Autoload::AUTOCAN - Easily set up autoloading


      package My::Class;
      use Moo; # or object system of choice
      use Autoload::AUTOCAN;
      has count => (is => 'rw', default => 0);
      sub increment { $_[0]->count($_[0]->count + 1) }
      sub AUTOCAN {
        my ($self, $method) = @_;
        return sub { $_[0]->increment } if $method =~ m/inc/;
        return undef;
      # elsewhere
      my $obj = My::Class->new;
      say $obj->count; # 1
      $obj->increment; # existing method, not autoloaded
      say $obj->count; # 2
      say $obj->count; # 3
      $obj->explode; # method not found error


    Autoloading is a very powerful mechanism for dynamically handling
    function calls that are not defined. However, its implementation is
    very complicated. For the simple case where you wish to allow method
    calls to methods that don't yet exist, this module allows you to define
    an AUTOCAN method which will return either a code reference or undef.

    Autoload::AUTOCAN installs an AUTOLOAD subroutine in the current
    package, which is invoked when an unknown method is called. The
    installed AUTOLOAD will call AUTOCAN with the invocant (class or object
    the method was called on) and the method name. If AUTOCAN returns a
    code reference, it will be called with the same arguments as passed to
    the unknown method (including the invocant). If AUTOCAN returns undef,
    an error will be thrown as expected when calling an undefined method.

    Along with AUTOLOAD, the module installs a can method which returns
    code references as normal for defined methods (see UNIVERSAL), and
    delegates to AUTOCAN for unknown methods.


    Autoload::AUTOCAN accepts import arguments to configure its behavior.


    AUTOLOAD affects standard function calls in addition to method calls.
    By default, the AUTOLOAD provided by this module will die (as Perl
    normally does without a defined AUTOLOAD) if a nonexistent function is
    called without a class or object invocant. If you wish to autoload
    functions instead of methods, you can pass functions as an import
    argument, and the installed AUTOLOAD will autoload functions using
    AUTOCAN from the current package, rather than using the first argument
    as an invocant.

      package My::Functions;
      use Autoload::AUTOCAN 'functions';
      sub AUTOCAN {
        my ($package, $function) = @_;
        return sub { $_[0]x5 } if $function =~ m/dup/;
        return undef;
      # elsewhere
      say My::Functions::duplicate('foo'); # foofoofoofoofoo
      say My::Functions::foo('bar'); # undefined subroutine error


    By passing install_subs as an import argument, any autoloaded function
    or method returned by AUTOCAN will be installed into the package, so
    that future invocations do not need to go through AUTOLOAD. This should
    not be used if the autoloaded code is expected to change in subsequent
    calls to AUTOCAN, as the installed version will be called or returned
    by can directly.

      package My::Class;
      use Moo;
      use Autoload::AUTOCAN 'install_subs';
      sub AUTOCAN {
        my ($self, $method) = @_;
        my $hash = expensive_calculation($method);
        return sub { $hash };
      # elsewhere
      my $obj = My::Class->new;
      $obj->foo; # sub foo installed in My::Class
      $obj->foo; # not autoloaded anymore


    If you use namespace::clean, it will clean up the installed AUTOLOAD
    function. To avoid this, either use this module after namespace::clean,
    or add an exception for AUTOLOAD as below.

      use Autoload::AUTOCAN;
      use namespace::clean -except => 'AUTOLOAD';

    This issue does not seem to occur with namespace::autoclean.


    Report any issues on the public bugtracker.


    Dan Book <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Dan Book.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)


    AutoLoader, SelfLoader