#!/bin/bash ##### # ESG SEARCH # This script is intended to be an adjunct to the esg-node script # (author: gavin@llnl.gov) #**************************************************************************** #* * #* Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) * #* Directorate: Computation * #* Department: Computing Applications and Research * #* Division: S&T Global Security * #* Matrix: Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division * #* Program: PCMDI * #* Project: Earth Systems Grid Fed (ESGF) Node Software Stack * #* First Author: Gavin M. Bell (gavin@llnl.gov) * #* * #**************************************************************************** #* * #* Copyright (c) 2009, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * #* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * #* Written by: Gavin M. Bell (gavin@llnl.gov) * #* LLNL-CODE-420962 * #* * #* All rights reserved. This file is part of the: * #* Earth System Grid Fed (ESGF) Node Software Stack, Version 1.0 * #* * #* For details, see http://esgf.org/ * #* Please also read this link * #* http://esgf.org/LICENSE * #* * #* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * #* without modification, are permitted provided that the following * #* conditions are met: * #* * #* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * #* notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * #* * #* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * #* notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer (as noted below) * #* in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * #* distribution. * #* * #* Neither the name of the LLNS/LLNL nor the names of its contributors * #* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * #* software without specific prior written permission. * #* * #* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * #* "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * #* LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * #* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL LAWRENCE * #* LIVERMORE NATIONAL SECURITY, LLC, THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OR * #* CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * #* SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * #* LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * #* USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * #* ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * #* OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * #* OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * #* SUCH DAMAGE. * #* * #**************************************************************************** ###### # Description: Installation of the esg-search submodule. This # file is meant to be sourced by the esg-node # script that has the definition of checked_done(), dedup(), # ${workdir}, etc.... DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:-0} #-------------- #User Defined / Settable (public) #-------------- install_prefix=${install_prefix:-"/usr/local"} esg_solr_user=${SOLR_USER:-"solr"} esg_solr_group=${SOLR_GROUP:-"solr"} esg_functions_file=${install_prefix}/bin/esg-functions esg_root_dir=${esg_root_dir:-"/esg"} esg_config_dir=${esg_config_dir:-"${esg_root_dir}/config"} tomcat_install_dir=${tomcat_install_dir:-${CATALINA_HOME:=${install_prefix}/tomcat}} workdir=${workdir:-~/workbench/esg} install_manifest=${install_manifest:-"${esg_root_dir}/esgf-install-manifest"} esgf_shards_config_file=${esg_config_dir}/esgf_shards.config esgf_shards_static_file=${esg_config_dir}/esgf_shards_static.xml esgf_shards_dynamic_file=${esg_config_dir}/esgf_shards.xml esgf_excludes_file=${esg_config_dir}/esgf_excludes.txt esgf_publisher_resources_home=${esgf_publisher_resources_home:-${esgf_config_dir}} esgf_publisher_resources_repo=${esgf_publisher_resources_repo:-https://github.com/ESGF/esgf-publisher-resources.git} #-------------- date_format=${date_format:-"+%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S"} compress_extensions=${compress_extensions:-".tar.gz|.tar.bz2|.tgz|.bz2"} force_install=${force_install:-0} installer_uid=${installer_uid:-$(id ${HOME##*/} | sed 's/.*uid=\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')} [ $? != 0 ] || [ -z "$installer_uid" ] && echo "installer_uid is not set" && exit 1 installer_gid=${installer_gid:-$(id ${HOME##*/} | sed 's/.*gid=\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')} [ $? != 0 ] || [ -z "$installer_gid" ] && echo "installer_gid is not set" && exit 1 installer_home=${HOME} esg_search_version=${esg_search_version:-"1.2.0"} search_install_dir=${ESGF_INSTALL_DIR:-"${install_prefix}/esgf_search"} seach_data_dir=${ESGF_DATA_DIR:="${esg_root_dir}/search_data"} esgf_crawl_launcher="esgf-crawl" esgf_index_optimization_launcher="esgf-optimize-index" if [ ! -e ${esg_functions_file} ]; then checked_get ${esg_functions_file} ${esg_dist_url}$( ((devel == 1)) && echo "/devel" || echo "")/esgf-installer/${esg_functions_file##*/} $((force_install)) [ ! -s "${esg_functions_file}" ] && rm ${esg_functions_file} fi [ -e ${esg_functions_file} ] && source ${esg_functions_file} && ((VERBOSE)) && printf "sourcing from: ${esg_functions_file} \n" if [ -e /etc/esg.install_log ] && [ ! -e "${install_manifest}" ]; then echo "migrating install manifest to new location" mv -v /etc/esg.install_log ${install_manifest} fi #--------------------------------------------------------- # The "main" method for this script #--------------------------------------------------------- #arg (1) - install = 0 [default] # upgrade = 1 # The other args are a list of : of all the replica indexes you wish to create setup_search() { echo echo "*******************************" echo "Setting up The ESGF Search Sub-Project..." echo "*******************************" echo