#!/bin/bash #==== SITE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS - CHANGE AS NEEDED ===== # Source ESGF environment variables file ESGF_ENVFILE=/etc/esg.env if [ -e "$ESGF_ENVFILE" ]; then source $ESGF_ENVFILE fi LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/esgf/python/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # ESGF_INSTALL_PREFIX ESGF_INSTALL_PREFIX=${ESGF_INSTALL_PREFIX:-"/usr/local"} # CoG software root directory COG_DIR=${COG_DIR:-${ESGF_INSTALL_PREFIX}/cog} # true if CoG is installed on ESGF node ESGF=true # the user and group running the CoG application USER=apache GROUP=apache # the specific CoG branch OR version to install # ESGF version VERSION=v3.9.9 #COG_TAG=devel COG_TAG=$VERSION # must start from bare-bone Python 2.7.9 installation that contains only setup_tools, pip and virtualenv PATH=/opt/esgf/python/bin:$PATH # location to unpack the Python eggs - must be writable by $USER PYTHON_EGG_CACHE_DIR=/var/www/.python-eggs #=== ESGF INSTALLATION LOGIC - DO NOT CHANGE ========= # Sourcing ESGF Functions ESG_FUNCTIONS_FILE=$ESGF_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/esg-functions source $ESG_FUNCTIONS_FILE # ESGF installation path INSTALLPATH=$COG_DIR # ESGF common installation script INSTALLARG_SCRIPT=$ESGF_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/esg-installarg if [ -e "$INSTALLARG_SCRIPT" ]; then source $INSTALLARG_SCRIPT fi #=== CoG INSTALLATION LOGIC - DO NOT CHANGE ========== # pre-requisites pip install virtualenv # root directory for installation mkdir -p $INSTALLPATH # directory for local settings export COG_CONFIG_DIR=$INSTALLPATH/cog_config mkdir -p $COG_CONFIG_DIR # installation directory # will be re-created during git checkout COG_INSTALL_DIR=$INSTALLPATH/cog_install # use Python virtual environment (rebuild from scratch each time) cd $INSTALLPATH rm -rf venv virtualenv -p /opt/esgf/python/bin/python2.7 venv source venv/bin/activate echo 'Using Python:' `which python` # pre-requisite: update pip pip install -U pip # pre-requisite: install from wheel otherwise it does not work on MacOSX pip install wheel pip install --use-wheel Pillow==3.1.0 # checkout CoG software stack # remove previous installation if existing cd $INSTALLPATH if [ -d "$COG_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then rm -rf $COG_INSTALL_DIR fi git clone https://github.com/EarthSystemCoG/COG cog_install # checkout a specific tag or version cd $COG_INSTALL_DIR git checkout master git pull git checkout $COG_TAG if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Unknown COG_TAG: $COG_TAG" exit 1 fi git pull # install CoG dependencies within Python virtual environment cd $COG_INSTALL_DIR pip install -r requirements.txt # setup CoG configuration python setup.py install # install mkproxy. Mkproxy is used by Globus Transfer API client to create an X.509 proxy credential. # (Globus Transfer REST API sends a public key. i # Mkproxy signs the public key using a private key extracted from an ESGF X.509 user credential.) cd $COG_DIR rm -rf transfer-api-client-python git clone https://github.com/globusonline/transfer-api-client-python.git cd transfer-api-client-python git pull cd mkproxy make cp mkproxy $INSTALLPATH/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globusonline/transfer/api_client/x509_proxy/ # FIXME: must download and install django-openid-auth fork manually cd $COG_DIR rm -rf django-openid-auth git clone https://github.com/EarthSystemCoG/django-openid-auth.git cd django-openid-auth python setup.py install # create or upgrade CoG installation cd $COG_INSTALL_DIR python setup.py setup_cog --esgf=$ESGF # cleanup CoG egg cd $INSTALLPATH rm -rf venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cog* # change ownership of COG_CONFIG_DIR/site_media chown -R $USER:$GROUP $COG_CONFIG_DIR chown -R $USER:$GROUP $COG_INSTALL_DIR # change ownership of COG_DIR/venv chown -R $USER:$GROUP $COG_DIR/venv # create location where Python eggs can be unpacked by user 'apache' mkdir -p $PYTHON_EGG_CACHE_DIR chown -R $USER:$GROUP $PYTHON_EGG_CACHE_DIR # Copying installation script in installation directory #rm -f $INSTALLPATH/$0 #cp $0 $INSTALLPATH # Write CoG environment variable echo "export COG_DIR=$INSTALLPATH" >> $ESGF_ENVFILE echo "export COG_INSTALL_DIR=$INSTALLPATH/cog_install" >> $ESGF_ENVFILE echo "export COG_CONFIG_DIR=$INSTALLPATH/cog_config" >> $ESGF_ENVFILE echo "export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/grid-security/certificates" >> $ESGF_ENVFILE echo "export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=$PYTHON_EGG_CACHE_DIR" >> $ESGF_ENVFILE dedup $ESGF_ENVFILE && source $ESGF_ENVFILE