% % Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Zeping Lee % Released under the MIT License. % Repository: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{expl3} \RequirePackage{xparse} \ProvidesExplPackage {citation-style-language} {2024-10-05} {0.6.5} {Citation Style Language for LaTeX} \RequirePackage { l3keys2e } \RequirePackage { url } \prop_gput:Nnn \g_msg_module_name_prop { citation-style-language } { CSL } \prop_gput:Nnn \g_msg_module_type_prop { citeproc } { Module } \msg_new:nnn { citeproc } { citeproc-error } {#1} \msg_new:nnn { citeproc } { citeproc-warning } {#1} % Check incompatible packages \msg_new:nnn { citation-style-language } { incompatible-package } { Package~ '#1'~ is~ incompatible~ with~ 'citation-style-language'. } \clist_map_inline:nn { babelbib , biblatex , bibtopic , bibunits , chapterbib , cite , citeref , inlinebib , jurabib , mcite , mciteplus , multibib , natbib , splitbib } { \hook_gput_code:nnn { package / #1 / before } { . } { \msg_error:nnn { citation-style-language } { incompatible-package } {#1} } } % Load Lua module in LuaTeX \sys_if_engine_luatex:T { \lua_now:n { citeproc_manager = require("citeproc-manager") csl_citation_manager = citeproc_manager.CslCitationManager:new() } } % Global options \NewDocumentCommand \cslsetup { m } { \keys_set:nn { csl } {#1} } \bool_new:N \l__csl_regression_test_bool \tl_new:N \g__csl_global_style_tl \tl_new:N \l__csl_style_tl \newcommand \csl@style {} % For latex2e interface \tl_new:N \l__csl_class_tl % TODO: This should be removed \bool_new:N \g__csl_global_note_class_bool \bool_new:N \l__csl_note_bool \clist_new:N \g__csl_global_bib_resources_clist \clist_new:N \l__csl_bib_resources_clist \tl_new:N \g__csl_global_locale_tl \tl_new:N \l__csl_locale_tl \bool_new:N \l__csl_back_ref_bool \str_new:N \l__csl_back_ref_type_str % Citation formatting \tl_new:N \l__csl_prefix_separator_tl \tl_new:N \l__csl_suffix_separator_tl % Bibliography formatting \tl_new:N \bibsection \tl_new:N \l__csl_bib_font_tl \bool_new:N \l__csl_bib_entry_page_break_bool \tl_new:N \l__csl_bib_item_sep_tl \tl_new:N \l__csl_bib_par_indent_tl \tl_new:N \l__csl_bib_hang_tl \str_new:N \l__csl_bib_ref_section_str \keys_define:nn { csl } { regression-test .bool_set:N = \l__csl_regression_test_bool , style .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l__csl_style_tl {#1} \renewcommand \csl@style {#1} \tl_gset:Nn \g__csl_global_style_tl {#1} } , class .code:n = {} , % Deprecated, should be removed in the next release. bib-resource .code:n = { \clist_set:Nn \l__csl_bib_resources_clist {#1} \clist_gset_eq:NN \g__csl_global_bib_resources_clist \l__csl_bib_resources_clist } , locale .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l__csl_locale_tl {#1} \tl_gset:Nn \g__csl_global_locale {#1} } , backref .choices:nn = { true, page, section, false } { \exp_args:NV \__csl_set_back_ref:n \l_keys_choice_tl } , % Citation formatting prefix-separator .tl_set:N = \l__csl_prefix_separator_tl , suffix-separator .tl_set:N = \l__csl_suffix_separator_tl , % Bibliography formatting bib-section .tl_set:N = \bibsection , bib-font .tl_set:N = \l__csl_bib_font_tl , bib-entry-page-break .bool_set:N = \l__csl_bib_entry_page_break_bool , bib-item-sep .tl_set:N = \l__csl_bib_item_sep_tl , bib-par-indent .tl_set:N = \l__csl_bib_par_indent_tl , bib-hang .tl_set:N = \l__csl_bib_hang_tl , % ref section ref-section .choices:nn = { none, part, chapter, chapter+, section, section+, subsection, subsection+ } { \str_set:NV \l__csl_bib_ref_section_str \l_keys_choice_tl } , } \cs_new:Npn \__csl_set_back_ref:n #1 { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} {false} { \bool_set_false:N \l__csl_back_ref_bool } { \bool_set_true:N \l__csl_back_ref_bool \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} {true} { \str_set:Nn \l__csl_back_ref_type_str { page } } { \str_set:Nn \l__csl_back_ref_type_str {#1} } } } % Default settings \keys_set:nn { csl } { backref = false , prefix-separator = { ~ } , suffix-separator = { , ~ } , bib-entry-page-break = true , bib-par-indent = { \parindent } , bib-hang = { 1 em } , ref-section = none , } \ProcessKeysPackageOptions { csl } \DeclareDocumentCommand \bibliographystyle { m } { \__csl_if_preamble:F { \__csl_write_aux_bibstyle:n {#1} } \tl_set:Nn \l__csl_style_tl {#1} } \tl_new:N \g__csl_aux_bibstyle_tl \cs_set:Npn \csl@aux@style #1#2 { \str_if_eq:nnT {#1} { 0 } { \tl_gset:Nn \g__csl_aux_bibstyle_tl {#2} } } % Write to an empty `.ccf` file for use with latexmk \iow_new:N \l__csl_ccf_iow \iow_open:Nn \l__csl_ccf_iow { \c_sys_jobname_str .ccf } \iow_now:Nx \l__csl_ccf_iow { } \iow_close:N \l__csl_ccf_iow % Load other modules \input{citation-style-language-init.sty} \input{citation-style-language-data.sty} \input{citation-style-language-cite.sty} \input{citation-style-language-bib.sty} \input{citation-style-language-compatible.sty} \endinput