Filter::HereDocIndent - Indent here documents


     use Filter::HereDocIndent;
     # an indented block with an indented here doc
     if ($sometest) {
             print <<'(MYDOC)';

    outputs (with text beginning at start of line):


    HereDocIndent mimics the planned behavior of here documents in Perl 6.


    Filter::HereDocIndent can be installed with the usual routine:

     perl Makefile.PL
     make test
     make install


    HereDocIndent requires Filter::Util::Call, which is part of the
    standard distribution starting with Perl 5.6.0. For earlier versions of
    Perl you will need to install Filter::Util::Call, which requires either
    a C compiler or a pre-compiled binary.


    HereDocIndent allows you to indent your here documents along with the
    rest of the code. The contents of the here doc and the ending delimiter
    itself may be indented with any amount of whitespace. Each line of
    content will have the leading whitespace stripped off up to the amount
    of whitespace that the closing delimiter is indented. Only whitespace
    is stripped off the beginning of the line, never any other characters

    For example, in the following code the closing delimiter is indented
    eight spaces:

     if ($sometest) {
             print <<'(MYDOC)';

    All of the content lines in the example will have the leading eight
    whitespace characters removed, thereby outputting the content at the
    beginning of the line:


    If a line is indented more than the closing delimiter, it will be
    indented by the extra amount in the results. For example, this code (+
    is used to indicate spaces):

     if ($sometest) {
     ++++++++print <<'(MYDOC)';

    produces this output:


    HereDocIndent does not distinguish between different types of
    whitespace. If you indent the closing delimiter with a single tab, and
    the contents eight spaces, each line of content will lose just one
    space character. The best practice is to be consistent in how you
    indent, using just tabs or just spaces.

    HereDocIndent will only remove leading whitespace. If one of the lines
    of content is not indented, the non-whitespace characters will not be
    removed. The trailing newline is never removed.


    By default the contents of the here document are indented to the same
    extent as the closing delimiter. If you want to leave the contents
    indented, but still indent the closing delimiter so that it lines up
    with its content, set the INDENT_CONTENT option to zero in when you
    load HereDocIndent:

     use Filter::HereDocIndent INDENT_CONTENT=>0;


    BUG: Please note that there is a bug I haven't resolved with NWS
    filtering. If the {nws} string appears at the beginning or end of the
    heredoc then it's not stripped out. In the middle it should be OK.

    The NWS option helps you clean up the contents of heredocs by allowing
    you to add whitespace in your perl code but have it stripped out when
    your program runs.

    To enable NWS ("no whitespace") filtering, add the NWS option to the
    "use" command:

     use Filter::HereDocIndent NWS=>1;

    Anywhere in a heredoc that HereDocIndent sees the string {nws} it will
    strip out that string and all surrounding whitespace. NWS is handy for
    outputting strings like HTML where avoiding whitespace can clutter up
    your code. For example, the following code will output HTML without any
    spaces between the tags:

            print <<"(HTML)";
            <a href=""> {nws}
            <img src="logo.png" alt="logo"> {nws}


    HereDocIndent was written to be conservative in what it decides are
    here documents. HereDocIndent recognizes the most common usage for here
    docs and disregards other less common usages. If you constrain your
    here doc declarations to the format recognized by HereDocIndent (which
    is by far the most popular format) then your code will compile just

    The format recognized by HereDocIndent is a single print statement or
    variable assignment, followed by <<, then a quoted string or unquoted
    string of word characters, then a semicolon, then the end of line. Here
    are a few examples that would be parsed properly by HereDocIndent:

     print << '(MYDOC)';
     print << "MYDOC";
     my $var = <<EOT;
     push @arr, <<  '(MYDOC)';
     mysub (<<'MYDOC');

    Here are a few examples that would not be recognized by HereDocIndent:

     push @arr, <<'MYDOC', 'foo';
     print <<'MYDOC', "------\n";

    HereDocIndent does not currently recognize POD notation, so there could
    be unintended problems if you put text in your POD that looks like a
    here doc. This issue will need to be fixed in a later release.
    HereDocIndent also does not recognize if an entire line is inside
    quotes from another line, or even inside a here doc that it didn't


    There are several other here doc indentation techniques, particularly
    those discussed in the Perl FAQ. Those techniques generally have
    several shortcomings.

    First, they require you to modify how you create the here doc. Instead
    of simply creating the here doc as you usually would, except that it is
    indented, you have to pass the entire string into a function of through
    a regex to modify it.

    Second, they usually require that the ending delimiter is still flush
    against the left margin. It should be noted that this shortcoming can
    be overcome by creating the heredoc delimiter with padded spaces in the
    left. However, even that technique requires you to ensure that the here
    doc declaration and the actual delimiter have matching amounts of
    padded space... something I personally find to be a distasteful extra
    drain on my brain resources. HereDocIndent allows you to simply create
    a delimeter and use it as usual.

    Finally, many techniques either produce a string with padded spaces in
    the left margin, or force a function to guess how many spaces it should
    remove. With HereDocIndent, that information is cleanly and
    unambiguously determined by the indentation of the delimiter.

    HereDocIndent mimics the planned behavior of here docs in Perl 6.


    There have been some problems where commented out code that includes
    here docs causes a compiler crash. If your code won't compile check if
    any commented out code uses here docs. Usually to work around the
    problem I just put a space between the two <'s.

    HereDocIndent changes the number of lines in your document, so when you
    get an error that includes the line number of your code, you might find
    that that actual problematic code is a few lines away from that line


    Copyright (c) 2002 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This
    program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with NO
    WARRANTY of any kind.


    Miko O'Sullivan


    Version 0.90 August 6, 2002

      Initial release

    Version 0.91 November 8, 2010

      Modified to fit the situation where the heredoc is an argument in a
      call to a function.

      Minor edits to documentation.

    Version 1.00 July, 2012

      Added NWS option.

      Minor edits to documentation.

    Version 1.01 January 2, 2015

      Fixed CR/LF and encoding issues with the files. Improved tests so
      that they have test names.