
krb5-fermi-getcert - Convert a kerberos ticket to X.509 certificate

Website: http://security.fnal.gov/tools/index.html
License: GPL
This script and corresponding utilities will try to get an X.509 certficate from
the FNAL KCA and convert it into a pkcs12 file
then attempt to auto-import it into Mozilla &
FireFox if possible


krb5-fermi-getcert-2.2-1.i386 [46 KiB] Changelog by Frank Nagy (2015-08-31):
- Updated to get-cert v3.4 by replacing "ps -ef" with "ps ux" so
- "Is Firefox running" test works on multiuser systems where other
- users might be running Firefox.  Replaced certutil/pk12util with
- scripts (unused) but modified get-cert.sh to user certutil/pk12util
- from /usr/bin/ and added dependence on nss-tools package
krb5-fermi-getcert-2.1-1.i386 [119 KiB] Changelog by Frank Nagy (2012-06-08):
- Added -q (quiet) and -o (output file spec) options
- to v2.1 of kx509.  Modified kxlist to just exit.
krb5-fermi-getcert-2.0-2.i386 [120 KiB] Changelog by Frank Nagy (2012-04-10):
- Merged get-cert.sh versions from SLF5 and SLF6 (which added checks
- for Firefox and/or Seamonkey current running)
krb5-fermi-getcert-1.0-5.i386 [116 KiB] Changelog by Frank Nagy (2009-10-26):
- Add requirements for openssl, nspr, nss and krb5-libs packages

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6