32f86fc498ef81d0 Description-gl: Voz masculina en español de México para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español de México fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en español de México para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-nl1 Description-md5: 34360fda73cbdf6939e4333f34d1b6a3 Description-gl: Voz masculina en holandés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o holandés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en holandés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-nl2 Description-md5: 34360fda73cbdf6939e4333f34d1b6a3 Description-gl: Voz masculina en holandés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o holandés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en holandés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-nl3 Description-md5: 6af3b2bca20c81f899787d454bbad2d6 Description-gl: Dutch female voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o holandés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . It provides a Dutch female voice to be used with the MBROLA program. Package: mbrola-pl1 Description-md5: 800a36ae67e74cef402416686a5bbacb Description-gl: Voz feminina en polaco para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o polaco fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en polaco para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-pt1 Description-md5: 3b749adcb9cf977b5d3a30c08e23ac17 Description-gl: Voz feminina en portugués de Portugal para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o portugués de Portugal fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en portugués de Portugal para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-ro1 Description-md5: 124ce3cd7a12c8af23a5236549e6b23a Description-gl: Voz masculina en romanés para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o romanés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en romanés para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-sw1 Description-md5: f70877a2eb2fe44fab91f86a0409f8ab Description-gl: Voz masculina en sueco para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o sueco fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en sueco para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-sw2 Description-md5: 099764935e3b8af0377da2d8549c63f4 Description-gl: Voz feminina en sueco para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o sueco fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en sueco para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-tr1 Description-md5: 82186fabff8fb88eba4af778e6b40098 Description-gl: Turkish male voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o turco fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en turco para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-tr2 Description-md5: d20db695b46ef0f235823e55b7ea21bf Description-gl: Turkish female voice for Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o turco fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en turco para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-us1 Description-md5: 0c2453a5093091da912d8ba28dd38a5b Description-gl: Voz de muller en inglés americano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o inglés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz feminina en inglés americano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-us2 Description-md5: 3e3d47046d4b95ec1b81c4fe28d72723 Description-gl: Voz masculina en inglés americano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o inglés fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en inglés americano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-us3 Description-md5: d2e9d6051294e7b58ec26187330d0832 Description-gl: Voz masculina en inglés americano para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o inglés americano fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en inglés americano para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: mbrola-vz1 Description-md5: bcd6e6841ae70b30525c7071e71a196a Description-gl: Voz masculina en español de Venezuela para Mbrola Este paquete contén unha base de datos de diphone para o español de Venezuela fornecida no contexto do proxecto MBROLA. Consulte . Fornece unha voz masculina en español de Venezuela para empregar co programa MBROLA. Package: midisport-firmware Description-md5: b09d9dd3d95aaa25b8a3540b0a66a59d Description-gl: Firmware loader for M-Audio's MidiSport devices Este paquete permite empregar as interfaces de MIDI USB de M-Audio con Linux. Estes dispositivos requiren unha descarga de firmware antes de que un controlador do sistema operativo (p.ex. snd-usb-audio de ALSA) poda acceder a eles. . Supported devices: - MidiSport 1x1 - MidiSport 2x2 - MidiSport 4x4 - MidiSport 8x8 - KeyStation (old models: 49, 61) - Oxygen - Radium49 - Radium61 - Uno The loader is not required for the MidiSport 2x4 and for newer KeyStation models (49e, 61es, Pro 88). Package: mp3diags Description-md5: 27a41b67e8f0c1d350bd807507e1bc57 Description-gl: Atope problemas nos ficheiros MP3 e axude a resolvelos MP3 Diags is a GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files, fix some of the issues and make other changes, like adding track information. It also allows user to "look inside" an MP3 file. . Unlike some programs that are designed to deal with a single topic (like fixing VBR headers or adding cover art), MP3 Diags is a one stop solution that identifies more than 50 different issues in MP3 files and provides the means to fix many of them. . Some of the more important issues that are found: . * Broken tags / headers / audio. * Duplicate tags / headers. * Incorrect placement of tags / headers (ID3V2, ID3V1, LAME, Xing, etc). * Low quality audio. * Missing VBR header. * Missing track info / cover art. * Broken track info / cover art. * Missing normalization data. * Character encoding issues (for languages other than English). . Some of the fixes and changes that MP3 Diags can do: . * Adding / fixing track info, including album cover; information can be retrieved from several sources: Internet, clipboard, file name, local files, and (obviously) keyboard. * Correcting files that show incorrect song duration. * Correcting files in which the player cannot seek correctly. * Converting characters for non-English names. * Adding composer