cls @echo off echo. echo Lnx4Win Uninstallation... echo This program will delete files of Lnx4Win on the Hard-disk ! echo. echo. echo Press a key to continue... echo Press CTRL+C to Stop the Program ! echo. pause>nul :del1 del %windir%\system\ctl3d32.dll echo File ctl3d32.dll is deleted :verif if exist \lnx4win\backup\ctl3d32.dll goto restore goto del2 :restore copy \lnx4win\backup\ctl3d32.dll %windir%\system >nul del \lnx4win\backup\ctl3d32.dll rd \lnx4win\backup echo Old file ctl3d32.dll is restored :del2 cd\ cd lnx4win cd\ :verif2 cd c:\ if exist config.mdk goto del3 goto fin :del3 del config.sys ren config.mdk config.sys :fin echo. echo Your old configuration files has been restored, echo but you must remove manually lnx4win directory.