#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);

require 5.005;

$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%d", q$Revision: 1.24 $ =~ /(\d+)/g; # jhi@iki.fi

use Getopt::Long;

my $Rules    = 0;
my $Stdout   = 1;
my $Out      = 1;
my $Format   = "%o --> %t";
my $Help     = 0;
my $Version  = 0;

sub usage {
    die <<__EO__;
$0: Usage: $0 [--nostdout] [--nofile] [--format=s] [--rules]
    [--help] [--version] [ lexicon_file rules_file ]
The options can be abbreviated and one dash used instead of two.
If no lexicon and rules files are specified, they will be asked interactively.
$0: Sound change applier (C) 2003 Jarkko Hietaniemi
$0: Based on Mark Rosenfelder's C version,
$0: see http://www.zompist.com/sounds.htm

usage() unless GetOptions(
			  'Rules'     => \$Rules,
			  'Stdout!'   => \$Stdout,
			  'Out!'     => \$Out,
			  'Format=s'  => \$Format,
			  'Help'      => \$Help,
			  'Version'   => \$Version,

usage() if $Help;

if ($Version) {
    print $VERSION, "\n";

my ($LX, $SC);

sub do_ask {
    my ($type) = @_;
    print "Enter the name of the $type file: ";
    my $name = <STDIN>;
    if (defined $name) { chomp $name }
    unless (defined $name && length $name) {
	die "$0: \u$type file undefined\n";
    return $name;

if (@ARGV == 2) {
    ($LX, $SC) = @ARGV;
} elsif (@ARGV == 0) {
    $LX = do_ask("lexicon");
    $SC = do_ask("rules");
} else {

sub do_ext {
    my ($self, $type, $ext) = @_;
    unless (-f $_[0]) {
	if (-f "$_[0]$ext") {
	    $_[0] = "$_[0]$ext";
	} else {
	    die "$0: No $type file '$_[0]'\n";

do_ext($LX, "lexicon", ".lex");
do_ext($SC, "rules",   ".sc");

my %Cat;
my @Rule;

sub hasCat {
    my $Cat = join('', keys %Cat);
    $_[0] =~ /[$Cat]/;

sub expandCat {
    if (hasCat($_[0])) {
	$_[0] =~ s/(.)/exists $Cat{$1} ? $Cat{$1} : $1/eg;

sub addRule {
    my ($from, $to, $env) = @_;

    my (@From, @To);
    my $i = 1;
    # print "from=$from to=$to env=$env\n";
    while ($env =~ /(?:\((.)\)|(_)|(\#)|(.))/g) {
	my ($opt, $foc, $anc, $els) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
	# print "opt=$opt foc=$foc anc=$anc els=$els\n";
	my ($f, $t);
	if (defined $opt) {	# Optional.
	    $els = $opt;
	    $opt = 1;
	if (defined $foc) {	# The focus.
	    $f = $from;
	    my $fHasCat = hasCat($f);
	    if ($fHasCat) {
		# Delay [] wrapping.
	    $t = $to;
	    if (hasCat($t)) {
		if ($fHasCat) { # Both sides have variables.
		    $t = qq{substr("$t", index("$f", \$$i), 1)};
	    } else {
		$t = qq{"$t"};
	    $f = "[$f]" if $fHasCat; # Do the [] wrapping now.
	} elsif (defined $anc) {	# An anchor.
	    if (pos($env)) {
		push @From, "\$";
	    } else {
		push @From, "\^";
	    next; # Next token, please.
	} elsif (defined $els) {	# Something else.
	    my $s = $els;
	    if (hasCat($s)) {
		$f = "[$s]";
	    } else {
		$f = $els;
	    $f .= '?' if $opt;
	    $t = "\$$i";
	} else {
	    die "$0: Error: opt=$opt foc=$foc anc=$anc els=$els\n";
	push @From, "($f)";
	push @To,   $t;
    my $From = join('',  @From);
    my $To   = join('.', @To);
    eval qq{sub { my \$o = \$_; return "\$env\t$from -> $to\t\$o -> \$_"  if s/$From/$To/ge }};
    die "From = $From, To = $To: $@" if $@;
    push @Rule, eval qq{sub { my \$o = \$_; return "\$env\t$from -> $to\t\$o -> \$_"  if s/$From/$To/ge && \$_ ne \$o }};