name to the artist field, for players that don't handle the composer field. * Renaming files based on their fields. * Changing word case for track info. Package: mpglen Description-md5: 7d0c6b006be5909ea9253892460d81da Description-gl: scan through a MPEG file and count the number of GOPs and frames Unha ferramenta sinxela para ler un ou máis ficheiros mpeg e informar do número de frames de GOP que atopa. Package: mpi-specs Description-md5: 32429723c38a6aac3bc7970e988ed88e Description-gl: MPI 1.1 and 2.0 Specifications of MPI Forum This package includes the MPI Forum documents which covers 1.1 and 2.0 specifications of the Message Passing Interface. Documents are all in HTML format. . Tamén se inclúe a última copia do documento oficial de erratas en formato PDF. Package: mplayer-skins Description-md5: f0144d1a0cadf34e20f7b2a9bf911a24 Description-gl: Skins for the Mplayer package Mplayer plays most mpeg, avi and asf files, supported by many native and win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VCD, DVD and even DivX movies too. The other big feature of mplayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but you can use SDL (and this way all drivers of SDL) and some lowlevel card-specific drivers (for Matrox/3dfx/SiS) too! Most of them supports software or hardware scaling, so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen. . Este paquete só contén algunhas peles para o mplayer Package: muttdown Description-md5: 42f97c816418c3b99958ff186a4c7154 Description-gl: Compila correo de texto anotado en html empregando o estándar Markdown muttdown is a sendmail-replacement designed for use with the mutt email client which will transparently compile annotated text/plain mail into text/html using the Markdown standard. It will recursively walk the MIME tree and compile any text/plain or text/markdown part which begins with the sigil "!m" into Markdown, which it will insert alongside the original in a multipart/alternative container. . It's also smart enough not to break multipart/signed Package: mytharchive Description-md5: f349ebffc36fb702948aa2c6129ee6e8 Description-gl: Cree e grave DVD desde MythTV - ficheiro binario MythArchive is a plugin for MythTV that lets you create DVDs from your recorded shows, files and any video files available on your system. It can also archive recordings in a proprietary format that archives not only the file but also all the associated metadata like title, description and cut list information which will mean you can create backups of myth recordings which can later be restored or it will also allow you to move recordings between myth systems without losing any of the metadata. It is a complete rewrite of the old MythBurn bash scripts, now using Python, and the mythfrontend UI plugin. Package: mythplugins Description-md5: 910b6761323d1e1250b094e50e74b805 Description-gl: Paquete de metapaquetes para engadidos de MythTV This Metapackage will install all available MythTV plugins. Package: mythtv Description-md5: 0b065b744205faaa940ed448d970a06f Description-gl: Aplicación de gravación de vídeo persoal (cliente e servidor) MythTV implements the following PVR features, and more, with a unified graphical interface: . - Basic 'live-tv' functionality. Pause/Fast Forward/Rewind "live" TV. - Video compression using RTjpeg or MPEG-4 - Program listing retrieval using XMLTV - Themable, semi-transparent on-screen display - Electronic program guide - Scheduled recording of TV programs - Resolution of conflicts between scheduled recordings - Basic video editing . . This package will install a complete MythTV client/server environment on a single system. If you are intended on using this as your only MythTV machine, and this machine is already configured as a desktop, this package will get you up and running switfly. . If you are intended on installing this on a standalone/non-desktop machine, you should look into the Metapackages available: mythtv-backend- master (backend with a local database) mythtv-backend (backend needing a remote database) Package: mythtv-backend Description-md5: 4189ea20703eb6b6e6312c0b94ed00e2 Description-gl: Aplicación de gravación de vídeo persoal (servidor) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete só contén o software do servidor, que fornece captura de vídeo e de son e servizos de codificación. Para ser útil require dunha instalación de mythtv-frontend, sexa no mesmo sistema ou accesíbel mediante a rede. . A database is also required. The mythtv-database package must be installed, either on the same system, or one reachable via the network. . Para unha instalación completa de todos os compoñentes de MythTV, instale o paquete «mythtv». Package: mythtv-common Description-md5: 640961451383b4431ededb3d21a6bfae Description-gl: Aplicación de gravación de vídeo persoal (datos comúns) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete contén infraestrutura que precisan tanto o cliente como o servidor. Package: mythtv-database Description-md5: d429ba7da095dc6f790bc512157b773d Description-gl: Aplicación de gravación de vídeo persoal (base de datos) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete instala unha base de datos de MySQL para ser empregada por MythTV. Debería ser instalada no sistema no que resida o servidor de MySQL. Package: mythtv-doc Description-md5: ef41b4ebcb6de4017bb501ecaedbec0d Description-gl: Aplicación de gravación de vídeo persoal (documentación) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete contén documentación, incluído o COMO de MythTV. Package: mythtv-frontend Description-md5: 54d82fe5a446b4538080182b32c34d51 Description-gl: Aplicación de gravación de vídeo persoal (cliente) MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete só contén o software do cliente, que fornece unha interface para a reprodución e a configuración. Require acceso a unha instalación de mythtv-backend, sexa no mesmo sistema ou noutro accesíbel mediante a rede. . A database is also required. The mythtv-database package must be installed, either on the same system, or one reachable via the network. . Para unha instalación completa de todos os compoñentes de MythTV, instale o paquete «mythtv». Package: mythweb Description-md5: 61dcb33693d887e60efd1242bb775a3f Description-gl: Web interface add-on module for MythTV MythWeb fornece unha interface web que se pode empregar para ver a