package RPM; use 5.005; use strict; use subs qw(bootstrap_Constants bootstrap_Header bootstrap_Database); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); require DynaLoader; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); $VERSION = do { my @r=(q$Revision: 1.17 $=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r }; @EXPORT = qw(rpm_osname rpm_archname); @EXPORT_OK = (@EXPORT, 'vercmp'); bootstrap RPM; # These are stubs into the sub-module bootstraps, hacked into RPM.xs bootstrap_Constants(); bootstrap_Header(); bootstrap_Database(); bootstrap_Error(); #bootstrap_Package($VERSION); 1; ############################################################################### # # Sub Name: vercmp # # Description: Compare two sets of version/release values as though they # were from headers. # # Arguments: NAME IN/OUT TYPE DESCRIPTION # $verA in scalar First version component # $relA in scalar First release component # $verB in scalar Second version component # $relB in scalar Second release component # # Globals: None. # # Environment: None. # # Returns: -1, 0 or 1, as a comparison operator # ############################################################################### sub vercmp { my ($verA, $relA, $verB, $relB) = @_; require RPM::Header unless $INC{'RPM/'}; my $headA = new RPM::Header; my $headB = new RPM::Header; $headA->{version} = $verA; $headA->{release} = $relA; $headB->{version} = $verB; $headB->{release} = $relB; $headA->cmpver($headB); } __END__ =head1 NAME RPM - Perl interface to the API for the RPM Package Manager =head1 DESCRIPTION The B package is an extension for natively linking the functionality of the B with the extension facility of Perl. The aim is to offer all the functionality made available via the C API in the form of Perl object classes. At present, the package-manipulation functionality is not yet implemented. The B and B packages do provide access to the information contained within the database of installed packages, and individual package headers, respectively. The B package is available, which provides support routines for signaling and catching errors. Additionally, there is the B package which provides a number of values from the B library, referred to by the same name used at the C level. =head1 UTILITY FUNCTIONS The following utility functions are exported by default from B: =over =item rpm_osname Returns the text name of the O/S, as derived from the B configuration files. This is the O/S token that B will use to refer to the running system. =item rpm_archname As above, but returns the architecture string instead. Again, this may not directly match the running system, but rather is the value that B is using. B will use the lowest-matching architecture whenever possible, for maximum cross-platform compatibility. =back The following utility function may be explicitly requested via B or B: =over vercmp($verA, $relA, $verB, $relB) Allows RPM-style comparison of version/release pairs without having the full B objects in memory. This enables programs to compare versions without having to worry about how RPM handles the mixture of alphanumeric cases that are supported internally. The return value is -1, 0 or 1, as with any comparison operator. This is purposefully named differently from the B method in B so as to avoid confusion. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS When an error occurs in either the C-level B library or internally within these libraries, it is made available via a special dual-nature variable B<$RPM::err>. When evaluated in a numeric context, it returns the integer code value of the error. When taken in a string context, it returns the text message associated with the error. This is intended to closely mimic the behavior of the special Perl variable "C<$!>". =head1 CAVEATS This is currently regarded as alpha-quality software. The interface is subject to change in future releases. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Randy J. Ray =cut