local upgrade=${1:-0} shift solr_config_types=$@ #check for solr user and group existence; create if necessary id $esg_solr_user if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo " WARNING: There is no solr user \"$esg_solr_user\" present on system" #NOTE: "useradd/groupadd" are a RedHat/CentOS thing... to make this cross distro compatible clean this up. if [ ! $(getent group ${esg_solr_group}) ]; then /usr/sbin/groupadd -r ${esg_solr_group} [ $? != 0 ] && [ $? != 9 ] && echo "ERROR: Could not add solr system group: ${esg_solr_group}" && popd && checked_done 1 fi echo "/usr/sbin/useradd -r -c"SOLR User" -g $esg_solr_group $esg_solr_user" /usr/sbin/useradd -r -c"SOLR User" -g $esg_solr_group $esg_solr_user [ $? != 0 ] && [ $? != 9 ] && echo "ERROR: Could not add SOLR system account user \"$esg_solr_user\"" && popd && checked_done 1 fi #setup_zookeeper && configure_zookeeper && write_zookeeper_install_log #[ $? != 0 ] && echo " ERROR: Could not fully install zookeeper :-( " && checked_done 1 debug_print "solr_config_types = ${solr_config_types}" for config_type in $solr_config_types; do echo "Doing setup and configuration for ${config_type}" add_shard ${config_type} [ $? != 0 ] && echo " ERROR: Could not fully install solr :-( " && checked_done 1 done setup_search_service ${upgrade} && write_search_service_install_log [ $? != 0 ] && echo " ERROR: Could not fully install search service" && checked_done 1 write_as_property index_service_endpoint "http://${esgf_host:-$(hostname --fqdn)}/esg-search/search" write_as_property index_service_app_home ${search_web_service_dir} write_as_property index_master_port write_as_property index_slave_port write_as_property index_timeout_connection 2000 write_as_property index_timeout_read_datasets 10000 write_as_property index_timeout_read_files 60000 write_as_property publishing_service_endpoint "https://${esgf_host:-$(hostname --fqdn)}/esg-search/remote/secure/client-cert/hessian/publishingService" write_as_property publishing_service_app_home ${search_web_service_dir} write_search_rss_properties setup_publisher_resources [ $? != 0 ] && echo " WARNING: Could not setup publisher resources" || echo " [OK] " write_as_property esgf_publisher_resources_home write_as_property esgf_publisher_resources_repo #Get utility script for crawling thredds sites fetch_crawl_launcher fetch_index_optimization_launcher echo "done" echo return 0 } setup_publisher_resources() { echo "Publisher Resources... (${esgf_publisher_resources_repo})" [[ ! ${esg_config_dir} ]] && echo "WARNING: No Configuration directory set - Cannot setup publisher resources [FAIL]" && return 1 [ ! -d "${esgf_publisher_resources_home:=${esg_config_dir}}" ] && mkdir -p ${esgf_publisher_resources_home} #local found_git=$(type git | sed -e 's/.*(\([^)]*\))/\1/') #this incantation works on for the output of 'type' on macs... not on CentOS local found_git=${git_install_dir}/bin/git [ ! -e "${found_git}" ] && found_git=$(type git | awk '{print $3}') [[ ! ${found_git} ]] && return 2 || ((DEBUG)) && echo "git found: ${found_git}" local repo_tld=${esgf_publisher_resources_home}/$(sed -e 's/.git//' <<<${esgf_publisher_resources_repo##*/}) if [ -d "${repo_tld}/.git" ]; then (cd ${repo_tld} && ${found_git} fetch --all && ${found_git} pull) || return 3 else ((DEBUG)) && echo "${found_git} clone ${esgf_publisher_resources_repo} ${repo_tld}" ${found_git} clone ${esgf_publisher_resources_repo} ${repo_tld} 2> /dev/null || return 4 fi } search_startup_hook() { echo "Search Startup Hook... :-)" get_property index_auto_fetch_pub_resources [ -z "${index_auto_fetch_pub_resources}" ] && index_auto_fetch_pub_resources="true" && write_as_property index_auto_fetch_pub_resources [ "$(tr [A-Z] [a-z] <<<${index_auto_fetch_pub_resources})" = "true" ] && setup_publisher_resources } #-------------------- # ONE SHOT FUNCTIONS (called from outside this script [see esg-node's options]) #-------------------- #-------------------- #Does a full sanity check of the configuration # Here are the checks (7 points) # - That it is in the esgf_shards.config file [:] (it always is) # # (next does not apply to master) # - That the corresponding entry is in the esgf_shards_static.xml file ["localhost":] (all but the master needs to be listed here) # # (next does not apply to slave nor master) # - That the corresponding entry is in the esgf_excludes.txt file [ INDEX] (this is so that replicated shards are not dyn added) # # (all) # - That there is a corresponding installation directory /usr/local/solr/- # # (next two not needed for local slave and master) # - That within that directory the entry is present and correct in EACH of the core solrconfig.xml files :8983 (where the remote master is) # - That within that directory the entry for cores are present and configured in the solr.xml - inserted in xml. # # (all) # - That there is data directory for physically storing the index in /esg/solr-index/ #---------------------- # These critera map to the "*"|"-" values listed. If anything is incorrect then there is an "X" displayed. # "*" = present and accounted for # "-" = not applicable # "X" = problem # # Ex: (Everything all good) # # %> esg-node --check-shards # Checking configuration of shards... # slave @ 8983: **-*--* [PASS] # master @ 8984: *--*--* [PASS] # esg-datanode.jpl.nasa.gov @ 8985: ******* [PASS] # pcmdi11.llnl.gov @ 8986: ******* [PASS] # pcmdi9.llnl.gov @ 8987: ******* [PASS] #-------------------- check_shards() { echo "Checking configuration of shards..." local shards=( $(_load_shards_config) ) for ((i=0; i < ${#shards[@]}; i++)); do local bad=0 solr_init ${shards[i]} echo -n "${solr_config_type} @ ${solr_server_port}: " [ -n "$(sed -n 's/.*'${solr_config_type}':'${solr_server_port}'.