programación, programar gravacións, borralas e buscar programas. Tamén se pode examinar a base de datos de música de mythmusic e algún día permitirá tamén a reprodución de fluxos de música. Package: nautilus-dropbox Description-md5: 85e5cddde3122eacecafcf7a889463fe Description-gl: Integración do Dropbox no Nautilus Nautilus Dropbox é unha extensión que integra o servizo web Dropbox no escritorio GNOME. . Ao instalar este paquete hase descargar o binario privativo de dropbox desde Package: nouveau-firmware Description-md5: 0422b15056d913dbcb543511da67cbae Description-gl: Firmware para as placas gráficas da nVidia Contains the firmware-like context programs for the open-source nouveau nVidia drivers. These are required for acceleration (both 2D and 3D) on nVidia cards of the nv40 generation and above (GeForce6 and above). . Although the nouveau drivers are now able to generate this firmware for nv40 generation cards this package still contains the nvidia context programs for debugging purposes. . Este paquete é temporal; os controladores de nouveau pronto poderán xerar estes datos ao voo. Package: nvidia-cg-dev Description-md5: 3bd7edb6deba63f39dbda782c674cdc8 Description-gl: Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language (headers) The Nvidia Cg Toolkit provides a compiler for the Cg language, runtime libraries for use with both leading graphics APIs, runtime libraries for CgFX, example applications, and extensive documentation. Supporting over 24 different OpenGL and DirectX profile targets, Cg will allow you to incorporate stunning interactive effects into your 3D applications. . The components include: * NVIDIA Cg Compiler * Unified Cg/CgFX Runtime * Cg User's Manual * Cg Language Specification * Example programs and shaders . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: nvidia-cg-doc Description-md5: f832b162277bae44fa706176251ceb5b Description-gl: Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language (documentation) The Nvidia Cg Toolkit provides a compiler for the Cg language, runtime libraries for use with both leading graphics APIs, runtime libraries for CgFX, example applications, and extensive documentation. Supporting over 24 different OpenGL and DirectX profile targets, Cg will allow you to incorporate stunning interactive effects into your 3D applications. . The components include: * NVIDIA Cg Compiler * Unified Cg/CgFX Runtime * Cg User's Manual * Cg Language Specification * Example programs and shaders . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: nvidia-cuda-dev Description-md5: 23a17262479fe7daf1cae67727e949c7 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA development files A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento: cabeceiras e bibliotecas. Package: nvidia-cuda-gdb Description-md5: 03d8613224997399b5d081ffb05a91f3 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA Debugger (GDB) A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . Este paquete contén o depurador do cuda-gdb. Package: nvidia-cuda-toolkit Description-md5: 4df65757189fdcbdcc50ffa97fccca02 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA development toolkit A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . This package contains the nvcc compiler and other tools needed for building CUDA applications. . Running CUDA applications requires a supported NVIDIA GPU and the NVIDIA driver kernel module. Package: nvidia-cuda-toolkit-doc Description-md5: 37628d7854344886d340076661277f47 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA and OpenCL documentation A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a multi-vendor open standard for general-purpose parallel programming of heterogeneous systems that include CPUs, GPUs and other processors. . Note that CUDA documentation is no longer bundled with CUDA toolkit releases. Visit for the latest documentation on CUDA. Package: nvidia-cuda-toolkit-gcc Description-md5: 7ce75ce1d326c959ae1d41d38407d4e7 Description-gl: NVIDIA CUDA development toolkit (GCC compatibility) A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . This package provides the /usr/bin/cuda-gcc, /usr/bin/cuda-g++ symlinks to simplify building packages that need to be built with a CUDA-compatible compiler. . This package ensures a deterministic nvcc/gcc combination is used by default and is therefore recommended to be used as build dependency for all source packages needing nvcc for building. Package: nvidia-profiler Description-md5: 83d361c54427ed94d5493552d5ade11b Description-gl: NVIDIA Profiler for CUDA and OpenCL A Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) activa as unidade de procesamento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA para usarse en computación paralela masiva con propósitos xerais. . OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a multi-vendor open standard for general-purpose parallel programming of heterogeneous systems that include CPUs, GPUs and other processors. . This package contains the nvprof profiler. Package: ocaml-doc Description-md5: 2ec7617f51e90a78cbef7ef26f18a57f Description-gl: Documentación de OCaml OCaml is an implementation of the ML language, based on the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML. . This package contains documentation for OCaml in html, pdf, info and plain text format. Package: ooohg Description-md5: a80f5017d973edb72a5635df82b527cb Description-gl: Conxunto de 1600 mapas gratuítos para libreoffice/ Ooo.hg provides a wide set of free maps, to create easily any document for History and geography teachers, although it may also be used by other people. Package: os8 Description-md5: ea1b7024c3d4293b47218f23815c7a16 Description-gl: DEC OS8 images for a PDP-8 emulator Este paquete contén imaxes do sistema operativo OS8 que pode empregar un emulador de PDP-8. . The Debian simh package supplies a pdp8 emulator, but the file are in a standard format usable by any other pdp8 emulator such as Jones's or Haygood's emulator. . The os8 script will run the simh emulator with these images. . These images are not DFSG free because DEC prohibits commercial use of these images. Package: p7zip-rar Description-md5: db884766fbb0af653ae84909ccef976a Description-gl: Paquete de transición Este paquete é un paquete de transición. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: parmetis-doc Description-md5: 55cc39b179c0b5b2dedead6fc6a8c34f Description-gl: Parallel Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering Lib - Docs ParMetis computes minimal-cut partitions of graphs and meshes in parallel, and orders variables for minimal fill when using direct solvers for sparse matrices. It does all this in parallel, and also can efficiently re- partition a graph or mesh whose connectivity has changed. . Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo. Package: parmetis-test Description-md5: b9b53f52a3b7e53d03b5260911e600a9 Description-gl: Parallel Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering Tests ParMetis computes minimal-cut partitions of graphs and meshes in parallel, and orders variables for minimal fill when using direct solvers for sparse matrices. It does all this in parallel, and also can efficiently re- partition a graph or mesh whose connectivity has changed. . Este paquete contén programas que proban as bibliotecas ParMetis empregado ficheiros do directorio de exemplos do paquete parmetis-doc. Package: pgplot5-dev Description-md5: 314c24aabd653eaf7f9fee9f3e8c22cd Description-gl: large subroutine library for plotting scientific data (development) Many routines are included in pgplot for viewing scientific data. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: php-mythtv Description-md5: cc74af3e7f32031e0ca3aeeac2981c9b Description-gl: Asociacións con PHP para MythTV MythTV fornece unha interface gráfica unificada para gravar e ver programas de televisión. Consulte o paquete mythtv para máis información. . Este paquete contén ficheiros necesarios para empregar aplicacións baseadas en PHP que conecten coas infraestruturas de MythTV. Package: playonlinux Description-md5: 729a863a5c2d8eb304d4e8e17ffbeafe Description-gl: Interface do Wine PlayOnLinux é unha interface gráfica para wine. Permite instalar facilmente xogos para o Windows e outro software en Linux. Recoméndase ter unha conexión á Internet. Package: powder Description-md5: e033547e1c2f1ddb020725d21e965c32 Description-gl: Xogo gráfico para arrastrase polos calabozos This is a roguelike originally developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard, and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16x16) rather than the traditional characters. Package: python-drf-yasg-nonfree-doc Description-md5: 652d0bc65ffe2c009eb8c948f448d056 Description-gl: Yet another Swagger generator (Documentation) Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API. Features of drf-yasg: * full support for nested Serializers and Schemas * response schemas and descriptions * model definitions compatible with codegen tools * customization hooks at all points in the spec generation process * JSON and YAML format for spec * bundles latest version of swagger-ui ( and redoc ( for viewing the generated documentation * schema view is cacheable out of the box * generated Swagger schema can be automatically validated by swagger-spec-validator ( * supports Django REST Framework API versioning with URLPathVersioning and NamespaceVersioning; other DRF or custom versioning schemes are not currently supported . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python3-django-anymail Description-md5: acc7102a825f7f17ca83462b25225dd6 Description-gl: Django email backend for multiple ESPs (Python 3) Anymail integrates several transactional email service providers (ESPs) into Django, with a consistent API that lets you use ESP-added features without locking your code to a particular ESP. . It currently fully supports Amazon SES (requires python3-boto3), MailerSend, Mailgun, Mailjet, Mandrill (MailChimp transactional), Postal (self-hosted ESP, requires python3-cryptography), Postmark, SendinBlue, SendGrid, and SparkPost. . Anymail normalizes ESP functionality so it "just works" with Django's built-in `django.core.mail` package. It includes: . * Support for HTML, attachments, extra headers, and other features of Django's built-in email * Extensions that make it easy to use extra ESP functionality, like tags, metadata, and tracking, with code that's portable between ESPs * Simplified inline images for HTML email * Normalized sent-message status and tracking notification, by connecting your ESP's webhooks to Django signals * "Batch transactional" sends using your ESP's merge and template features . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-othman Description-md5: 1dbcf92cf3e1415d46e858c72c860c65 Description-gl: Biblioteca que permite acceder ao texto do Corán cun índice de busca rápido This is a Python module that provides access to Quranic text with a fast search index. Package: python3-vertica Description-md5: e4fe2897df4016619c5c391f68a42c8a Description-gl: native Python client for the Vertica database (Python 3) HP Vertica is a commercial column-oriented database. . This package provides all the source, examples and documentation you need to easily connect to and interact with Vertica. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: qcomicbook Description-md5: 5e1e59ae80d5250683bcf393eda201bc Description-gl: Visor de arquivos de banda deseñada (cbr/cbz/cba/cbg/cbb) feito con qt QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic decompression, full-screen mode, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc. . QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped Package: quake3-data Description-md5: 7f3422bb67aad2a301139c170024fe35 Description-gl: Instalador dos ficheiros de datos do Quake III Arena Este paquete instala os ficheiros de datos do Quake III Arena nun sistema Debian. . For the installation you will need your Quake III Arena CD-ROM and the computer must be connected to the internet. . Os datos instalados ocupan uns 500 MB de espazo de disco. Package: rar Description-md5: 649b872741c4c5402456879832c70c03 Description-gl: Arquivador para ficheiros .rar This is the RAR archiver from Eugene Roshal. It supports multiple volume archives and damage protection. It can also create SFX-archives. There are versions which run on DOS, Windows, FreeBSD, BSDI. . This program is shareware and you must register it after 40 days of use. Package: raster3d Description-md5: 7017e40afb8a84c7aca1cff9519d06ba Description-gl: Ferramentas para xerar imaxes de proteínas ou outras