# NAME Dispatcher::Small - Small dispatcher with Regular-Expression # SYNOPSIS use Dispatcher::Small; my $ds = Dispatcher::Small->new( qr'^/user/(?<id>.+)' => { action => \&user }, qr'^/' => { action => \&root }, ); my $res = $ds->match('/user/oreore'); ### $res = { action => sub {...}, id => 'oreore' } # DESCRIPTION "Dispatcher::Small" is a dispatcher class that is written in perl, and is maybe smallest one of them in the world... maybe. # REQUIREMENT Dispatcher::Small requires perl-5.10 or later. # METHODS ## new my %dispatch_rule = ( qr'^/user/(?<id>.+)' => \&user, qr'^/' => \&root, ); my $object = Dispatcher::Small->new( %dispatch_rule ); Constructor method. ## match my $res = $object->match('/user/oreore'); Returns matching result as hashref. # LICENSE Copyright (C) ytnobody. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ytnobody <ytnobody@gmail.com>