Letter P

poppler - PDF rendering library

Website: http://poppler.freedesktop.org/
License: GPLv2+
Poppler is a fork of the xpdf PDF viewer developed by Derek Noonburg
of Glyph and Cog, LLC.  The purpose of forking xpdf is twofold.
First, we want to provide PDF rendering functionality as a shared
library, to centralize the maintenence effort.  Today a number of
applications incorporate the xpdf code base, and whenever a security
issue is discovered, all these applications exchange patches and put
out new releases.  In turn, all distributions must package and release
new version of these xpdf based viewers.  It's safe to say that
there's a lot of duplicated effort with the current situaion.  Even if
poppler in the short term introduces yet another xpdf derived code
base to the world, we hope that over time these applications will
adopt poppler.  After all, we only need one application to use poppler
to break even.


poppler-0.14.0-5m.mo7.i686 [751 KiB] Changelog by Yohsuke Ooi (2010-08-31):
- (0.14.0-5m)
- full rebuild for mo7 release

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1m.mo7