moléculas Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres, triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting, Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms, bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures composed in other programs such as Molscript in glorious 3D with highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits of color information per pixel. Package: raster3d-doc Description-md5: c1fa8477bbb4f0ad2b3ab28130533382 Description-gl: Documentos e ficheiros de exemplo do Raster3D Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres, triangles, cylinders, and quadric surfaces with specular highlighting, Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. Ancillary programs process atomic coordinates from PDB files into rendering descriptions for pictures composed of ribbons, space-filling atoms, bonds, ball+stick, etc. Raster3D can also be used to render pictures composed in other programs such as Molscript in glorious 3D with highlights, shadowing, etc. Output is to pixel image files with 24 bits of color information per pixel. . Este paquete contén documentos e ficheiros de exemplo para o paquete raster3d. Package: ripoff-mp3-plugin Description-md5: 738b5df6673459df2a085fddfc7f8c66 Description-gl: Engadido de MP3 para ripoff RipOff é un extractor de CD baseado en GTK+ para Linux que conta cunha interface sinxela, consultas a CDDB e unha arquitectura de codificación baseada en engadidos. . Este paquete contén o engadido de MP3. Package: rocksndiamonds Description-md5: b92f1c7c681792183cf09382ad94e606 Description-gl: Xogo tipo arcade This package provides the game engine for Rocks'n'Diamonds, an arcade game in the tradition of "Boulder Dash", "Emerald Mine", "Supaplex", "Sokoban", etcetera. Game levels emulating all of these can be downloaded from Package: ruby-googlecharts Description-md5: 5a7010693764f607269fd6853c91aafd Description-gl: Ruby library to generate charts using Google Chart API Googlecharts é un envoltorio bonito e simple para a API de Google Chart. Permite debuxar unha gran variedade de gráficos tipo barras ou sectores. . This library relies on external code hosted on Google servers, accessed through this API. Package: sauerbraten Description-md5: 8e28dfff231d5bb84a1ddacd274d2646 Description-gl: Xogo de disparos en 3D e primeira persoa Sauerbraten is a networked 3D first-person shooter game. It supports modern graphic effects and conveys a sense of fast-paced oldschool gameplay. . The game client also works as the map editor. It is even possible to create and edit a map together with other people over a network connection. . This package installs maps, textures, sounds and other artwork of Sauerbraten. Package: scribus-doc Description-md5: baae10285c850a0097447ae62fd15b2e Description-gl: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - documentation - 1.5.x branch O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de producir saída de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. . Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT5. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: sgb Description-md5: 0201462485edca9f2defb0429622542b Description-gl: The Stanford GraphBase: combinatorial data and algorithms A highly portable collection of programs and data for researchers who study combinatorial algorithms and data structures. . The programs are intended to be interesting in themselves as examples of literate programming. Thus, the Stanford GraphBase can also be regarded as a collection of approximately 30 essays for programmers to enjoy reading, whether or not they are doing algorithmic research. The programs are written in CWEB, a combination of TeX and C that is easy to use by anyone who knows those languages and easy to read by anyone familiar with the rudiments of C. . Este paquete só contén as bibliotecas e os programas de demostración; para o código fonte lexíbel, que constitúe tamén a documentación, vexa o paquete sgb-doc. Package: sgb-doc Description-md5: eaae774ff38328532e7d72ab56f63004 Description-gl: Documentación da Stanford GraphBase This package contains the source code for the GraphBase library, which forms the major documentation of the package. It will be installed in /usr/share/doc/sgb/src. . The source code is written in CWEB, a combination of TeX and C, using a very readable literate programming style, making the code a joy to read. Package: spectrum-roms Description-md5: d9451df8d361fd4d316fde5b38b04f95 Description-gl: ROM do Spectrum ZX This package provides images of the read-only memories from various versions of the Sinclair Spectrum. Although the canonical source code for the ROMs is no longer available, the Incomplete Spectrum ROM Assembly (of the 48K code) is here for your reference. . The current list of ROMs included is: . * 48.rom - Original 48K ROM * 128-0.rom - 128K ROM 0 (128K editor and menu) * 128-1.rom - 128K ROM 1 (48K BASIC) * 128-spanish-0.rom - Spanish 128K ROM 0 (128K editor & menu) * 128-spanish-1.rom - Spanish 128K ROM 1 (48K BASIC) * if1-2.rom - Interface 1 v2 ROM * plus2-0.rom - +2 ROM 0 (128K editor and menu) * plus2-1.rom - +2 ROM 1 (48K BASIC) * plus3-40-0.rom - +2A/+3 v4.0 ROM 0 (128K editor) * plus3-40-1.rom - +2A/+3 v4.0 ROM 1 (128K syntax checker) * plus3-40-2.rom - +2A/+3 v4.0 ROM 2 (+3DOS) * plus3-40-3.rom - +2A/+3 v4.0 ROM 3 (48K BASIC) * tc2048.rom - Original 48K ROM modified for the Timex TC2048 Package: spellcast-doc Description-md5: bf9f2170555ff8a2ef4a06e6823db636 Description-gl: Documentación do xogo multiusuario para X spellcasting. This package provides documentation freely available for the spellcast game, it currently includes the rules of the original spellcaster pencil and paper game, transcripts of games and the manual page edited to include all the icons of the hand-weaving movements. Package: stardict-english-czech Description-md5: 8acfe693a82ce5b175ce5750f1978212 Description-gl: Stardict package for English-Czech dictionary This is a package of the GNU/FDL English-Czech dictionary for Stardict. . It contains also automatically generated dictionary for reverse direction. . Pode colaborar co dicionario en . Package: stardict-german-czech Description-md5: 14c136062a1117e977d5cf6f8ab72243 Description-gl: Stardict package for German-Czech dictionary This is a package of the GNU/FDL German-Czech dictionary for Stardict. . It contains also automatically generated dictionary for reverse direction. . Pode colaborar co