*/&/p' ${esgf_shards_config_file})" ] && echo -n "*" || echo -n "X" if [ "${solr_config_type}" != "master" ]; then [ -n "$(sed -n 's/.*localhost:'${solr_server_port}'.*/&/p' ${esgf_shards_static_file})" ] && echo -n "*" || echo -n "X" else echo -n "-" fi if [ "${solr_config_type}" != "master" ] && [ "${solr_config_type}" != "slave" ]; then [ -n "$(sed -n 's/.*'${solr_config_type}'.*INDEX.*/&/pI' ${esgf_excludes_file})" ] && echo -n "*" || echo -n "X" else echo -n "-" fi if [ -e "${solr_install_dir}" ]; then echo -n "*" if [ "${solr_config_type}" != "master" ] && [ "${solr_config_type}" != "slave" ]; then if (( $(sed -n 's/.*masterUrl.*'${solr_config_type}':'80'.*/&/p' ${solr_install_dir}/*/conf/solrconfig.xml | wc -l) == ${#solr_cores[@]} )); then echo -n "*" else echo -n "X" echo "check the files: ${solr_install_dir}/*/conf/solrconfig.xml" ((bad++)) fi else echo -n "-" echo -n "-" fi else echo -n "X" ((bad++)) fi if [ -e "${solr_data_dir}" ]; then echo -n "*" echo -n " $(du -sh ${solr_data_dir} | awk '{print $1}')" else echo -n "X" ((bad++)) fi (( bad == 0 )) && echo -n " [PASS]" || echo -n " [FAIL]" nc -zi 1 localhost ${solr_server_port} >& /dev/null && echo " [RUNNING]" || echo "[NOT RUNNING]" done echo } add_shard() { local config_type=${1:?"Must specify shard host or type"} local target_index_search_port=80 if [ "${config_type%:*}" != "master" ] && [ "${config_type%:*}" != "slave" ]; then if grep -q ${config_type%:*} ${esgf_shards_config_file} ; then local answer="y" echo " A replica shard entry for ${config_type%:*} is already present!" read -p " Are you sure you wish to add a NEW replica index for ${config_type%:*}? [Y/n] " answer [ -z "${answer}" ] || [ "$(tr A-Z a-z <<< ${answer})" = "n" ] && return 1 fi if ! curl -f -s -m 5 http://${config_type%:*}:${target_index_search_port}/solr >& /dev/null ; then local answer="n" echo "WARNING the shard source entered [${config_type%:*}] is not currently reachable" read -p "Would you like to continue anyway [y/N]? " answer [ -z "${answer}" ] || [ "$(tr A-Z a-z <<< ${answer})" = "n" ] && return 1 fi nc -w 3 -z ${config_type%:*} ${target_index_search_port} 2> /dev/null || echo "[INFO] - The search port [${target_index_search_port}] is not available on ${config_type%:*}" fi setup_solr ${config_type} && configure_solr ${config_type} && write_solr_install_log && _commit_configuration } remove_shard() { [ -z "${1}" ] && echo "no shard specified" && return 1 _remove_replica_shard_configuration ${1} } list_local_shards() { _dedup_shards_config cat ${esgf_shards_config_file} } init_all_shards() { for shard_spec in $(list_local_shards); do add_shard $shard_spec done } #-------------------- # Private utility functions #-------------------- _load_shards_config() { [ ! -e "${esgf_shards_config_file}" ] && echo "Sorry no esgf shards configuration file found: ${esgf_shards_config_file}" && return 0 _dedup_shards_config cat ${esgf_shards_config_file} | sed '/^#.*/d' | xargs } _commit_configuration() { #Put the entry in the shards configuration file, if not already there #note: grep returns true [0] if it can make a match grep -q ${solr_config_type}:${solr_server_port} ${esgf_shards_config_file} && echo "${esgf_shards_config_file}: entry already present" || \ echo "${solr_config_type}:${solr_server_port}" >> ${esgf_shards_config_file} #Check the static shards file (esgf_shards_static.xml) #First, if it is not there, go fetch it... if [ ! -e "${esgf_shards_static_file}" ]; then _curl "${esg_dist_url}/lists/${esgf_shards_static_file##*/}" "${esgf_shards_static_file}" fi #Do NOT need to write an entry into the static shards file in am the master index if [ "${solr_config_type}" != "master" ]; then if [ -n "$(sed -n 's/localhost:'${solr_server_port}'/&/p' ${esgf_shards_static_file})" ]; then echo "${esgf_shards_static_file}: entry is already present" else #------------------------------------------------------- #TODO: This should be done as single compound sed statement not 3 separate edits #------------------------------------------------------- #remove myself from the static shards list... sed -i '/'${esgf_host:-$(hostname --fqdn)}':8983/Id' ${esgf_shards_static_file} #remove the replicated shard's hostname:port entry from STATIC shards file... sed -i '/'${solr_config_type}':8983/Id' ${esgf_shards_static_file} #remove the replicated shard's hostname:port entry from DYNAMIC shards file... sed -i '/'${solr_config_type}':8983/Id' ${esgf_shards_static_file%_*}.xml #Put the Entry in for this local replica index of the remote index @ ${solr_config_type} if [ ${solr_server_port} != 8983 ]; then sed -i '/<[/]shards>/i \ localhost:'${solr_server_port}'/solr' ${esgf_shards_static_file} fi fi fi #Check the esgf_excludes.txt file to see if entry is already there #Do NOT need entries if are your own shards (master or slave) if [ "${solr_config_type}" != "master" ] && [ "${solr_config_type}" != "slave" ]; then grep -q ${solr_config_type} ${esgf_excludes_file} && echo "${esgf_excludes_file}: entry already present" || echo "${solr_config_type} INDEX" >> ${esgf_excludes_file} fi } #Input arg1 - hostname:port _remove_replica_shard_configuration() { local configured_ports local remote_host local local_port read remote_host local_port <<< $(awk -F : '{print $1" "$2}' <<< ${1}) if [ "${remote_host}" = "master" ] || [ "${remote_host}" = "slave" ]; then echo "WARNING: You may not remove master or slave indexes with this method" return 0 fi #If the port value is empty... let's try to pick the best one... configured_ports=($(sort -u ${esgf_shards_config_file} | sed -n 's/'${remote_host}'/&/p' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | xargs)) if [ -z "${local_port}" ]; then if (( ${#configured_ports[@]} == 1 )); then local_port=${configured_ports[0]} else (( ${#configured_ports[@]} == 0 )) && echo "Do not have an appropriate entry for ${remote_host}" && return 1 (( ${#configured_ports[@]} > 1 )) && echo "Multiple ports configured for ${remote_host} [ ${configured_ports[@]} ], you must explicitly specify port: (${remote_host}:)" && return 2 fi fi ! grep -q "${remote_host}:${local_port}" ${esgf_shards_config_file} && echo "Must select one of the configured port(s): [${configured_ports[@]}]" && return 1 solr_init "${remote_host}:${local_port}" if [ "${solr_config_type}" = "master" ] || [ "${solr_config_type}" = "slave" ]; then echo "WARNING: You may not remove master or slave indexes with this method." return 0 fi local answer="n" read -p "Are you sure you wish to remove replica index for ${solr_config_type}:${solr_server_port}? [y/N] " answer [ -z "${answer}" ] || [ "$(tr A-Z a-z <<< ${answer})" = "n" ] && return 1 echo "Removing replica shard configuration for ${solr_config_type} on port ${solr_server_port}... " #Remove the entries in the config files #esgf_shards.config debug_print "Removing entry from: ${esgf_shards_config_file}" sed -i.bak '/.*'${solr_config_type}':'${solr_server_port}'.*/d' ${esgf_shards_config_file} #esgf_shards_static.xml debug_print "Removing entry from: ${esgf_shards_static_file}" sed -i.bak '/.*localhost:'${solr_server_port}'.*/d' ${esgf_shards_static_file} #esgf_excludes.txt (( ${#configured_ports[@]} > 1 )) || sed -i.bak -e '/.*'${solr_config_type}'.*index.*/Id' ${esgf_excludes_file} local pid if pid=$(pgrep -f jetty.port=${solr_server_port}); then echo -n "Stopping index procees for this shard ${remote_host} [pid = ${pid}] " ${solr_server_dir}/bin/solr stop -p ${solr_server_port} pgrep -f jetty.port=${solr_server_port} >& /dev/null && echo "[FAIL] - unable to stop solr server on port ${solr_server_port}" || echo "[OK] " else echo "no process found for [pid = ${pid}] " fi #Remove the configuration directory debug_print "rm -rf ${solr_install_dir}" rm -rf ${solr_install_dir} #Remove the data (index) itself w/ cores debug_print "rm -rf ${solr_data_dir}" rm -rf ${solr_data_dir} echo "[REMOVED]" } _is_port_taken() { local suggested_port=${1:?"Requires as argument"} local no_use_ports=($(cat <(netstat -ant | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}' | sed -n 's/.*:\(.*\)/\1/p' | sort -n -u) <(awk -F ':' '{print $2}' ${esgf_shards_config_file}) | sort -n -u )) if [ -n "$(echo ${no_use_ports[@]} | sed -n 's/\b'${suggested_port}'\b/&/p')" ]; then #true (yes, it is taken) return 0 else #false (no the port is NOT taken, available) return 1 fi } _get_next_open_port() { local start_port=${1:-$(sort -t ':' -u -k2,2 ${esgf_shards_config_file} | tail -1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')} local suggested_port=${start_port} local no_use_ports=($(cat <(netstat -ant | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}' | sed -n 's/.*:\(.*\)/\1/p' | sort -n -u) <(awk -F ':' '{print $2}' ${esgf_shards_config_file}) | sort -n -u )) for ((i=0; i < 100; i++)); do if [ -n "$(echo ${no_use_ports[@]} | sed -n 's/\b'${suggested_port}'\b/&/p')" ]; then ((suggested_port++)) else break fi done echo ${suggested_port} } #-------------------- # Lifecycle functions #-------------------- start_search_services() { echo "Starting search services... $@" if [ -e "${esg_config_dir}/facets.properties" ]; then #check the format and version to determine if should move aside. #Not the best sed regex..."#v." passes :-( #Don't know how to do an "at least one" greedy match, usually '+' would do it. if [ -z "$(sed '/^$/d' ${esg_config_dir}/facets.properties | head -n1 | sed -n '/^#[ ]*v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*[ ]*$/p')" ]; then echo "Detected an old style or out of version file [${esg_config_dir}/facets.properties] moving it out of the way..." mv -v ${esg_config_dir}/facets.properties{,.bak} fi fi if [ ! -e "${esg_config_dir}/facets.properties" ] && [ -e "${tomcat_install_dir}/webapps/esg-search/WEB-INF/classes/esg/search/config/facets.properties" ]; then cp -v ${tomcat_install_dir}/webapps/esg-search/WEB-INF/classes/esg/search/config/facets.properties ${esg_config_dir}/facets.properties fi #start_zookeeper start_solr $(_load_shards_config) } stop_search_services() { echo "Stopping search services..." stop_solr $(_load_shards_config) #stop_zookeeper } test_search_services() { echo "Testing search services... $@" #test_zookeeper test_solr $@ } clean_search_subsystem() { remove_search_service remove_solr remove_zookeeper #--------------- #Remove configuration properties #--------------- remove_search_rss_properties remove_property index_service_endpoint remove_property index_service_app_home remove_property publishing_service_endpoint remove_property publishing_service_app_home } #--------------------------------------------------------- # Solr Search Service Setup and Configuration #--------------------------------------------------------- tomcat_install_dir=${tomcat_install_dir:-${install_prefix}/tomcat} web_app_tld=${tomcat_install_dir}/webapps search_web_service_name=esg-search search_web_service_dir=${web_app_tld}/${search_web_service_name} search_service_dist_url=${esg_dist_url}/${search_web_service_name}/${search_web_service_name}-${esg_search_version}.tar.gz ##### # Install The Search Service... ##### # - Takes boolean arg: 0 = setup / install mode (default) # 1 = updated mode # # In setup mode it is an idempotent install (default) # In update mode it will always pull down latest after archiving old # setup_search_service() { echo -n "Checking for search service ${esg_search_version}" check_webapp_version "esg-search" ${esg_search_version} local ret=$? ((ret == 0)) && (( ! force_install )) && echo " [OK]" && return 0 echo echo "*******************************" echo "Setting up The ESGF Search Service..." echo "*******************************" echo local upgrade=${1:-0} local default="Y" ((force_install)) && default="N" local dosetup if [ -d ${search_web_service_dir} ]; then echo "Detected an existing search service installation..." read -p "Do you want to continue with search services installation and setup? $([ "$default" = "N" ] && echo "[y/N]" || echo "[Y/n]") " dosetup [ -z "${dosetup}" ] && dosetup=${default} if [ "${dosetup}" != "Y" ] && [ "${dosetup}" != "y" ]; then echo "Skipping search service installation and setup - will assume it's setup properly" return 0 fi local dobackup="Y" read -p "Do you want to make a back up of the existing distribution?? [Y/n] " dobackup [ -z "${dobackup}" ] && dobackup=${default} if [ "${dobackup}" = "Y" ] || [ "${dobackup}" = "y" ]; then echo "Creating a backup archive of this web application ${search_web_service_dir}" backup ${search_web_service_dir} fi echo fi mkdir -p ${workdir} [ $? != 0 ] && return 1 pushd ${workdir} >& /dev/null local fetch_file local search_service_dist_file=${search_service_dist_url##*/} #strip off .tar.gz at the end #(Ex: esg-search-1.0.1.tar.gz -> esg-search-1.0.1) local search_service_dist_dir=$(echo ${search_service_dist_file} | awk 'gsub(/('$compress_extensions')/,"")') checked_get ${search_service_dist_file} ${search_service_dist_url} $((force_install)) no_new_update=$? if((upgrade)); then ((no_new_update == 1)) && echo "nothing more to do, you are up2date" && return 1 echo "Upgrading the ESG Search Service..." rm -rf ${search_service_dist_dir} fi echo "unpacking ${search_service_dist_file}... in $(pwd)" tar xzf ${search_service_dist_file} [ $? != 0 ] && echo " ERROR: Could not extract the ESG Search Service: ${search_service_dist_file}" && popd && checked_done 1 pushd ${search_service_dist_dir} >& /dev/null stop_tomcat #strip the version number off(#.#.#) the dir and append .war to get the name of war file #(esg-search-x.x.x -> esg-search.war) local trimmed_name=${search_service_dist_dir%-*} local search_service_war_file=$(pwd)/${trimmed_name}.war echo "search_service_war_file = "${search_service_war_file} #---------------------------- #make room for new install set_aside_web_app ${search_web_service_dir} #---------------------------- mkdir -p ${search_web_service_dir} [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Could not create dir ${search_web_service_dir}" && popd >& /dev/null && checked_done 1 cd ${search_web_service_dir} echo "Expanding war ${search_service_war_file} in $(pwd)" $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar xf ${search_service_war_file} set_aside_web_app_cleanup ${search_web_service_dir} $? # update Solr schema.xml file echo "Checking for Solr schema update" new_solr_xml=${search_web_service_dir}/WEB-INF/solr-home/mycore/conf/schema.xml echo "up-to-date Solr schema: ${new_solr_xml}" solr_home_dir="${localhost-8982}/solr-home" solr_shards=(master-8984 localhost-8982) solr_cores=(datasets files aggregations) # loop over shards for ((j=0;j<${#solr_shards[@]};j++)) ; do # loop over solr cores for ((i=0;i<${#solr_cores[@]};i++)) ; do old_solr_xml="/usr/local/solr-home/${solr_shards[${j}]}/${solr_cores[${i}]}/conf/schema.xml" #echo "Checking ${old_solr_xml}" if [ -e ${old_solr_xml} ]; then if diff ${old_solr_xml} ${new_solr_xml} >/dev/null ; then echo "Files: ${old_solr_xml}, ${new_solr_xml} are identical, not upgrading" else echo "cp ${new_solr_xml} ${old_solr_xml}" cp ${new_solr_xml} ${old_solr_xml} fi fi done done chown -R ${tomcat_user} ${search_web_service_dir} chgrp -R ${tomcat_group} ${search_web_service_dir} popd >& /dev/null #---------------------------- (( ! upgrade )) checked_done 0 } write_search_service_install_log() { echo "$(date ${date_format}) webapp:esg-search=${esg_search_version} ${search_web_service_dir}" >> ${install_manifest} dedup ${install_manifest} return 0 } remove_search_service() { echo "Removing search service... (faux)" #TODO (zoiks) } #--------------------------------------------------------- # Solr/Lucene Setup and Configuration #--------------------------------------------------------- #Input param [:] solr_init() { get_property index_master_port "8984" get_property index_slave_port "8983" solr_version=6.6.5 solr_dist_url=http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/${solr_version}/solr-${solr_version}.tgz solr_workdir=${workdir}/solr-${solr_version} echo "Using solr_workdir=${solr_workdir}" #The install of solr pivots on this variable #make this config type "sticky" read solr_config_type solr_server_port <<< $(awk -F : '{print $1" "$2}' <<< ${1}) [ "${solr_config_type}" = "master" ] && [ -z "${solr_server_port}" ] && solr_server_port=${index_master_port} [ "${solr_config_type}" = "slave" ] && [ -z "${solr_server_port}" ] && solr_server_port=${index_slave_port} if [ -z "${solr_server_port}" ]; then local suggested_port=$(_get_next_open_port) echo "[INFO] - You have not selected a local port value for the index serving the ${solr_config_type} replica... Will use ${suggested_port}" solr_server_port=${suggested_port} fi solr_install_dir=${install_prefix}/solr-home/${solr_config_type}-${solr_server_port} echo "Using solr_install_dir=${solr_install_dir}" solr_data_dir=${esg_root_dir}/solr-index/${solr_config_type}-${solr_server_port} echo "Using solr_data_dir=${solr_data_dir}" #solr_server_dir=${install_prefix}/solr-${solr_version} solr_server_dir=${install_prefix}/solr echo "Using solr_server_dir=${solr_server_dir}" solr_logs_dir=${esg_root_dir}/solr-logs echo "Using solr_logs_dir=${solr_logs_dir}" # SOLR JAVA MEMORY - defaults to 512m # example: export SOLR_HEAP=1g SOLR_HEAP="${SOLR_HEAP:-512m}" echo "Using esg_dist_url=${esg_dist_url}" solr_cores=(datasets files aggregations) debug_print "init: ${solr_config_type} [${solr_server_port}]" } #Input