Plack::Middleware::Debug::CatalystPluginCache - Panel for monitoring

    version 0.101

        enable "Debug:CatalystPluginCache";

    is equivalent to:

        enable "Debug:CatalystPluginCache",
            app_class => '...', # Catalyst class name is determined automatically
            show_process_stats   => 1,
            show_global_stats    => 0,
            track_miss_locations => 0;

    The default output consists of a summary of cache statistics, for each
    of the caches configured for Catalyst::Plugin::Cache, for the current

        Cache   Get   Miss  Hit%  Set Compute Remove  Backend
        default 11    10    9.09  11  0       0       Cache::Memcached::libmemcached=HASH(0xa682020)

    This becomes more useful as more Catalyst::Plugin::Cache caches are
    configured for different uses. You can then see more fine-grained
    details of how effectively the different caches are being used.

    If "track_miss_locations" is enabled then, for each cache that had one
    or more misses, a summary of the subroutine call paths that encountered
    the misses is displayed:

        Call paths for misses in the default cache:
        . Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache::Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried::get@106 =>
        . . Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple::Catalyst::Plugin::PageCache::dispatch@76 =>
        . . . Catalyst::Engine::PSGI::Hello::dispatch@158 =>
        . . . . Catalyst::Engine::PSGI::(eval)@156 =>
        . . . . . Catalyst::Catalyst::Engine::PSGI::run@2386 =>
        . . . . . . . misses => 1

    Some 'uninteresting' packages are filtered out to aid readability.

    If "show_process_stats" is enabled then a summary of the cache
    statistics is shown, like "General" above, except the stats refer to the
    lifetime of the server process which handled the request. Typically only
    useful in development environments with a single Plack application
    server process.

    If "show_global_stats" is enabled then the cache backend service is
    queried for global stats before and after the request is processed and
    the differences in counts are displayed. For example:

        Cache    Global stats changes during time of request
        default  bytes: +2, bytes_read: +65915, bytes_written: +1635, cmd_get: +11, cmd_set: +11,
                 curr_items: +1, evictions: +1, get_hits: +1, get_misses: +10, total_connections: +2, total_items: +11

    Currently only global stats fromCache::Memcached::libmemcached based
    caches are supported. Others could be added easily. Note that these
    backend cache server stats will obviously be affected by any other
    clients using the cache services. They are most useful in development
    environments with a dedicated backend cache server.

    Plack::Middleware::Debug, Cache::Memcached::libmemcached