dicionario en . Package: sugar-etoys-activity Description-md5: 7c0b74a2bdb91dff8c1caed94e5f5bfb Description-gl: Etoys activity for Sugar Learning Platform A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crítico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . Squeak Etoys was inspired by LOGO, PARC-Smalltalk, Hypercard, and starLOGO. It is a media-rich authoring environment with a simple, powerful scripted object model for many kinds of objects created by end-users. It includes 2D and 3D graphics, images, text, particles, presentations, web- pages, videos, sound and MIDI, etc. It includes the ability to share desktops with other Etoy users in real-time, so many forms of immersive mentoring and play can be done over the Internet. . The Etoys activity embeds Squeak Etoys into Sugar. Package: thawab Description-md5: 67884eb3f1c0238b9f91cd9a0969f5a7 Description-gl: Sistema de enciclopedia árabe/islámico Thwab is an Islamic literature library which features: * Can import books from Shamela library * Several books can be searched and viewed simultaneously * Web interface . Este paquete non contén ningún libro; pódense obter libros .bok distribuídos con Shamela (biblioteca islámica gratuíta) en Package: tiemu Description-md5: 1102e21f878c7b4ba0911b7e6e5634f0 Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculators emulator (without GDB) O TiEmu emula as calculadoras TI-89/92/92+/V200PLT da Texas Instruments. . It is based on XTiger, the original TI emulator for Linux, which uses the 68k emulation core from UAE (The Ultimate Amiga Emulator). . You need to either dump the ROM of your calculator (you can do so with TiLP), or get a FLASH upgrade from Texas Instrument (see the software section concerning your calculator, then download the archive and extract the file) to use this emulator. There are *no* TI ROMs provided in this package, as they are copyrighted by Texas Instruments, Inc. . However, a free (as in speech) ROM is now provided with TiEmu, namely PedRom. Try it out! . This version includes a VTI-style assembly debugger. . Please note it exists another version (tiemu-gdb) not provided on Debian itself which includes a GDB-style assembly debugger for use with TIGCC and/or KTIGCC. Package: triangle-bin Description-md5: 0bc20902b8c86904f417cc97f620e231 Description-gl: High-quality 2-D mesh generator -- binary programs Triangle is a library/program for meshing 2-D surfaces and manifolds. . Este paquete contén os programas binarios triangle, tricall e showme. Package: ttf-mscorefonts-installer Description-md5: 3cf2bbaf676bcd51633633514c88751a Description-gl: Instalador dos tipos de letra TrueType principais da Microsoft This package allows for easy installation of the Microsoft True Type Core Fonts for the Web including: . Andale Mono Arial Black Arial (Grosa, Cursiva, Grosa Cursiva) Comic Sans MS (Grosa) Courier New (Grosa, Cursiva, Grosa Cursiva) Georgia (Grosa, Cursiva, Grosa Cursiva) Impact Times New Roman (Grosa, Cursiva, Grosa Cursiva) Trebuchet (Grosa, Cursiva, Grosa Cursiva) Verdana (Grosa, Cursiva, Grosa Cursiva) Webdings . Precísase dunha conexión á Internet para descargar estes tipos de letra se non os ten xa. . NOTE: the package fonts-liberation contains free variants of the Times, Arial and Courier fonts. It's better to use those instead unless you specifically need one of the other fonts from this package. Package: ubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: 1a61890ad8e3fb16727ca6a6b66aacbf Description-gl: Paquetes restrinxidos de uso frecuente de Ubuntu Este paquete depende dalgúns paquetes de uso frecuente que hai nos repositorios universe e multiverse de Ubuntu. Package: ubuntu-restricted-extras Description-md5: 5625deefba56f767d8e27098e82e3e9d Description-gl: Códecs de multimedia e tipos de letra de uso frecuente para Ubuntu This collection of packages includes: - MP3 and other audio codec software to play various audio formats (GStreamer plugins) - software to install the Microsoft Web fonts - the Adobe Flash plugin - LAME, software to create compressed audio files. . This software does not include libdvdcss2, and will not let you play encrypted DVDs. For more information, see . These software packages are from the Multiverse channel, restricted by copyright or legal issues in some countries. For more information, see Package: uhexen2 Description-md5: 9b99c09bc96ee13625a127d9d6c9062c Description-gl: Hexen II - paquete do motor O Martelo de Thyrion é un motor de Hexen II . This package will run the original Hexen II game, Portal of Praevus mission pack and HexenWorld. A dedicated server h2ded, is included in this package. Package: uhexen2-common Description-md5: b7702b813cf7728d95140d0693f95921 Description-gl: Motor do Hexen II - paquete de datos O Martelo de Thyrion é un motor de Hexen II. Este paquete instala os datos necesarios para xogar ao xogo hexen II orixinal, Portal de Praevus e HexenWorld. Para xogar a estes xogos son necesarios outros elementos, non libres e non distribuíbeis. Package: unace-nonfree Description-md5: 0fcade2f558f140c4a059b671b82ca2b Description-gl: extract, test and view .ace archives (non-free version) A utilidade unace emprégase para extraer, probar e ver o contido de arquivos creados co arquivador ACE. . Unlike the unace package which can only extract ACE 1.0 archives, the unace-nonfree package allows one to unpack all current ACE archives. Package: uqm Description-md5: d1146c2aa42142ead5a25d96122ee383 Description-gl: The Ur-Quan Masters - An inter-galactic adventure game Retornas á Terra cunha nave construída coa tecnoloxía descuberta por unha antiga raza chamada os Precursores e descobres que a Terra está escravizada. Reúne aliados de distintas razas, entra en combate con diversos inimigos e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan! . The Ur-Quan Masters is derived from the classic game Star Control II. It includes both the adventure game described above and a fast-paced Super Melee. Package: uqm-content Description-md5: d7f7f708308d54e508318be3eb7c3bcf Description-gl: The Ur-Quan Masters - Game data files Retornas á Terra cunha nave construída coa tecnoloxía descuberta por unha antiga raza chamada os Precursores e descobres que a Terra está escravizada. Reúne aliados de distintas razas, entra en combate con diversos inimigos e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan! . This