cls @echo off c: cd \windows\temp if exist lnxflag goto del1: echo. echo Lnx4Win Uninstallation... echo This program will remove all Lnx4Win files from the hard disk ! echo. echo. echo Press a key to continue... echo Press CTRL+C to stop the Program ! echo. pause > nul cd \lnx4win copy uninstall.bat \windows\temp\lnxflag copy uninstall.bat \windows\temp\lnxuninst.bat copy rm.exe \windows\temp cd \windows\temp call lnxuninst.bat :del1 del lnxflag rm -rf \lnx4win rm -rf \mandrake cd \ if exist config.mdk goto del2: goto fin :del2 del config.sys ren config.mdk config.sys :fin exit