package Statistics::ANOVA; use Statistics::Distributions qw/ fdistr fprob/ ; use Statistics::Basic qw/:all/; use Carp; $VERSION=q/1.0/; my %fields={ data => undef, sample_mean => undef, sst => undef, sse => undef, f => undef, pvalue=>undef }; sub new{ my $proto=shift; my $class=ref $proto || $proto; my $self={%fiels}; bless ($self,$class); return $self; } sub load_data{ my $self=shift; my $data=shift; croak "Invalid input type for load_data(), The input must be hash reference\n" if ref $data ne 'HASH'; $self->{'data'}=$data; return $self; } sub perform_anova{ my $self=shift; my $data=$self->{'data'}; my @sampleMean; my @sampleSize; my @dataAll; my $totalMean; my $totalSize; for my $sample( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$data){ push @sampleMean,mean( @{ $data->{$sample} } ); push @sampleSize,scalar @{ $data->{$sample} } ; push @dataAll,@{ $data->{$sample} }; } $totalSize=scalar @dataAll; $totalMean=mean ( @dataAll ); # Get Sum of squares for treatment my $sst; my $sumSample; $sumSample+=$sampleSize[$_]*$sampleMean[$_]**2 for 0..$#sampleMean; $sst=$sumSample-$totalSize*$totalMean**2; # Get Total sum of squares my $sse; my $sumAll; $sumAll+=$_**2 for @dataAll; $sse=$sumAll-$sumSample; # Get p-value my $degOfFreeMST=scalar @sampleSize-1; my $degOfFreeMSE=$totalSize-scalar @sampleSize; my $mst=$sst/$degOfFreeMST; my $mse=$sse/$degOfFreeMSE; my $f=$mst/$mse; my $pvalue=fprob ($degOfFreeMST,$degOfFreeMSE,$f); $self->{'sse'}=$sse; $self->{'sst'}=$sst; $self->{'sample_mean'}=\@sampleMean; $self->{'f'}=$f; $self->{'pvalue'}=$pvalue; } sub pvalue{ my $self=shift; return $self->{'pvalue'}; } sub fstatistic{ my $self=shift; return $self->{'f'}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Statistics::ANOVA - Perl module to perform one-way ANOVA test =head1 SYNOPSIS # Example to conduct one-way ANOVA test use Statistics::ANOVA; my %data=( sampleA=>[1,2,3], sampleB=>[4,5,6] ); my $anova=Statistics::ANOVA->new; $anova->load_data(\%data); $anova->perform_anova; my $pvalue=$anova->pvalue; print "ANOVA pvalue : $pvalue\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is to conduct one-way ANOVA test on a given sample set. The test result of null hypothesis of one-way ANOVA could be achived by pvalue or f-statistics. The module takes hash for the data format =head1 AUTHOR Changwon Keum ( ) =head1 SEE ALSO Statistics::TTest; =cut