package contains all the game data files for The Ur-Quan Masters. Package: uqm-music Description-md5: e30a0c3c7725aff364033433f48e819a Description-gl: The Ur-Quan Masters - Game music files Retornas á Terra cunha nave construída coa tecnoloxía descuberta por unha antiga raza chamada os Precursores e descobres que a Terra está escravizada. Reúne aliados de distintas razas, entra en combate con diversos inimigos e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan! . This package contains higher quality game music files for The Ur-Quan Masters, in ogg vorbis format. If you don't install this package, the game will use lower-quality mod music files. Package: uqm-russian Description-md5: 267ce4366adc55d3942d0f2c8c1c723a Description-gl: Russian addon for 'The Ur-Quan Masters' game Retornas á Terra cunha nave construída coa tecnoloxía descuberta por unha antiga raza chamada os Precursores e descobres que a Terra está escravizada. Reúne aliados de distintas razas, entra en combate con diversos inimigos e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan! . The Ur-Quan Masters is derived from the classic game Star Control II. It includes both the adventure game described above and a fast-paced Super Melee. . Este paquete fornece os menús e diálogos en ruso para o xogo. Package: uqm-voice Description-md5: 97d3042297f40db281c3216b6096a25e Description-gl: Os Mestres de Ur-Quan - Ficheiros coas voces Retornas á Terra cunha nave construída coa tecnoloxía descuberta por unha antiga raza chamada os Precursores e descobres que a Terra está escravizada. Reúne aliados de distintas razas, entra en combate con diversos inimigos e salva a galaxia dos Ur-Quan! . Este paquete contén todas as gravacións de voz empregadas no xogo. Fíxese en que ten máis de 100Mb! Pode xogar sen estes ficheiros se o paquete for grande de máis. Package: vcmi Description-md5: 1b8795ec1888401e62c002f9db0d5f31 Description-gl: Rewrite of the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 game engine The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger map sizes and extended engine limits. . VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own. . VCMI stands for Vinyar Callor Meletya Ingole which means "New Heroes of Might and Magic" in Quenya. . This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3): . (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/ (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd (3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data . Alternatively, use `game-data-packager heroes3`. . Este paquete contén o motor do xogo. Package: videotrans Description-md5: e1f89ca2dddfd4e1fb8361b8e9ee4150 Description-gl: Utilidades de creación de DVD Unha colección de utilidades e scripts deseñados para axudar coa creación de DVD: * movie-to-dvd - converter vídeo a MPEG2 + MP2 ou AC3 * movie-title - combinar secuencias de vídeo e títulos nun menú * movie-make-title - crear vídeos de fondo para menús de DVD * movie-make-title-simple - crear imaxe+son de fondo para menús de DVD * - obter información sobre series de televisión desde * - converter EPG en .info para títulos de películas * movie-compare-dvd - comprobar se os DVD se gravan correctamente Package: virtualbox Description-md5: 30f96d22c1a6ca04db16bdc1e79ad965 Description-gl: x86 virtualization solution - base binaries O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . Este paquete fornece os binarios do VirtualBox. Tamén se require o paquete virtualbox-dkms ou o virtualbox-source para poder compilar os módulos do kernel que precisa virtualbox. O paquete virtualbox-qt fornece unha interface gráfica de usuario para VirtualBox. Package: virtualbox-dkms Description-md5: 4d42f0fe51c4a92f2aed5071f84524ae Description-gl: x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources for dkms O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . This package provides the source code for the virtualbox kernel module to be build with dkms. Kernel sources or headers are required to compile this module. Package: virtualbox-guest-additions-iso Description-md5: 11a9eaac064138ec238f7c2ee4c018df Description-gl: guest additions iso image for VirtualBox O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . This package provides an iso image which contains the guest additions for Linux, Solaris and Windows to be installed on the host system. The guest systems then can mount the iso and install the guest additions from there. Package: virtualbox-guest-utils Description-md5: 0c420aa026ad03a572b15c6e38dbebf7 Description-gl: x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . This package provides the non-X11 guest utilities for VirtualBox. These utilities are meant to be run inside the virtual machine. They provide closer integration and allow to share data through shared folders between the host system and the virtual machine. Package: virtualbox-guest-x11 Description-md5: 3487afde0b114ec7e205b11f1dd3f7a5 Description-gl: x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . Este paquete fornece as utilidades de convidado de X11 para VirtualBox. Estas utilidades están deseñadas para seren executadas desde dentro da máquina virtual. Fornecen unha maior integración e mellorar o desempeño interactivo. Package: virtualbox-qt Description-md5: 41ed29f36ba23b3ce0155f9a8efcff60 Description-gl: x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . Este paquete fornece a interface gráfica de usuario baseada en Qt para VirtualBox. Package: virtualbox-source Description-md5: 53035ede584988f3413156cb7a5dbe8b Description-gl: x86 virtualization solution - kernel module source O VirtualBox é unha solución libre de virtualización de x86 que permite que unha ampla variedade de sistemas operativos para x86, como Windows, DOS ou Linux se executen nun sistema Linux. . This package provides the source code for the virtualbox kernel module. The virtualbox package is also required in order to make use of these modules. Kernel sources or headers are required to compile this module. . The source is placed under /usr/src, and after decompression it can be built to produce a virtualbox-modules-_KVERS_ providing "virtualbox- modules" package. Package: wdq2wav Description-md5: bb5df72836bb6620b3380cb6182d33a7 Description-gl: Converts a WinDAQ channel to sound .wav file Este programa extrae un canal dun ficheiro de WinDAQ e produce un ficheiro .wav que se pode reproducir. Isto é útil cando se grava un canal de vibración dunha sesión de WinDAQ con varios canais de A/D. Package: weirdx Description-md5: efd18efb16cda856c70bd010ee0ab87c Description-gl: Servidor de X en Java A complete X server implementation in Java which can run standalone or as an applet. It supports remote X and (using libjsch-java) X forwarded over SSH. . Also includes a library for embedding WeirdX in other Java programs or Applets. Package: wolf4sdl Description-md5: beea9093882e5fbed23b790bd8645f99 Description-gl: Wolfenstein 3-D e A lanza do Destino portados a SDL Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry. . Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" ( It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage of some improvements. . The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files, but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode. Package: xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-550-server Description-md5: ed1ab5c4b3d616031dbac87ae5af8488 Description-gl: Controlador de Xorg binario de NVIDIA The NVIDIA binary driver provides optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES applications via a direct-rendering X Server for graphics cards using NVIDIA chip sets. . See /usr/share/doc/nvidia-driver-550-server/README.txt.gz for a complete list of supported GPUs and PCI IDs. Package: xubuntu-restricted-addons Description-md5: bb5192b841eb0c67202acae1287bc5ce Description-gl: Paquetes restrinxidos de uso frecuente de Ubuntu (de transición) Este paquete depende dalgúns paquetes de uso frecuente que hai nos repositorios universe e multiverse de Ubuntu. . Non debería instalar este paquete directamente, senón o ubuntu-restricted- extras. . Este é un paquete transitorio. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xvid4conf Description-md5: 61196a43ff23beb7b6d2803a0888df6a Description-gl: Crea ficheiros de configuración de XviD Esta ferramenta crea ficheiros de configuración de XviD. O ficheiro de configuración xerado está concibido para ser lido polo módulo de exportación de xvid4 do Transcode. Este módulo (así como o ficheiro de configuración) está deseñado para ser utilizado con XviD 1.0 (dev-api-4) Package: yale Description-md5: 46e088008ce08a1e9426e8d000ccbd9b Description-gl: Conxunto de datos estelares do Catálogo de Estrelas Brillantes de Yale These data come from the [Yale] Bright Star Catalog, 5th Rev. Ed. (preliminary), Hoffleit and Warren, 1991. It contains all the stars with apparent magnitude brighter than +6.5. . Este conxunto de datos estelares pode ser visto co programa StarPlot, dispoñíbel en Debian, mais tamén pode ser usado con outro software astronómico. Package: ydpdict Description-md5: 1d8b03ebcd291c2d6c1dc8caf4e40e25 Description-gl: interface for Collins and Langenscheidt dictionaries This is an ncurses interface to the Collins English-Polish/Polish-English and/or Langenscheidt German-Polish/Polish-German dictionaries distributed by Young Digital Planet. It can also play the pronunciation samples if the CD is available. . Este paquete só é a interface, non contén os ficheiros de dicionario mesmos. Para empregalo precisa dunha copia dun dicionario de YDP. Package: zangband-data Description-md5: 976c44c586fad17925f2f71d99e97fab Description-gl: A single-player, text-based, roguelike game (datafiles) Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. . Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura empregados polo zangband. Package: libxilinx-vcu-dev Description-md5: dd9c1c7496462871eee7c13df15361d4 Description-gl: Xilinx VCU Ctrl Software - development files Some Xilinx models include a hardware Video Codec Unit (VCU). The Xilinx VCU Control Software provides tools and libraries to leverage this hardware. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libxilinx-vcu-omx-dev Description-md5: c9acde522a8af24a93726e8bdaa8b75f Description-gl: Xilinx VCU OpenMax Integration Layer - development files Some Xilinx models include a hardware Video Codec Unit (VCU). The Xilinx VCU OpenMax (OMX) Integration Layer (IL) provides an implementation of OMX IL for this hardware. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: linux-firmware-snapdragon Description-md5: d98b2c8091af43eafba19481307e73dc Description-gl: Firmware de wifi de DragonBoard410c This package contains the proprietary files necessary to make wifi work on the DragonBoard410c. Package: quake4-server Description-md5: 3daeb23b44625a430d820247d216d21b Description-gl: Servidor dedicado para Quake 4 This package contains a launcher script and systemd unit to run a Quake 4 server using the proprietary x86 binaries provided by id Software. . Please note that the Quake 4 engine is not Free Software, and Debian cannot fix any bugs or security flaws in the engine or game code. . To mitigate any security flaws that might exist in this server, the systemd unit is not enabled by default, and must be enabled with systemctl if it should start at boot time. The systemd unit uses various security hardening options to prevent the server from escalating its privileges. There is no sysvinit script, since sysvinit does not provide similar security hardening. . To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non- distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: quake4-bin, and either quake4-data (for the uncensored version sold on Steam and in countries other than Germany) or quake4-censored-de-data (for the incompatible version sold in Germany). Creating those packages requires data files from a Quake 4 installation or DVD. Package: steamcmd Description-md5: b07248086cabb08bc2914064e12c69a2 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para o Steam de Valve Steam ( is a software content delivery system developed by Valve software ( There is some free software available, but for the most part the content delivered is non-free. . The Steam Console Client or SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam client. Its primary use is to install and update various dedicated servers available on Steam using a command-line interface. . This package comes with a fairly substantial non-free license agreement that must be accepted before installing the software. If you have any opposition to non-free work, please select "I DECLINE" during the package installation dialogs.