NAME WWW::Spotify - Spotify Web API Wrapper VERSION version 0.008 SYNOPSIS use WWW::Spotify; my $spotify = WWW::Spotify->new(); my $result; $result = $spotify->album('0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj'); # $result is a json structure, you can operate on it directly # or you can use the "get" method see below $result = $spotify->albums( '41MnTivkwTO3UUJ8DrqEJJ,6JWc4iAiJ9FjyK0B59ABb4,6UXCm6bOO4gFlDQZV5yL37' ); $result = $spotify->albums_tracks( '6akEvsycLGftJxYudPjmqK', { limit => 1, offset => 1 } ); $result = $spotify->artist( '0LcJLqbBmaGUft1e9Mm8HV' ); my $artists_multiple = '0oSGxfWSnnOXhD2fKuz2Gy,3dBVyJ7JuOMt4GE9607Qin'; $result = $spotify->artists( $artists_multiple ); $result = $spotify->artist_albums( '1vCWHaC5f2uS3yhpwWbIA6' , { album_type => 'single', # country => 'US', limit => 2, offset => 0 } ); $result = $spotify->track( '0eGsygTp906u18L0Oimnem' ); $result = $spotify->tracks( '0eGsygTp906u18L0Oimnem,1lDWb6b6ieDQ2xT7ewTC3G' ); $result = $spotify->artist_top_tracks( '43ZHCT0cAZBISjO8DG9PnE', # artist id 'SE' # country ); $result = $spotify->search( 'tania bowra' , 'artist' , { limit => 15 , offset => 0 } ); $result = $spotify->user( 'glennpmcdonald' ); # public play interaction example # NEED TO SET YOUR o_auth client_id and secret for these to work $spotify->browse_featured_playlists( country => 'US' ); my $link = $spotify->get('playlists.items[*].href'); # $link is an arrayfef of the all the playlist urls foreach my $for_tracks (@{$link}) { # make sure the links look valid next if $for_tracks !~ /spotify\/play/; $spotify->query_full_url($for_tracks,1); my $pl_name = $spotify->get('name'); my $tracks = $spotify->get('tracks.items[*]'); foreach my $track (@{$tracks}) { print "$track\n"; } } DESCRIPTION Wrapper for the Spotify Web API. Have access to a JSON viewer to help develop and debug. The Chrome JSON viewer is very good and provides the exact path of the item within the JSON in the lower left of the screen as you mouse over an element. CONSTRUCTOR ARGS ua You may provide your own WWW::Mechanize object to the constructor. You may want to set autocheck off. To get extra debugging information, you can do something like this: use LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy qw( debug_ua ); use WWW::Mechanize; use WWW::Spotify; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 ); debug_ua( $mech ); my $ua = WWW::Mechanize->new( ua => $ua ); METHODS get Returns a specific item or array of items from the JSON result of the last action. $result = $spotify->search( 'tania bowra' , 'artist' , { limit => 15 , offset => 0 } ); my $image_url = $spotify->get( 'artists.items[0].images[0].url' ); JSON::Path is the underlying library that actually parses the JSON. query_full_url( $url , [needs o_auth] ) Results from some calls (playlist for example) return full urls that can be in their entirety. This method allows you make a call to that url and use all of the o_auth and other features provided. $spotify->query_full_url( "" , 1 ); album equivalent to /v1/albums/{id} $spotify->album('0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj'); used album vs albums since it is a singular request albums equivalent to /v1/albums?ids={ids} $spotify->albums( '41MnTivkwTO3UUJ8DrqEJJ,6JWc4iAiJ9FjyK0B59ABb4,6UXCm6bOO4gFlDQZV5yL37' ); or $spotify->albums( [ '41MnTivkwTO3UUJ8DrqEJJ', '6JWc4iAiJ9FjyK0B59ABb4', '6UXCm6bOO4gFlDQZV5yL37' ] ); albums_tracks equivalent to /v1/albums/{id}/tracks $spotify->albums_tracks('6akEvsycLGftJxYudPjmqK', { limit => 1, offset => 1 } ); artist equivalent to /v1/artists/{id} $spotify->artist( '0LcJLqbBmaGUft1e9Mm8HV' ); used artist vs artists since it is a singular request and avoids collision with "artists" method artists equivalent to /v1/artists?ids={ids} my $artists_multiple = '0oSGxfWSnnOXhD2fKuz2Gy,3dBVyJ7JuOMt4GE9607Qin'; $spotify->artists( $artists_multiple ); artist_albums equivalent to /v1/artists/{id}/albums $spotify->artist_albums( '1vCWHaC5f2uS3yhpwWbIA6' , { album_type => 'single', # country => 'US', limit => 2, offset => 0 } ); artist_top_tracks equivalent to /v1/artists/{id}/top-tracks $spotify->artist_top_tracks( '43ZHCT0cAZBISjO8DG9PnE', # artist id 'SE' # country ); artist_related_artists equivalent to /v1/artists/{id}/related-artists $spotify->artist_related_artists( '43ZHCT0cAZBISjO8DG9PnE' ); search equivalent to /v1/search?type=album (etc) $spotify->search( 'tania bowra' , 'artist' , { limit => 15 , offset => 0 } ); track equivalent to /v1/tracks/{id} $spotify->track( '0eGsygTp906u18L0Oimnem' ); tracks equivalent to /v1/tracks?ids={ids} $spotify->tracks( '0eGsygTp906u18L0Oimnem,1lDWb6b6ieDQ2xT7ewTC3G' ); browse_featured_playlists equivalent to /v1/browse/featured-playlists $spotify->browse_featured_playlists(); requires OAuth browse_new_releases equivalent to /v1/browse/new-releases requires OAuth $spotify->browse_new_releases user equivalent to /user oauth_client_id needed for requests that require OAuth, see Spotify API documentation for more information $spotify->oauth_client_id('2xfjijkcjidjkfdi'); Can also be set via environment variable, SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID oauth_client_secret needed for requests that require OAuth, see Spotify API documentation for more information $spotify->oauth_client_secret('2xfjijkcjidjkfdi'); Can also be set via environment variable, SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET THANKS Paul Lamere at The Echo Nest / Spotify All the great Perl community members that keep Perl fun AUTHOR Aaron Johnson <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Aaron Johnson. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.