param [:] setup_solr() { solr_init ${1} echo echo -n "Checking for solr ${solr_version}... " (cd ${solr_install_dir} >& /dev/null; ls ${solr_cores[@]} >& /dev/null) && [ -e ${solr_server_dir}/server/start.jar ] && check_solr_version [ $? == 0 ] && (( ! force_install )) && echo " [OK]" && return 0 echo echo "*******************************" echo "Setting up (ESGF) Solr... ${solr_version} ${solr_config_type} on port ${solr_server_port}" echo "*******************************" echo local dosetup if [ -x ${solr_server_dir}/server/start.jar ]; then echo "Detected an existing solr-home installation for ${solr_config_type} configuration type..." read -p "Do you want to continue with solr-home installation and setup? [y/N] " dosetup if [ "${dosetup}" != "Y" ] && [ "${dosetup}" != "y" ]; then echo "Skipping solr-home installation and setup - will assume solr-home is setup properly" return 0 fi echo fi if [ -n "$(awk -F ':' '{print $2}' ${esgf_shards_config_file} | sort -u | sed -n 's/'${solr_server_port}'/&/p')" ]; then local answer="n" echo " A replica shard entry for port [${solr_server_port}] is already present!" read -p " Are you sure you wish to add a NEW replica index for ${solr_config_type%:*} on port [${solr_server_port}]? [y/N] " answer [ -z "${answer}" ] || [ "$(tr A-Z a-z <<< ${answer})" = "n" ] && return 1 fi echo "Installing solr-home ${solr_config_type} on port[${solr_server_port}]..." mkdir -p ${solr_workdir} pushd ${solr_workdir} >& /dev/null local solr_dist_file=${solr_dist_url##*/} local solr_dist_dir=$(echo ${solr_dist_file} | awk 'gsub(/('$compress_extensions')/,"")') #There is this pesky case of having a zero sized dist file... WTF!? if [ -e ${solr_dist_file} ]; then ((DEBUG)) && ls -l ${solr_dist_file} local size=$(stat -c%s ${solr_dist_file}) (( size == 0 )) && rm -v ${solr_dist_file} fi #Check to see if we already have a solr distribution directory #if [ ! -e ${solr_install_dir} ]; then echo "Don't see solr installation dir ${solr_install_dir}" if [ ! -e ${solr_dist_file} ]; then echo "Don't see solr distribution file $(pwd)/${solr_dist_file} either" echo "Downloading solr from ${solr_dist_url}" #NOTE: should change this to call checked_get (but don't want to copy and paste that function here) #When I do the refactoring of some of the functions, then I can source that functions file and use checked_get. #For now just fetch it. checked_get ${solr_dist_file} ${solr_dist_url} $((force_install)) (( $? > 1 )) && echo " ERROR: Could not download solr ${solr_dist_file} from ${solr_dist_url}" && popd && checked_done 1 echo "unpacking ${solr_dist_file}... into $(pwd)" tar xzf ${solr_dist_file} [ $? != 0 ] && echo " ERROR: Could not extract solr [${solr_dist_file}] ... :-( " && popd && checked_done 1 fi #fi #If you don't see the directory but see the tar.gz distribution #then expand it and go from there.... if [ -e ${solr_dist_file} ] && [ ! -e ${solr_dist_dir} ]; then echo "unpacking* ${solr_dist_file} into $(pwd)" tar xzf ${solr_dist_file} [ $? != 0 ] && echo " ERROR: Could not extract solr [${solr_dist_file}] :-( " && popd && checked_done 1 fi # move unpacked solr distribution to final location #if [ ! -e ${solr_server_dir} ]; then pushd ${install_prefix} >& /dev/null echo "copying: ${solr_workdir}/solr-${solr_version} to: ${install_prefix}/solr-${solr_version}" cp -R ${solr_workdir}/solr-${solr_version} . rm -f ./solr ln -s ./solr-${solr_version} ./solr # override log4j.properties file wget ${esg_dist_url}/esg-search/etc/conf/solr/log4j.properties -O ${solr_server_dir}/server/resources/log4j.properties mkdir -p ${solr_logs_dir} # change owner:group chown -R ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} solr-${solr_version} chown -R ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} $(readlink -f ${solr_server_dir}) chown -R ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} ${solr_logs_dir} popd >& /dev/null #fi [ -d ${solr_install_dir} ] && (echo "Backing up previous install... " && (backup ${solr_install_dir} || (mv ${solr_install_dir}{,.bak} || echo "Could not move aside prev install"))) [ ! -d "${solr_install_dir}" ] && echo "Creating installation dir: ${solr_install_dir}" && mkdir -p ${solr_install_dir} # create solr cores pushd ${solr_workdir} >& /dev/null rm -rf solr-home* echo 'Downloading ${esg_dist_url}/esg-search/solr-home.tar' wget ${esg_dist_url}/esg-search/solr-home.tar tar xvf solr-home.tar cp -R solr-home/* ${solr_install_dir}/. popd >& /dev/null local err_count=0 cd ${solr_install_dir} for ((i=0;i<${#solr_cores[@]};i++)) ; do if [ ! -e ${solr_install_dir}/${solr_cores[${i}]} ]; then echo "Creating core directory: ${solr_install_dir}/${solr_cores[${i}]}" cp -R mycore ${solr_cores[${i}]} core_file=${solr_cores[${i}]}/core.properties sed --in-place 's/@mycore@/'${solr_cores[${i}]}'/g' ${core_file} sed --in-place 's/@solr_config_type@/'${solr_config_type}'/g' ${core_file} sed --in-place 's/@solr_server_port@/'${solr_server_port}'/g' ${core_file} [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Could not install core: ${solr_cores[${i}]} - no exemplar found" && ((err_count++)) && continue fi echo "core: ${solr_cores[${i}]} - [OK]" done ((err_count == 0)) && rm -rf ${solr_install_dir}/mycore echo "${solr_version}" > ${solr_install_dir}/VERSION (($DEBUG)) && echo "chown -R ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} ${solr_install_dir}" chown ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} "$(dirname "${solr_install_dir}")" chown -R ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} $(readlink -f "$(dirname "${solr_install_dir}")") popd >& /dev/null echo -n "solr-home setup " (( err_count == 0 )) && echo "[OK]" && return 0 (( (err_count > 0) && (err_count < ${#solr_cores[@]}) )) && echo "[PARTIAL]" && return 1 (( err_count == ${#solr_cores[@]} )) && echo "[FAIL]" && return 2 } #Helper Method to figure out the version of solr-home installation check_solr_version() { [ "$(cat ${solr_install_dir}/VERSION)" = "${solr_version}" ] } #TODO: change these curls to either get certs to use ssl or use checked_get #Input param [:] configure_solr() { solr_init ${1} >& /dev/null echo -n "Configuring solr... ${solr_config_type} port[${solr_server_port}] " pushd ${solr_install_dir} >& /dev/null local suffix if [ ! "${solr_config_type}" = "master" ] && [ ! "${solr_config_type}" = "slave" ]; then # configure replication handler for all cores for ((i=0;i<${#solr_cores[@]};i++)) ; do echo "Configuring replication handler for ${hostname}:${solr_server_port}" solr_config_file=${solr_cores[${i}]}/conf/solrconfig.xml # NOTE: replicates from port 80 sed --in-place 's/localhost:8984/'${solr_config_type}:80'/g' ${solr_config_file} sed --in-place 's/00:00:60/'01:00:00'/g' ${solr_config_file} done fi #------------------------ # Create the data (index) directories #------------------------ eval mkdir -p $(echo ${solr_data_dir}/{${solr_cores[@]}} | sed 's/ /,/g') chown -R ${esg_solr_user}:${esg_solr_group} $(readlink -f "$(dirname "${solr_data_dir}")") popd >& /dev/null echo " [OK]" return 0 } #----- #"private functions" #----- #Using curl straight up won't give you any signal that you are not #getting the file... so we have to buffer and inspect it manually #first. _curl() { verbose_print "${1} > ${2}" local content=$(curl -s -L --insecure ${1}) grep -q 404 <<< $content && echo "ERROR: [404] could not download ${1}" && return 1 echo "$content" > ${2} } _dedup_solr_realm() { local infile=${1:-${envfile}} [ ! -e "${infile}" ] && echo "WARNING: dedup_solr_realm() - unable to locate ${infile} does it exist?" && return 1 [ ! -w "${infile}" ] && echo "WARNING: dedup_solr_realm() - unable to write to ${infile}" && return 1 local tmp=$(tac ${infile} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ :]"} !($1 in a) {a[$1];print $0}' | sort -k1,1) echo "$tmp" > ${infile} } _dedup_shards_config() { local infile=${1:-${esgf_shards_config_file}} [ ! -e "${infile}" ] && echo "WARNING: dedup_shards_config() - unable to locate ${infile} does it exist?" && return 1 [ ! -w "${infile}" ] && echo "WARNING: dedup_shards_config() - unable to write to ${infile}" && return 1 local tmp=$(tac ${infile} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ :]"} !($2 in a) {a[$2];print $0}' | sort -t ':' -k2,2) echo "$tmp" > ${infile} } #A temporary function for this case where we are hard wiring the particpating shards _add_myself_to_distrib_shards_list() { local input_file=${1:-snippet} if [ -e "${input_file}" ]; then cp --force -v ${input_file}{,.bak} else echo "Cannot add host to shard list - file not found! ${input_file}" return 1 fi local shard_list=$(sed -n 's/[ ]*\(.*\)<\/str>.*/\1/p' ${input_file}) echo ${shard_list} | grep ${esgf_host} [ $? = 0 ] && echo "Already in shards list" && return 0 echo "I am not in shards list... adding myself... ${esgf_host}" local entry=${esgf_host}:${solr_server_port}/solr shard_list=${entry},${shard_list} sed -i 's#\([ ]*\)\(.*\)\(<\/str>.*\)#\1'${shard_list}'\3#g' ${input_file} } #----- test_solr() { while [ -n "$1" ]; do solr_init ${1} echo "empty solr test for ${1}" shift done } #TODO #test_solr() { ## publish test catalog # cd $WEB_APP_DIR # java -Dlog4j.configuration=./WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml -Djava.ext.dirs=./WEB-INF/lib esg.search.publish.impl.PublishingServiceMain file://$ESGF_TESTDATA_DIR/pcmdi.ipcc4.GFDL.gfdl_cm2_0.picntrl.mon.land.run1.v1.xml THREDDS true #} #NOTE: Only write entries to the install log that refer to "resident"/"local" indexes (master and slave) write_solr_install_log() { if [ "${solr_config_type}" = "master" ] || [ "${solr_config_type}" = "slave" ]; then local entry="$(date ${date_format}) esg-search:solr-${solr_config_type}=${solr_version} ${solr_install_dir}" echo ${entry} >> ${install_manifest} dedup ${install_manifest} fi return 0 } # start Solr server on port ${index_slave_port} start_solr() { while [ -n "$1" ]; do solr_init ${1} check_solr_process && shift && continue echo "Starting solr server for ${solr_config_type} on port [${solr_server_port}]" #Gotta love pointers in bash ;-) local solr_java_opts="SOLR_JAVA_OPTS_${solr_server_port}" solr_java_opts=${!solr_java_opts:-${SOLR_JAVA_OPTS}} pushd ${solr_server_dir} >& /dev/null enable_master_or_slave='' if [ "${solr_config_type}" == "master" ] ; then # enable master only enable_master_or_slave='-Denable.master=true' elif [ "${solr_config_type}" == "localhost" ] ; then # enable neither master nor slave - does not parteciopate in replication enable_master_or_slave='-Denable.localhost=true' else # repeater: enable both master and slave enable_master_or_slave='-Denable.master=true -Denable.slave=true' fi command="source /etc/esg.env; SOLR_INCLUDE=${solr_install_dir}/solr.in.sh bin/solr start -d ${solr_server_dir}/server -s ${solr_install_dir} -p ${solr_server_port} -a '${enable_master_or_slave}'" echo "Starting solr: sudo -H -u ${esg_solr_user} bash -c $command" sudo -H -u ${esg_solr_user} bash -c "$command" popd >& /dev/null pcheck 30 2 1 -- check_solr_process ret=$? [ $ret == 0 ] && echo " [OK]" || echo " [FAIL]" shift done return $ret } stop_solr() { solr_init ${1} # stops all Solrs at once pushd ${solr_server_dir} >& /dev/null sudo -u ${esg_solr_user} source /etc/esg.env; SOLR_INCLUDE=${solr_install_dir}/solr.in.sh bin/solr stop -all popd >& /dev/null } #status check_solr_process() { local pid=`lsof -i:${solr_server_port} -s TCP:LISTEN | grep -i java | awk '{print $2}'` [ -n "$pid" ] && echo " Solr process for ${solr_config_type} running on port [${solr_server_port}]... " && return 0 } remove_solr() { echo "Removing solr... (faux)" #TODO (zoiks) } write_search_rss_properties() { local esgf_feed_datasets_title=${esg_feed_datasets_title:-"${node_short_name} RSS"} local esgf_feed_datasets_desc=${esg_feed_datasets_desc:-"Datasets Accessible from node: ${node_short_name}"} local esgf_feed_datasets_link=${esg_feed_datasets_link:-"http://${esgf_host}/thredds/catalog.html"} write_as_property esgf_feed_datasets_title write_as_property esgf_feed_datasets_desc write_as_property esgf_feed_datasets_link } remove_search_rss_properties() { remove_property esg_feed_datasets_title remove_property esg_feed_datasets_desc remove_property esg_feed_datasets_link } #Utility function to time the index response times from the various #index nodes discovered/confgured in the federation. Thanks Estani!!! time_shards() { local show_local=0 local connect_timeout=10 while [ -n "$1" ]; do case $1 in -show-local) show_local=1; ;; -timeout) shift connect_timeout=$1 ;; *) ;; esac shift done echo echo "Timing queries against configured, remote, index shards... " local query_svc="esg-search/search?format=application%2Fsolr%2Bxml&facets=project,institute,model,source_id,experiment_family,experiment,time_frequency,product,realm,variable,variable_long_name,cmor_table,cf_standard_name,ensemble&offset=0&type=Dataset&query=*&latest=true&replica=false&distrib=false&limit=10" get_property esgf_host local query_solr='solr/datasets/select?q=*&fq=type%3ADataset%20AND%20latest%3Atrue%20AND%20replica%3Afalse&facet=true&start=0&rows=10&&facet.field=project&facet.field=institute&facet.field=model&facet.field=source_id&facet.field=experiment_family&facet.field=experiment&facet.field=time_frequency&facet.field=product&facet.field=realm&facet.field=variable&facet.field=variable_long_name&facet.field=cmor_table&facet.field=cf_standard_name&facet.field=ensemble' local static_nodes=($(sed -n '/localhost/! {s/^.*\([^<]*\):[0-9]*.*/\1/ p}' ${esgf_shards_static_file})) local dynamic_nodes=($(sed -n '/localhost/! {s/^.*\([^<]*\):[0-9]*.*/\1/ p}' ${esgf_shards_dynamic_file})) local replica_nodes=($(sed -n '/slave\|master/! {s/:[0-9]*//p}' ${esgf_shards_config_file}) ${esgf_host}) local tmp=(${static_nodes[@]} ${dynamic_nodes[@]} ${replica_nodes[@]}) local nodes=$(printf '%s\0' "${tmp[@]}" | sort -z | xargs -0n1 | uniq | xargs) #crazy gymnastics to sort uniq an array... local port=8983 local sum=0 local sum_local=0 local et for node in ${nodes[@]}; do echo -n " Checking $node ... " printf '[%s%s%s]' $(grep -q ${node} <<< ${static_nodes[@]} && echo "S" || echo"") $(grep -q ${node} <<< ${dynamic_nodes[@]} && echo "D" || echo"") $(grep -q ${node} <<< ${replica_nodes[@]} && echo "R" || echo"") _time_shard $node $query_svc 80 ${connect_timeout} local local_shard_port=$(sed -n 's/'${node}':\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p' ${esgf_shards_config_file}) 2> /dev/null ((show_local)) && [ -z "${local_shard_port}" ] && [ "${node}" = "${esgf_host}" ] && local_shard_port=$(sed -n 's/slave:\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p' ${esgf_shards_config_file}) 2> /dev/null if (( show_local )) && [ -n "${local_shard_port}" ]; then echo -n " -- local " _time_shard localhost $query_solr ${local_shard_port} ${connect_timeout} fi echo done echo -n "total: datasets [${sum}] " ((show_local)) && echo -n "local datasets [${sum_local}]" echo echo } _time_shard() { local node=${1:?"Sorry _time_shard requires at least a node value"} local query=${2:-"esg-search/search?format=application%2Fsolr%2Bxml&facets=project,institute,model,source_id,experiment_family,experiment,time_frequency,product,realm,variable,variable_long_name,cmor_table,cf_standard_name,ensemble&offset=0&type=Dataset&query=*&latest=true&replica=false&distrib=false&limit=10"} local port=${3:-80} local connect_timeout=${4:-10} local url="http://$node:$port/$query" debug_print $url local time=/usr/bin/time local et unset et unset count local count="$($time -o >(read et; [[ "$et" =~ ^[0-9.]+$ ]] && echo -n " ${et}s " >&2) -f %e curl -Ssm ${connect_timeout} ${url} | sed -n '/numFound/ s/.*numFound="\([0-9]*\)".*/\1/p')" sleep 0.1 #let stdout flush [[ "$count" ]] && echo -n " ($count datasets) " || echo -n " (no response) " (( port == 80 )) && ((sum+=count)) || ((sum_local+=count)) unset et } ############################################ # General - Utility Functions ############################################ #get_node_id() { #See esg-functions-file } #checked_done() { #See esg-functions-file } #dedup() { #See esg-functions-file } #verbose_print() { #See esg-functions-file } #debug_print() { #See esg-functions-file } #pcheck() { #See esg-functions-file } #backup() { #See esg-functions file } fetch_crawl_launcher() { pushd ${scripts_dir} >& /dev/null checked_get ${esgf_crawl_launcher} ${esg_dist_url}/${search_web_service_name}/${esgf_crawl_launcher} $((force_install)) (( $? > 1 )) && echo " ERROR: Could not download ${esg_dist_url}/${search_web_service_name}/${esgf_crawl_launcher} :-(" && popd >& /dev/null && return 1 chmod 755 ${esgf_crawl_launcher} popd >& /dev/null return 0 } fetch_index_optimization_launcher() { pushd ${scripts_dir} >& /dev/null checked_get ${esgf_index_optimization_launcher} ${esg_dist_url}/${search_web_service_name}/${esgf_index_optimization_launcher} $((force_install)) (( $? > 1 )) && echo " ERROR: Could not download ${esg_dist_url}/${search_web_service_name}/${esgf_index_optimization_launcher} :-(" && popd >& /dev/null && return 1 chmod 755 ${esgf_index_optimization_launcher} popd >& /dev/null return 0 } fetch_static_shards_file() { local fetch_file=esgf_shards_static.xml local force=1 local make_backup=1 checked_get ${esg_config_dir}/${fetch_file} ${esg_dist_url}/lists/${fetch_file} ${force} ${make_backup} (( $? > 1 )) && [FAIL] && return 2 [OK] }