package partition_table_sun; # $Id:,v 2003/06/06 09:53:05 rider Exp $ @ISA = qw(partition_table_raw); use common; use partition_table_raw; use partition_table; use c; my ($main_format, $main_fields) = list2kv( a128 => 'info', a14 => 'spare0', a32 => 'infos', a246 => 'spare1', n => 'rspeed', n => 'pcylcount', n => 'sparecyl', a4 => 'spare2', n => 'ilfact', n => 'ncyl', n => 'nacyl', n => 'ntrks', n => 'nsect', a4 => 'spare3', a64 => 'partitions', n => 'magic', n => 'csum', ); $main_format = join '', @$main_format; my ($fields1, $fields2) = ([ qw(type flags) ], [ qw(start_cylinder size) ]); my ($format1, $format2) = ("xCxC", "N2"); my ($size1, $size2) = map { psizeof($_) } ($format1, $format2); my $magic = 0xDABE; my $nb_primary = 8; my $offset = 0; sub adjustStart($$) { my ($hd, $part) = @_; my $end = $part->{start} + $part->{size}; $part->{start} = round_down($part->{start}, $hd->cylinder_size()); $part->{size} = $end - $part->{start}; $part->{size} = $hd->cylinder_size() if $part->{size} <= 0; } sub adjustEnd($$) { my ($hd, $part) = @_; my $end = $part->{start} + $part->{size}; my $end2 = round_up($end, $hd->cylinder_size()); $end2 = $hd->{geom}{cylinders} * $hd->cylinder_size() if $end2 > $hd->{geom}{cylinders} * $hd->cylinder_size(); $part->{size} = $end2 - $part->{start}; } sub compute_crc($) { my ($tmp) = @_; my @l2b = unpack "n256", $tmp; my $crc = 0; map { $crc ^= $_ } @l2b; $crc; } sub read($$) { my ($hd, $sector) = @_; my $tmp; local *F; partition_table_raw::openit($hd, *F) or die "failed to open device"; c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, $offset) or die "reading of partition in sector $sector failed"; sysread F, $tmp, psizeof($main_format) or die "error while reading partition table in sector $sector"; my %info; @info{@$main_fields} = unpack $main_format, $tmp; $info{magic} == $magic or die "bad magic number"; compute_crc($tmp) == 0 or die "bad checksum"; @{$hd->{geom}}{qw(cylinders heads sectors)} = @info{qw(ncyl ntrks nsect)}; my @pt; my @infos_up = unpack $format1 x $nb_primary, $info{infos}; my @partitions_up = unpack $format2 x $nb_primary, $info{partitions}; for (0..$nb_primary-1) { my $h = { type => $infos_up[2 * $_], flag => $infos_up[1 + 2 * $_], start_cylinder => $partitions_up[2 * $_], size => $partitions_up[1 + 2 * $_] }; $h->{start} = $sector + $h->{start_cylinder} * $hd->cylinder_size(); $h->{type} && $h->{size} or $h->{$_} = 0 foreach keys %$h; push @pt, $h; } [ @pt ], \%info; } # write the partition table (and extended ones) # for each entry, it uses fields: start, size, type, active sub write($$$;$) { my ($hd, $sector, $pt, $info) = @_; # my ($csize, $wdsize) = (0, 0); local *F; if ($::testing) { my $file = "/tmp/partition_table_$hd->{device}"; open F, ">$file" or die "error opening test file $file"; } else { partition_table_raw::openit($hd, *F, 2) or die "error opening device $hd->{device} for writing"; c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, $offset) or return 0; } ($info->{infos}, $info->{partitions}) = map { join '', @$_ } list2kv map { $_->{start} % $hd->cylinder_size() == 0 or die "partition not at beginning of cylinder"; $_->{flags} |= 0x10 if $_->{mntpoint} eq '/'; $_->{flags} |= 0x01 if partition_table::isSwap($_); local $_->{start_cylinder} = $_->{start} / $hd->cylinder_size() - $sector; pack($format1, @$_{@$fields1}), pack($format2, @$_{@$fields2}); } @$pt; $info->{csum} = 0; $info->{csum} = compute_crc(pack($main_format, @$info{@$main_fields})); syswrite F, pack($main_format, @$info{@$main_fields}), psizeof($main_format) or return 0; common::sync(); 1; } sub info { my ($hd) = @_; unless ($hd->{geom}{totalcylinders} > $hd->{geom}{cylinders}) { $hd->{geom}{totalcylinders} = $hd->{geom}{cylinders}; $hd->{geom}{cylinders} -= 2; $hd->{totalsectors} = $hd->{geom}{heads} * $hd->{geom}{sectors} * $hd->{geom}{cylinders}; } my $info = { info => "DiskDrake partition table", rspeed => 5400, pcylcount => $hd->{geom}{totalcylinders}, sparecyl => 0, ilfact => 1, ncyl => $hd->{geom}{cylinders}, nacyl => $hd->{geom}{totalcylinders} - $hd->{geom}{cylinders}, ntrks => $hd->{geom}{heads}, nsect => $hd->{geom}{sectors}, magic => $magic, }; $info; } sub clear_raw { my ($hd) = @_; my $pt = { raw => [ ({}) x $nb_primary ], info => info($hd) }; $pt->{raw}[2] = { type => 5, flags => 0, start_cylinder => 0, size => $hd->{geom}{cylinders} * $hd->cylinder_size(), }; $pt; } 1;