Time::Format version 1.01

Time::Format provides a very easy way to format dates and times.  The
formatting functions are tied to hash variables, so they can be used
inside strings as well as in ordinary expressions.  The formatting
codes used are meant to be easy to remember, use, and read.  They
follow a simple, consistent pattern.  If I've done my job right, once
you learn the codes, you should never have to refer to the
documentation again.  A quick-reference page is included, just in
case.  ;-)

Time::Format can also format DateTime objects, and strings created
with Date::Manip.

Also provided is a tied-hash interface to POSIX::strftime and

If the I18N::Langinfo module is available, Time::Format provides
weekday and month names in a language appropriate for your locale.

A companion module, Time::Format_XS, is also available; if it is
installed, Time::Format will detect and use it, which will result in a
significant speed improvement.


 $time{'Weekday Month d, yyyy'}   Thursday June 5, 2003
 $time{'Day Mon d, yyyy'}         Thu Jun 5, 2003
 $time{'DAY MON d, yyyy'}         THU JUN 5, 2003
 $time{'dd/mm/yyyy'}              05/06/2003
 $time{yymmdd}                    030605
 $time{'yymmdd',time-86400}       030604

 $time{'H:mm:ss am'}              1:02:14 pm
 $time{'hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu'}         13:02:14.171447

 $time{'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mmm'} 2003/06/05 13:02:14.171

 $strftime{'%A %B %d, %Y'}             Thursday June 05, 2003
 $strftime{'%A %B %d, %Y',time+86400}  Friday June 06, 2003

 $manip{'%m/%d/%Y'}               06/05/2003
 $manip{'%m/%d/%Y','yesterday'}   06/04/2003
 $manip{'%m/%d/%Y','first monday in November 2000'}  11/06/2000

There are also corresponding functions for each of these hashes, which
you can use if you prefer (or need) a function-based interface.


Support added for DateTime objects, DateTime stringifications, and
Date::Manip strings.

If you find any bugs, or if any behavior of Time::Format surprises
you, I would be grateful if you could send me an email message about
it.  Thanks.


To install this module, do the standard Perl module four-step:

   perl Makefile.PL    or    perl Makefile.pl LIB='my/install/path'
   make test
   make install


This module can use these other modules and libraries:

  I18N::Langinfo  (optional)
  POSIX           (optional)
  Time::HiRes     (optional)
  Date::Manip     (optional)
  Time::Format_XS (optional)
  Test::More      (used by the test suite only)
  Time::Local     (used by the test suite only)


Eric J. Roode, roode@cpan.org

Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Eric J. Roode. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

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