NAME rmcd - Remotely control a daemonized Mplayer process SYNOPSIS rmcd [OPTION]... [FILE/URI] DESCRIPTION rmcd is a mplayer daemon/client - it daemonizes itself, playing music/movies/radio stations and waiting for input through the named pipe. You can send commands, load and play new content whenever you like. You can run rmcd on one computer and remotely control it on another, fully transparent. It only cares for the presence of the named pipe. You can also setup mplayer to stream the content to you, creating a solution similar to MPD and their builti-in httpd streaming (except MPD does not support video streaming). rmcd features a built-in, user configurable, web radio management system, functionality for copying the current track to your portable mp3 player or wherever you prefer, favorizing of tracks and loading of the same, now playing information for both local files and streams, along with other nifty stuff. OPTIONS -l, --load play FILE(s)/URI or radio station (see -chanlist) -r, --shuffle shuffle the playlist before adding it --repeat turn repeat ON -pl, --playlist show the current playlist -ch, --chanlist list available radio channels -c, --cmd send COMMAND to a running process (see shortcuts) -cl, --clist show a list of commands that are supported -cp, --copy copy TRACK to DESTDIR -ccp, --custom-cp execute a custom copy function, as specified in rmcd.conf -i, --info show now playing information -si, --shinfo show now playing information on single line -k, --kill kill the running process -h, --help show the help -m, --man show the manow_playingage -d, --debug run in debug mode -n, --next next in playlist -p, --prev previous in playlist -t, --toggle toggle playback -s, --stop stop playback -f, --fullscreen toggle fullscreen ENVIRONMENT The configuration file should be placed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rmcd/rmcd.conf AUTHOR Magnus Woldrich CPAN ID: WOLDRICH CONTRIBUTORS None required yet. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010, 2011 the rmcd "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This application is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO rmcd.conf(1) Radio Playing Daemon <> Mplayer::NowPlaying <>