GNOME Desktop Environment
GNOME is a powerful graphical user interface which includes a panel, desktop, system icons, and a graphical file manager.
- NetworkManager-openconnect - NetworkManager VPN integration for openconnect
- NetworkManager-openvpn - NetworkManager VPN integration for OpenVPN
- NetworkManager-pptp - NetworkManager VPN plugin for pptp
- NetworkManager-vpnc - NetworkManager VPN integration for vpnc
- PackageKit-command-not-found - Ask the user to install command line programs automatically
- PackageKit-gtk3-module - Install fonts automatically using PackageKit
- aisleriot - Aisleriot
- alacarte - menu editor for GNOME
- alacarte - menu editor for GNOME
- at-spi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
- at-spi2-atk - A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi
- at-spi2-core - Protocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spi
- avahi - multicast dns network service discovery library
- brasero-nautilus - Nautilus extension for brasero
- caribou - A simplified in-place on-screen keyboard
- cheese - Application for taking pictures and movies from a webcam
- dasher - Zooming predictive text entry system
- dconf - A configuration system
- dconf-editor - Configuration editor for dconf
- deja-dup - Simple backup tool and frontend for duplicity
- dejavu-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif font faces
- eog - Eye of GNOME image viewer
- evince - Document viewer
- evince-djvu - Evince backend for djvu files
- evince-dvi - Evince backend for dvi files
- evince-nautilus - Evince extension for nautilus
- file-roller - An archive manager for GNOME.
- gcalctool - the calculator application
- gconf-editor - gconf editor
- gdm - The GNOME Display Manager
- gedit - Text editor for the GNOME desktop
- gedit-plugins - a set of plugins for gedit
- ghex - Binary editor for GNOME
- gksu - Gtk+ frontend to su and sudo
- glib-networking - Networking support for GLib
- gnome-applets - Small applications for the GNOME panel
- gnome-audio-extra - Optional Sounds for GNOME events.
- gnome-backgrounds - Desktop backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
- gnome-bluetooth - Bluetooth graphical utilities
- gnome-color-manager - Color management tools for GNOME
- gnome-color-manager - Color management tools for GNOME
- gnome-commander - powerful twin-panel file manager
- gnome-contacts - Contacts manager for GNOME
- gnome-control-center - Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
- gnome-disk-utility - Disks
- gnome-games - Games for the GNOME desktop
- gnome-icon-theme - GNOME icon theme
- gnome-icon-theme-extras - Additional GNOME icons
- gnome-icon-theme-symbolic - Symbolic GNOME icons
- gnome-media - GNOME media programs
- gnome-media-apps - Some media-related applications for the GNOME desktop
- gnome-menus - A menu system for the GNOME project
- gnome-nettool - Network information tool for GNOME
- gnome-packagekit - Session applications to manage packages
- gnome-panel - GNOME panel
- gnome-phone-manager - Gnome Phone Manager
- gnome-power-manager - GNOME power management service
- gnome-ppp - A GNOME 2 WvDial frontend
- gnome-screensaver - GNOME Screensaver
- gnome-session - GNOME session manager
- gnome-shell - Window management and application launching for GNOME
- gnome-shell-extension-common - Files common to GNOME Shell Extensions
- gnome-speech - gnome-speech
- gnome-system-log - A log file viewer for GNOME
- gnome-system-monitor - Process and resource monitor
- gnome-terminal - Terminal emulator for GNOME
- gnome-terminal - Terminal emulator for GNOME
- gnome-themes-extras - gnome-themes-extras
- gnome-themes-standard - Standard themes for GNOME applications
- gnome-themes-standard - Standard themes for GNOME applications
- gnome-tweak-tool - A tool to customize advanced GNOME 3 options
- gnome-user-docs - GNOME User Documentation
- gnome-user-share - Gnome user file sharing
- gnote - Note-taking application
- gnote - Note-taking application
- gnutls - A TLS protocol implementation
- gok - GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GOK)
- gok - GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GOK)
- gqview - Graphics file browser utility
- grsync - GUI for rsync
- gthumb - An image viewer and browser for GNOME
- gtk2-engines - Theme engines for GTK+.
- gtkam - Graphical frontend for libgphoto2
- gtkam-gimp - GIMP plug-in for direct digital camera through gphoto2
- gucharmap - A featureful Unicode character map.
- gvfs-archive - Archiving support for gvfs
- gvfs-fuse - FUSE support for gvfs
- gvfs-fuse - FUSE support for gvfs
- gvfs-gphoto2 - gphoto2 support for gvfs
- gvfs-obexftp - ObexFTP support for gvfs
- gvfs-smb - Windows fileshare support for gvfs
- hamster-applet - Hamster GNOME applet
- homura-backgrounds-gnome - Homura Wallpapers for Gnome
- ibus - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux OS
- ifuse - A tool to mount Apple iPhone and iPod touch devices
- istanbul - Desktop Session Recorder
- libcanberra - Portable Sound Event Library
- libproxy-mozjs - Plugin for libproxy and mozjs
- librsvg2 - An SVG library based on cairo
- libsane-hpaio - SANE driver for scanners in HP's multi-function devices
- metacity - Unobtrusive window manager
- mousetweaks - Mouse accessibility support for the GNOME desktop
- nautilus - File manager for GNOME
- nautilus - File manager for GNOME
- nautilus-actions - Nautilus extension for customizing the context menu
- nautilus-sendto - Nautilus context menu for sending files
- nautilus-sound-converter - Nautilus extension to convert audio files.
- notification-daemon - notification-daemon
- orca - Assistive technology for people with visual impairments
- pcmanfm - Extremly fast and lightweight file manager
- pinentry-gtk - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on GTK+
- policycoreutils-restorecond - SELinux restorecond utilities
- polkit-gnome - PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktop
- polkit-gnome - PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktop
- pulseaudio-esound-compat - PulseAudio EsounD daemon compatibility script
- pulseaudio-module-gconf - GConf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-x11 - X11 support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pyatspi - at-spi python binding
- pygtk2 - The sources for the PyGTK Python extension modules.
- qtcurve-gtk2 - This is a set of widget styles for Gtk2 based apps
- ruby-gnome2 - Ruby/GNOME2
- scim - Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-bridge - Scim-bridge is yet another gtk-immodule for SCIM
- scim-input-pad - An On Screen Input Pad for SCIM
- scim-tomoe - Scim-tomoe is an SCIM IMEngine module for tomoe.
- seahorse - A GNOME application for managing encryption keys
- seahorse - A GNOME application for managing encryption keys
- shotwell - A photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
- simple-scan - Simple Scanning Utility
- sodipodi - A Gnome Vector Graphics Application
- stardict-dic-en - English(en) dictionaries for StarDict
- startup-notification - startup-notification
- system-config-firewall - A graphical interface for basic firewall setup
- tomboy - Note-taking application
- vinagre - VNC client for the GNOME Desktop
- vino - A remote desktop system for GNOME
- wicd - A wireless and wired network manager
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk - Gnome integration of special directories
- xscreensaver-extras-gss - Desktop files of extras for gnome-screensaver
- xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss - Desktop files of gl-extras for gnome-screensaver
- yelp - A system documentation reader from the Gnome project
- yelp - A system documentation reader from the Gnome project
- zenity - Provides graphical prompts and dialogues for shell scripts.