sub parseRule {
    return if /^\s*(\*.*)?$/;
    if (m{^(.)=(.+)}) {
	my ($var, $val) = ($1, $2);
	$Cat{$var} = quotemeta $val;
    } elsif (m{^([^/]+)/([^/]*)/(.+)$}) {
	my ($from, $to, $env) = ($1, $2, $3);
	unless ($env =~ /^[^_]*_[^_]*$/) {
	    die "$SC:$.: must have exactly one _ in environment\n";
	} elsif ($env =~ /\#/) {
	    unless ($env =~ m{^\#([^\#]*)\#?$} ||
		    $env =~ m{^([^\#]*)\#$}) {
		die "$SC:$.: \# must be at the beginning or at the end\n";
	addRule(quotemeta $from, quotemeta $to, $env);
   } else {
       die "$SC:$.: unknown syntax\n";

if (open(SC, $SC)) {
    while (<SC>) { parseRule() } close(SC);
} else {
    die "$0: Failed to open rules file '$SC' for reading: $!\n";

my $out;
my $OUT = $SC;

$OUT =~ s/\.sc$/.out/;

if ($Out) {
    unless (open($out, ">$OUT")) {
	die "$0: Failed to open output file '$OUT' for writing: $!\n";

sub do_print {
    print @_      if $Stdout;
    print $out @_ if $Out;

if (open(LX, $LX)) {
    while (<LX>) {
	return if /^\s*(\*.*)?$/;
	s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
	my $o = $_;
	my @v;
	for my $r (@Rule) {
	    while (my $v = &{ $r }) {
		push @v, $v if defined $v
	my $out = $Format;
	$out =~ s/%o/$o/g;
	$out =~ s/%t/$_/g;
	do_print $out, "\n";
	if ($Rules) {
	    for (@v) {
		do_print "\t$_\n";
    close $out if defined $out;
} else {
    die "$0: Failed to open lexicon file '$LX' for reading: $!\n";


=head1 NAME

sounds - apply sound changes

=head1 SYNOPIS

  sounds.pl [--nostdout] [--noout] [--format=s] [--rules]
            [--help] [--version] [lexicon_file rules_file]


The F<sounds.pl> converts the B<lexicon> using the B<rules> and displays
the result.

=head2 The Lexicon File

The lexicon file contains words, one per line.

The lexicon file may contain empty lines, and also comment lines that
have (optional leading whitespace followed by) a "*".  Anything on
that line following the "*" is ignored.

If no lexicon file by the specified name does not exist,
also the name with F<.lex> appended will be tried.

=head2 The Rules Language

The F<rules_file> contains rules of the forms


With the first form, called category definitions, you can define
classes or groups of characters, for example


You can use these definitions in the rules of the second form,
called transformation rules.  For example:


to change 'z' into 's' everywhere.  The '_' stands for the I<from> part.
Another example is


which changes word-final 'm' into 'n'.  The '#' stands for either the
end of the word or the beginning of the word, depending on the context.
Further example using category definitions:


meaning that c changes to 'i' after the vowels 'i' and 'e' and before
a 't'.  Both parts can have category definitions, too:


meaning that the letters 'ptc' change to their voiced equivalents
'bdg' between vowels.  If the lengths of I<from> and I<to> are not
equal, weird results will ensue.

Optional elements are indicated by enclosing them in parenthesis:


means one or two esses.

Similarly to the lexicon file, the rules file may contain empty lines,
and also comment lines that have (optional leading whitespace followed by)
a "*", and anything on the line following the "*" is ignored.

If no rules file by the specified name does not exist,
also the name with F<.sc> appended will be tried.

=head2 Options


Display the basic help text.


Do not display the results in screen.


Do not produce the output file.  The default is to create
F<foo.out> from F<foo.sc>.


The default format is C<< %o --> %t >> which means the original followed
by an "arrow" and the transformed result.


Display the individual rules being applied.


Show version of the F<sounds.pl> script.

All the options can be shortened to their unique prefixes, and also the
leading C<--> be shortened to a single C<->.


Heavy intellectual debt to Mark Rosenfelder,
see http://www.zompist.com/sounds.htm
The user interface is not exactly the same.





=head1 README

Apply sound changes.  Hopefully amusing for linguists, hobby or serious.

=head1 SEE ALSO



(C) 2003 by Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi>

All rights reserved. You may distribute this code under the terms
of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License,
as specified in the Perl README file.
