WebService::Tuya::IoT::API - Perl library to access the Tuya IoT API


    use WebService::Tuya::IoT::API;
    my $ws             = WebService::Tuya::IoT::API->new(client_id=>$client_id, client_secret=>$client_secret);
    my $access_token   = $ws->access_token;
    my $device_status  = $ws->device_status($deviceid);
    my $response       = $ws->device_commands($deviceid, {code=>'switch_1', value=>$boolean ? \1 : \0});


Perl library to access the Tuya IoT API to control and read the state of Tuya compatible smart devices.

Tuya compatible smart devices include outlets, switches, lights, window covers, etc.


Other projects have documented device setup, so I will not go into details here.  The [TinyTuya](https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya#setup-wizard---getting-local-keys) setup documentation is the best that I have found. Please note some setup instructions step through the process of creating an app inside the Tuya IoT project, but I was able to use the Smart Life app for device discovery and pair the app with the API by scanning the QR code.

- You must configure your devices with the Smart Life ([iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/smart-life-smart-living/id1115101477),[Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tuya.smartlife)) app.
- You must create an account and project on the [Tuya IoT Platform](https://iot.tuya.com/).
- You must link the Smart Life app to the project with the QR code.
- You must configure the correct project data center to see your devices in the project (Note: My devices call the Western America Data Center even though I'm located in Eastern America).
- You must use the host associated to your data center. The default host is the Americas which is set as openapi.tuyaus.com.


## new

    my $ws = WebService::Tuya::IoT::API->new;


## http\_hostname

Sets and returns the host name for the API service endpoint.

    $ws->http_hostname("openapi.tuyaus.com"); #Americas
    $ws->http_hostname("openapi.tuyacn.com"); #China
    $ws->http_hostname("openapi.tuyaeu.com"); #Europe
    $ws->http_hostname("openapi.tuyain.com"); #India

default: openapi.tuyaus.com

## client\_id

Sets and returns the Client ID found on [https://iot.tuya.com/](https://iot.tuya.com/) project overview page.

## client\_secret

Sets and returns the Client Secret found on [https://iot.tuya.com/](https://iot.tuya.com/) project overview page.


## api

Calls the Tuya IoT API and returns the parsed JSON data structure.  This method automatically handles access token and web request signatures.

    my $response = $ws->api(GET  => 'v1.0/token?grant_type=1');                                                             #get access token
    my $response = $ws->api(GET  => "v1.0/iot-03/devices/$deviceid/status");                                                #get status of $deviceid
    my $response = $ws->api(POST => "v1.0/iot-03/devices/$deviceid/commands", {commands=>[{code=>'switch_1', value=>\0}]}); #set switch_1 off on $deviceid


- [https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/new-singnature?id=Kbw0q34cs2e5g](https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/new-singnature?id=Kbw0q34cs2e5g)
- [https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/blob/ffcec471a9c4bba38d5bf224608e20bc148f1b86/tinytuya/Cloud.py#L130](https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/blob/ffcec471a9c4bba38d5bf224608e20bc148f1b86/tinytuya/Cloud.py#L130)
- [https://bestlab-platform.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bestlab\_platform.tuya.html](https://bestlab-platform.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bestlab_platform.tuya.html)

## api\_get, api\_post, api\_put, api\_delete

Wrappers around the `api` method with hard coded HTTP methods.

## access\_token

Wrapper around `api` method which calls and caches the token web service for a temporary access token to be used for subsequent web service calls.

    my $access_token = $ws->access_token; #requires client_id and client_secret

## device\_status

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device status API destination.

    my $device_status = $ws->device_status($deviceid);

## device\_status\_code\_value

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device status API destination and return the value for the given switch code.

    my $value = $ws->device_status_code_value($deviceid, $code); #isa JSON Boolean

default: code => switch\_1

## device\_information

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device information API destination.

    my $device_information = $ws->device_information($deviceid);

## device\_freeze\_state

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device freeze-state API destination.

    my $device_freeze_state = $ws->device_freeze_state($deviceid);

## device\_factory\_infos

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device factory-infos API destination.

    my $device_factory_infos = $ws->device_factory_infos($deviceid);

## device\_specification

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device specification API destination.

    my $device_specification = $ws->device_specification($deviceid);

## device\_protocol

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device protocol API destination.

    my $device_protocol = $ws->device_protocol($deviceid);

## device\_properties

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device properties API destination.

    my $device_properties = $ws->device_properties($deviceid);

## device\_commands

Wrapper around `api` method to access the device commands API destination.

    my $switch   = 'switch_1';
    my $value    = $boolean ? \1 : \0;
    my $response = $ws->device_commands($deviceid, {code=>$switch, value=>$value});

## device\_command\_code\_value

Wrapper around `device_commands` for one command with code and value keys;

    my $response = $ws->device_command_code_value($deviceid, $code, $value);


## ua

Returns an [HTTP::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTTP::Tiny) web client user agent


- [Tuya IoT Platform](https://iot.tuya.com/)
- [TinyTuya - Python](https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya)
- [Smart Life - iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/smart-life-smart-living/id1115101477)
- [Smart Life - Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tuya.smartlife)


Michael R. Davis


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Michael R. Davis